Idaho Career & Technical Education
FY18Perkins Reserve Fund Application
Title I of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical
Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV)
P. L. 109-270
The Reserve Fund
Idaho Career & Technical Education(ICTE) has reserved funds in accordance with Section 112(a)(1) of Perkins IV to facilitate the transition of career & technical education students from secondary to postsecondary programs.Applications must be submitted each year to apply for funds under Title I of Perkins IV and must be submitted for each allowable activity you plan to fund during FY2018.
Perkins IV funds are intended to improve career and technical education programs through (1) student attainment of challenging academic and technical standards; (2) integration of rigorous and challenging academic and career and technical instruction; (3) linkages between secondary and postsecondary education; and (4) providing individuals with opportunities for lifelong learning. Although rigorous and challenging academic standards are referenced throughout Perkins IV, funds may not be used for academic programs.
Historically, federal career and technical education funds have been targeted to promote preparation in the skills that are needed by business and industry. The 2006 Amendments (Perkins IV) build on this purpose by promoting the development of challenging academic and technical standards including preparation for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging occupations.
Perkins I and II included special provisions for special population students. Perkins III replaced the emphasis on special populations with increased accountability at the state and local levels. Perkins IV builds on the increased accountability under Perkins III by requiring local education agencies (LEAs to set specific performance targets on each performance measure and be responsible for meeting those targets. Additionally, Perkins IV imposes specific sanction requirements for LEAs that do not meet their performance targets.
The new accountability and sanction requirements will require each institution to think more strategically about the use of Perkins IV funds and to focus activities on efforts that help meet performance targets. At the postsecondary level, academic attainment will no longer be reported as a separate measure, but technical skill proficiency will include student attainment on technical assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards when possible. Additionally, student placement in high-wage, high-skill or high-demand occupations or professions must be measured at the postsecondary level.
Equitable Access
Section 427 of the General Education Provisions Act requires each applicant for funds (other than an individual person) to include in its application a description of the steps the applicant proposes to take to ensure equitable access to, and participation in, its Federally-assisted program for students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries with special needs. This provision allows applicants discretion in developing the required description. The statute highlights six types of barriers that can impede equitable access or participation: gender, race, national origin, color, disability, or age. A new question has been added regarding Section 427.
Professional Development
Under Perkins IV, professional development must be high quality, sustained, intensive and focused on increasing the knowledge and understanding of industry standards, as appropriate of career & technical education. Perkins funds can no longer be used to fund one-day or short-term workshops or conferences that are not part of a high quality, sustained and intensive professional development program. Professional development must meet these criteria and be supported by individual professional development plans.
Career Guidance and Academic Counseling
Career guidance and counseling activities (including recruitment) are limited to students who are enrolled in career and technical education programs and may include activities such as guidance in potential employment opportunities in career pathways, development of career and education plans, FAFSA and admission advising, etc.
Programs for special populations which include preliminary intake and related services to individuals prior to enrollment in approved career and technical education programs are an allowable activity under Perkins IV. However, these programs should result in (a) enrollment of members of special populations in career and technical education; (b) retention of special populations students in career and technical education programs; or (c) employment for members of special populations who graduate from career and technical education programs. Perkins IV eliminated “Other barriers to educational achievement” from the definition of special populations.
Eligible Recipients
Institutions eligible for a postsecondary Reserve Fund grant award must currently offer Perkins approved CTE programs and meet at least one of the following criteria:
1)Be located in a rural area, or
2) Have a high number of CTE students, or
3) Have a high percentage of CTE students.
Award Period
This Reserve Fund grant is for FY18: July 1, 2017through June 30, 2018. All activities and expenditures must occur within the grant period.
Purposes for Reserve Fund:
- Transition secondary career & technical students to postsecondary CTE programs.
- Focus on student access to Dual Credit (technical only) and Technical Competency Credit advanced opportunities that directly benefitsa student’s postsecondary goals and reduces the time and cost of obtaining a postsecondary credential. TCC and Dual Credit are identified as Advanced Opportunities by the Idaho State Board of Education, Advanced Opportunities Policy III.Y;, it should not delineate from Board policy.
CTE Advanced Opportunities are intended to provide students a head start on a technical certificate or an associate of applied science degree. Therefore, students whom transcript these credits should primarily be those transitioning into postsecondary CTE programs or who have determined the credits provide the benefits of saving time and money in earning their intended postsecondary credential.
- Support the implementation of horizontal and vertical program alignment,by promoting a thoughtful sequence of rigorous high school career-focused courses that facilitate transition to postsecondary education by promoting academic integration and content alignment to postsecondary career & technical programs. Secondary programs (pathway & career specialty) are the primary focus of alignment with postsecondary CTE programs.
Individual articulation agreementsfor TCC should be entered into in limited cases where specific classes do not fall under statewide articulation, and:
secondary educators hold the appropriate credentials and certification in the program area where postsecondary credit is to be awarded;
secondary and postsecondary faculty reach agreement on the competencies; and
secondary and postsecondary faculty reach agreement on the required level of proficiency and approved assessment of student skills.
Individual articulations must not delineate from learning outcomes of programs that have already been horizontally aligned.
Statewide articulation agreements will be provided by ICTE for each program that has gone through horizontal program alignment andinstitutions have adopted curriculum changes. Statewide articulations will provide information on the grouping of badges and competencies that must be met, as well as Technical Skills Assessments (TSA) and other postsecondary requirements for TCC.
Dual Credit is identified as one advanced opportunity (academic or technical) by the IdahoState Board of Education inAdvanced Opportunities Policy III.Y. While the grant will focus on Dual Credit technical courses only, it should not delineate from Board policy and work closely with institutional academic dual credit to streamline the process.
- This project will commit to the equivalent of at least one (1) full-time position for the oversight of the project.
Data System
The Career and Technology Education Management System (CATEMA) and Idaho SkillStack will be used for the enrollment of students into CTE Advanced Opportunities. ICTE will provide separate funding for CATEMA in FY18. ICTE will support the integration and eventual transition to SkillStack for the management of technical competencies and career skills attainment.
Allowable Non-Allowable Use of Reserve Funds
Reserve funds must be used to support the coordination of the project and associated expenses. Funds may not be used to pay for administration; direct instructional program support; facilitation of general academic/transfer credit operations; indirect rates; or to provide funds directly to local school districts.
Allowable / Non-AllowableAdministrative Costs (5%) / Acquisition of equipment for personal use
Advisory councils (printing, materials, etc. - No food or beverages) / Capital expenditures
Career guidance and academic counseling to students who are enrolled in career & technical education programs / CTSO competition costs, including student travel
Communication costs (ie. telephone, postage) / Donations and contributions
CTE teacher in-service / Dues & memberships to professional organizations or societies for individuals
Curriculum development / Entertainment
Marketing and outreach materials / Expenditures associated with students not enrolled in CTE programs
Meeting and conferences / Expenditures for CTE programs below the 7th grade
Printing and Reproduction / Expenditures not related to project outcomes
Professional development costs / Expenditures to support academic programs or remediation
Professional service costs / Fines and penalties
Program Evaluation / Food and beverages
Publication and printing costs / Fundraising expenditures
Salaries (must provide time and effort) / Gifts, door prizes, etc.
Single copy reference materials, including single-user electronic reference materials / Goods or services for personal use
Instructional aides, uniforms, tools or other items to be retained by students Interest and other financial costs (not CTAE related)
Stipends / Items retained by student
Training costs / Paying for remedial courses
Transportation (related to CTE program standards and/or transition to postsecondary CTE programs) / Print textbooks, electronic textbooks, and/or other electronic media used as the primary source of content delivery
Promotional materials such as T-shirts, pens, cups, key chains
Substitute pay for teachers
Technology related to basic instructional delivery, e.g., Smart Boards, cell phones, etc.
This is not a complete list of allowable/unallowable costs as it relates to Perkins. The allowability of any cost should be determined by considering the grant's purpose, Carl D. Perkins requirements, and any pertinentFederal cost guidelines. All costs must be related to the program as approved in the local Perkins application.
Reporting RequirementsFY2018 reporting will include:
- number of enrolled students in local and state articulated CTE Advanced Opportunities
- number of enrolled students who met requirements to earn postsecondary credit
- number of enrolled students who transition to a postsecondary CTE program
- number of postsecondary credits transcribed at time of transition
- number of enrolled students who transition to other postsecondary programs
- Activities resulting from project
- Measurable Outcomes/Project Deliverables
- Sustainability/Plans for Continued Implementation
Application Process
Institutions must submit an application describing the nature and scope of the proposed project. Applications for Perkins Reserve funds must include:
☐Signed Signature Page
☐Application and Project Description Form
☐Form CS5/10F, ICTE Program Budget Request
☐Budget Narrative
Expenditures made with federal funds must meet the following criteria:
- Federal funds must be used to supplementnot supplantstate and local resources.
- Costs must be necessary and reasonable for the proper and efficient administration of the program.
- Costs must be allocable to the project.
Deadline: June20, 2017
Perkins Reserve Fund
Fiscal Year 2018
Institution NameSignature of Authorized Institution Official / Date
Contact Person for the Institution / Title
Completed Applications must be mailed to:
Idaho Career & Technical Education
ATTN: Adrian San Miguel
P.O. BOX 83720
Boise, ID 83720
Project Description
- Describe the process for developing and implementing Technical Competency Credit & Dual Credit for technical courses, including how required competencies are identified and determining the conditions for awarding postsecondary credit.
- Describe the communication tools (printed, electronic, etc.) that will be used to convey information to students regarding CTE Advanced Opportunities.
- Describe how the project will support student progress in completing career & technical secondary programs and transitioning to postsecondary programs.
- Describe how the project will provide current information regarding the needs and expectations of industry.
- Describe how the project will provide information to students on employment opportunities within career pathways.
- Describe how the project will provide information to students, parents, teachers, and counselors regarding the effect and transferability of transcribed credits to insure that students can make decisions regarding the transcription of credits that directly benefit their postsecondary goals.
- Describe how the project will improve career guidance and academic counseling for CTE students. This may include the creation and use of graduation and career plans.
3. / TITLE
(Include temporary help)
(Include lodging, per diem, and registration)
(Include professional/contract services)
1.SALARIES & BENEFITS(Include temporary help)
(Include lodging, per diem, and registration)
(Include professional/contract services)
5.EQUIPMENT - (List of the specific number and type of equipment to be purchased)