Oldmans Township
Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2013
The regular monthly meeting of the Oldmans Township Committee was held on November 13, 2013. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Moore at 7:00 PM. This meeting was held in compliance with the Sunshine Law. All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present: Harry Moore, George Bradford and Cordy Taylor
Previous Minutes:October 9, 2013 Regular Meeting
October 9, 2013 Executive Meeting
October 28, 2013 Special/Budget Meeting
Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed to approve the minutes.
Ordinance 2013-10Amending Chapter 166 of the Oldmans Township Code and Providing for Increased Fees for Water Service in the Village of Auburn
Mr. Hackett explained that there will be $5.00 increase per quarter beginning January 2014. Public hearing will be held at the December 11th meeting.
Resolution 2013-118Introduction to Ordinance 2013-10
Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.
Ordinance 2013-11Amending the Oldmans Township Code and Providing for Salaries, Wages and Retainers for Township Officers and Employees
The purpose of this ordinance is to approve salaries and wages for 2014; there is a 2.0% increase in wages included in the ordinance. Public hearing will take place December 11th.
Resolution 2013-119Introduction to Ordinance 2013-11
Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.
Ordinance 2013-12Appropriating Funds in the Amount of $30,000.00 from the General Capital Fund for the Purchase of Office Equipment for Oldmans Township and Purchase of Emergency Equipment for the First Aid Organization and Fire Companies of Oldmans Township
Funds for these purchases will come from prior years’ budgets; the Township is not borrowing any funds.
Resolution 2013-120Introduction to Ordinance 2013-12
Mr. Bradford made motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.
Resolution 2013-121MHG Gateway Properties LLC Designation as Major Industrial Project with Corresponding Compensation to Construction Official
The Building Inspector will be compensated based on the size of the improvements to Mullica Hill Cold Storage. The compensation will be staged according to completion of the building and submission of inspection reports.
Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.
Resolution 2013-122Refund of Premium for US Bank Cust/Crestar Capital LLC
Block 5.01/Lot 8
Crestar Capital paid the taxes on the property at a tax sale. The lien has since then been redeemed and a refund is due in the amount of $4,500.
Resolution 2013-123Property Maintenance Liens on:Block 10/Lot 14$125.00
Block 36/Lot 36$125.00
Block 36/Lot 37$125.00
The liens are being placed on the properties for lot cleaning. Each owner was notified but no response was made to mow their grass so the Township had to mow.
Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.
Resolution 2013-124Transfer of Unexpended Funds for Road Improvements
Mr. Hackett explained that this resolution will cancel Capital Ordinance 2012-04 which had been used for road improvements. There is $135.89 left in the ordinance which will be transferred.
Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.
Resolution 2013-1252013 Budget Transfers
There is a total of $9,000.00 being transferred from five accounts. Some of the funds were necessary to be transferred because the Township was paying for maintaining two municipal buildings prior to the sale of the old municipal building.
Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.
Resolution 2013-126Refund Escrow Account Balances:
Security Plaza, LLC$ 50.00
Roger Wong$ 30.00
Wistar Equipment Inc.$157.50
Second Baptist Church$576.20
WJV Builders LLC$230.50
Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.
Discussion Items:
4 P’s Land Developers – Mr. Bickel had written a letter to the Township Committee requesting release of $3,700.00 which had been held in escrow for monument delineation at Lennox Run. Ryan Homes opened a general escrow account which paid Mr. Bickel for his engineering costs. Mr. Bickel was paid for every house inspection. Mr. Taylor would like a report from Mr. Bickel for the monuments. The Committee requested Ms. Taylor to send a letter to Mr. Bickel stating an inspection report is required, the developer must request the release and clarification as to the location of the funds. The request for release of the $3,700 was tabled by the Committee until the December meeting to allow time for Mr. Bickel and 4 P’s to respond.
Schoolhouse Condominiums – Mr. Hoffman had written to them prior to our Township meeting but did not receive a response. Mr. Tedesco stated that they received their septic approval. The property went to tax sale and the back taxes have not yet been paid. Mr. Moore stated he would contact them. On a motion from Mr. Bradford, which was seconded by Mr. Moore, (Mr. Taylor abstained) it was agreed to allow Mr. Hoffman to send a letter to Mrs. O’Neill encouraging her to demolish the building on her own. If there is no response or a response not to the satisfaction of the Committee, Mr. Hoffman can proceed with another court order requesting demolition.
*Public Comments -
Wayne Niebauer -The replaced war memorial looks great. Also concerned about the condition of Lerro Road where South Jersey Gas fixed their line and left the road in poor condition. Mr. Moore stated that South Jersey Gas Company has been notified to fix the road.
Dean Sparks -Wanted to know if the position for Planning Board Secretary was advertised and would that person be a Class II with voting rights. Mr. Hoffman stated that the position was Committee appointment and not advertised. Mr. Moore stated that it has not been decided yet if the Secretary will be a Class II.
Mike Moore -Questioned the lettering on the newly refurbished tanker. The Fire Company would like Logan Volunteer Fire to have their name on the tanker. Mr. Taylor stated that the tanker is serving all of Oldmans Township. The new turnout gear now says Oldmans Township. Mike Moore said the current one command structure is not working.
Wayne Niebauer - Suggested keeping both names on the tanker: Oldmans Township and Pedricktown Fire. Auburn and Pedricktown each have their own identities. Mayor Moore stated it will taken into consideration.
Gary Green -Wanted to know if the School Board will have a position on the Planning Board in 2014 with the new structure. Mr. Taylor stated the appointments are made in 2014.
Closed Public Portion
Payment of BillsMr. Taylor made a motion to approve the payment of bills and the added bills list, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.
Mr. Hackett -Wanted to know status of Waste Management’s submission of monthly recycling reports prior to sending in payment. Ms. Taylor stated missing report had been received the day before.
Next Budget Workshop Meeting is scheduled for December 11th at 5:00 p.m.
Have a proposal from Environmental Technical for Auburn Water for two new pump house heaters costing $1,830.00. There is an open capital ordinance which could be used to fund the purchase of the heaters.
Mr. Hoffman -Will send Schoolhouse Condominiums a letter outlining the intention of the Committee.
Tom Tedesco -Obtaining preliminary numbers to fix drain tiles in Kay Gardens. Should have shortly.
George Bradford -Contractor is coming back to Auburn to place additional patch on Main Street where testing was done to repair the leak in the pipes.
Harry Moore -There is a bill pending that vacant and abandoned buildings would have to be registered with the municipality.
There will be a new traffic pattern for Route 130 with possible detours during the refurbishment of the bridge.
There being no further business, on motion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Bradford and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Melinda Taylor
Municipal Clerk