Unit Title: Edmund Rice
Outcomes: Catholic Practices (cp) Students demonstrate the skills necessary in order to read and apply Scripture to life and to participate in Catholic
ritual and prayer.
Drawing on Human Experiences (dhe) Students understand the content of the Christian message and its significance by relating it to
examples drawn from human experience.
AssessmentsAssessment 1: Due: Week 5
Assessment (Journal) 2: Due Week 9
CAT (Exam): Week 8
Progress, Attitude and Homework
Effort and Participation: Assessed in assessments 1 and 2 and class behaviour
Glossary: Week 7 / Key Skills and Activities
Class room skills Bingo
Jigsaw or small group work rotation/card cluster Bible skills
Skimming and Key Words Flow Charts/
Diagramming and labelling Hierarchies/cycles
Think, pair share Comprehension
Silent reading Focus questions
Note taking using frameworks Planning
Key Content
Edmund Rice
How he chose to follow Christ. cp 2.1
His life story and actions cp 2.2, dhe 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2
The Power of Prayer – communicating with God cp1.1
The Memorare. Cp 2.1, cp 3.1
The Rosary and Marian Prayers. cp 2.1, 3.1
The Sacraments and celebrations in ERs life cp 3.1
Catholic celebrations. Cp4.1
The Church – Community cp 3.1, 3.2
The Dignity of the Human Person.
Service towards others dhe 1.2, 2.2
Christian Brothers. Dhe 2.2, 3.2
CB schools. Dhe 3.2, 4.2
College history (symbol and ritual).
The Crest
The Building
The School Song / Glossary Terms
Christian Brother The Marginalized
Prayer Compassion
Bible Piety
Scripture Worship
Example Communication
Christian Participation
Sacraments Marian Prayers
Grace Service
Christian message
Catholic church
Gospel message
Stewardship of Creation
Resources Prayer: The Hail Mary and the Memorare
Edmund Ignatius Rice – a story of compassion (RE office)
Yr 8 Christian Service and Justice Journal
To know, worship and love (KWL)
Catholic Practices – Students demonstrate the skills necessary in order to read and apply Scripture to life and to participate in Catholic ritual and prayer. / Prayer and WorshipStudents demonstrate the complex processes and understanding involved in Catholic prayer and worship. / CP 1.1 Understands that prayer is about communicating with God. / CP 2.1 Understands that participating and celebrating in the life of the Church involves the use of different prayers. / CP 3.1 Understands that for Catholic communities there are different forms of prayer used and a variety of elements as to how people participate in the sacraments. / CP 4.1 Understands that through the key elements and features of prayer, liturgies and the sacraments people relate with God.
Students demonstrate the complex and varied skills and understandings requr4ed by Catholics to interpret and apply Scripture to life. / CP 1.2 Understands that the Bible tells stores that help people make connections between the message of the bible and experiences in people’s lives. / CP 2.2 Understands that the Bible was written in ways that help people apply lessons from Scripture to different situations in every day life. / CP 3.2 Understands that the different authors of the Bible used a range of literary forms to communicate God’s promise to their audience. / CP 4.2 Understands that Scriptural texts were constructed for particular contexts and purposes so as to communicate the truth about God’s relationship with people
Drawing on Human Experience
Students understand the content of the Christian message and its significance be relating it to examples drawn from human experience. / Human experience
Students understand the Christian message as a response to the complexity of human experiences / DHE 1.1 Understands that all people, including Jesus, have the same basic human experiences in life. / DHE 2.1 Understands that people are able to reflect God in how they respond to everyday experiences. / DHE 3.1 Understands the different types to questions people ask as they search for meaning and purpose in their life. / DHE 4.1 Understands that in their desire to find true happiness people experience in their life conflicting tensions and difficulties.
Christian Message
Students understand that the content of the Christian message response to the human need for meaning and purpose in life. / DHE 1.2 Understands that the example of Jesus may be lived by people in their families and schools. / DHE 2.2 Understand that people can live out in their everyday life, the Christian message that Jesus taught. / DHE 3.2 Understands that the Catholic Church provides answers for those people who search for meaning and purpose and for those who seek to live the Christian message in their life. / 4.2 Understands that the Catholic church guides and teaches people as they seek to live out the Gospel message in their life.
Term Planner Yr 8 RE Term 1Jesus and Me
Week and outcome / Key Dates / Teaching/Learning Activity / Resources / Homework/ Assessments1- 3 / Edmund Rice Day 4/5
Mothers Day 11/5 / Edmund Rice
Setting up file for the new unit.
Skimming Exercise using EIR books, note-taking briefly on ER’s life and creation of diagrammatic notes.
School Song – Students to learn to sing with Christian and illustrate the song to go in their files.
Discussion on signs and symbols referring to the icon and the school song. Power point presentation and notes on the icon.
Cross roads students to look at times we all make choices in our lives to do the ‘right thing’.
Students use the symbol of the road to show a time line of ER’s life, his influences (ER p 18) and the choices that he made. Students to do a meditations or reflection on their own lives, influences and the choices that they have made.
Service Journals, Br Warren to visit classes, hand out journals and go through them with students / Set up files
Finish note-taking diagram.
G Piety, Service, Christian Brother, Christian, Example, Mission
Hand out Assessment 1
4 / Acension Sunday 20/5 / The Power of Prayer
Explain the significance of Ascension Sunday.
Hand out information on the Rosary and copies of the Hail Mary and the Memorare – explain the Memorare is ER’s favourite prayer. (prayers in the school diary)
Students to make Rosary Beads and pray the rosary as a class. / Beads / G – Prayer
Liturgies Tradition Worship
Communicating Participation
Marian Prayers
5 / Pentecost 22/5 / Discuss the significance of Pentecost
Define Sacraments and celebrations – Read text chapt 11 and do comprehension questions
Plot ER’s life on a timeline showing the sacraments and celebrations he would have participated in, discuss the importance of being part of community and how we know this was important to ER.
What are our responsibilities as part of a community, group work and report back. / G Sacraments
Assessment 1 Due
6 / PD 1/6 / The Church
Bible work and social justice expectations of CC
ER was called through the Gospel Message.
– Dignity of the Human Person, Service towards others, Community
- Students to come up with ways they can answer the Gospel call. / G – Bible, Scripture, Literary forms
Christian Message
Gospel Message
Stewardship of Creation
The Marginalized
7 / Foundation Day 4/6 / Bible work continued. / Glossary Due
8 / Exams / Exam revision (Bingo of Glossary terms) and exam
9 / CB (Br John) to visit class and talk about being a CB
Do mapping work (do not forget bolts) using the map on page 24 ER.
Go through assessment 2 and journal expectation. / Assessment Two Due
10 / Reports Due / Symbol and Ritual
Look at the Crest of the CBs students to draw and label it ER pg 30 then look at the school Crest Worksheet
Building and History – Trev to talk to the boys about the school and its history.
11 / Journals Due
Outcomes – as per CEO
Levels / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4Drawing on Human Experience
Students understand the content of the Christian message and its significance be relating it to examples drawn from human experience.
At this level / The student: Recognises experiences of being created in the image and likeness of God. / Understands how the content of the Christian message relates to everyday experiences. / Understands that the content of the Christian message responds to people’s search for meaning and purpose in their lives. / Understands how the Christian message is experienced in the lives of peo0le through the Catholic Church.
They identify examples of the different ways they and others reflect God. They are aware that God sent Jesus to teach people how to live.
- Simple connections between their experiences in families and school and how God wants people to live.
- Id ways of living as a Christian.
- Id egs of ways we reflect God.
- Describe similarities between us and Jesus
- Recognise that C message is a reflection of how Jesus taught.
- Explore ways to live the C message.
- Summarise the questions people ask on meaning and purpose.
- Relate a variety of Catholic beliefs and practices to real life needs and situations in society
- Clarify that there are conflicting tensions in the desire to find true happiness.
- Understand how the Catholic Church through the magisterium guides Catholics in living out the Gospel.
- Identify, select and apply the Church’s teachings to real life situations that relate to individuals and society.
- Recognise that the lives of Mary and the saints demonstrate that people can live the Christian message.
- Use knowledge of Church teaching to examine Australian society and whether or not it reflects the Christian message.
Knowing Jesus
Students know the person of Jesus, the model for living out the Christian mission in the world.
At this level / The student:
Recognises how Jesus wants his followers to show love for others. / Recognises that by learning about Jesus and his life, people are shown how to live as God wants / Understands that like Jesus, people are empowered to bring Gods love to all people. / Understands that members of the Church have the power to love as Jesus loves.
Understand and are able to describe, in their own words, how Jesus showed his love for all people when he lived on this earth. They understand that Jesus wants people to follow his example and to love others.
- Describe Jesus in the Gospel
- Recall some stories
- Id how followers of Jesus show love and care for others
- Use examples from family and communities and stories,
- Id how they can
- Id Gods family the church
- Church celebrations
- Use stories of Jesus to explain how God wants us to live.
- Recognise Jesus as a model of how to live. The sacraments help us get closer to God.
- Identity examples of Jesus loving and forgiving others.
- Jesus wants respect for all
- Identify good choices Jesus made according to Go’s laws.
- Jesus started the Church.
- Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to empower members of the church so they can develop good human qualities and overcome temptations.
- Id that people belong to different groups.
- Explain what is needed to form groups and communities.
- Identify characteristics of community embodied in the church
- Through the community of the Church Catholics celebrate their relationship with God in Mass and the seven sacraments.
- Jesus chose always to love others regardless of difference.
- Drew on his inner strength to do this.
- Started the church to give a new experience of God
- Followers of Jesus empowered to develop lives of faith, hope and charity.
- Jesus shares his power of love in the sacraments and in his two great commandments of love.
Living like Jesus – Students understand that Catholics are empowered to live like Jesus the Saviour as they draw on the power of God’s Spirit. / The student
Understand that Jesus, through his Church teaches people how to live. / Understands that Jesus and his special family, the Church, lead people to God. / Understands that Church members are strengthened by the Spirit to proclaim God’s saving power in the world. / Understands that Christians as part of the Communion of the Church are called to share in the mission of Jesus by following God’s laws.
Recognise that Jesus wants to save all people and that his Church shows people how they can live like Jesus. They know Jesus helps people to be loving and good when they pray and gather as a family
- Recall that God sent Jesus to help people live as God wants.
- Jesus started the Church
- Identify the apostles as the first leaders of the Church
- Recognise that people in their families can help others.
- Identify how the Church helps people live like Jesus when they pray and gather together.
- Id egs of how prayer and gathering helps people be loving and good.
- Recognise how the apostles passed on their gifts to chosen followers
- Describe how the Holy spirit guides leaders
- Recall that Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s promise to send a saviour.
- Recall that people live in communities and examples of what this means.
- Recall that the Church is a community of believers begun by Jesus to share God’s power
- Describe how the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit and follows the teachings of Jesus
- Give examples of how Jesus’ followers empowered by the Holy Spirit promote God’s saving power in the world through the ways they think and behave with others in their families and in their communities.
- Describe how the sacraments strengthen people to live as God wants them to live.
- Recall that as the promised Messiah Jesus came to call people into a loving relationship with God.
- Recognise that the promise of salvation offered by the risen Jesus is fulfilled by/through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Explain how in the New Covenant, Jesus began the Church to lead and guide people in communion with God.
- Explain that Tradition is the handing on of the teachings of the apostles under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Catholic Practices Students demonstrate the skills necessary in order to read and apply Scripture to life and to participate in Catholic ritual and prayer. / The Student:
Listens to and engages in stories from the Bible and recalls simple prayer formulae, individually and within
Students discuss how people communicate with one another. They recognise that people can talk to God. They begin to formulate simple individual prayers as examples of ways people can talk to God. With teacher direction students begin to recall basic formal prayers / Understands that stories from the Bible teach lessons.
Are aware of the role of prayer and the sacraments in the lives of Christians.
Recognise that people pray in different places and in different ways.
Identify and recall the prayers that are important for people to learn in order to participate in the life of the Church.
Describe hwo Christians celebrate sacraments.
Outline the basic structure of some of the sacraments and the reasons why these are important in the lives of Catholics.
. / Understand some of the different literary forms of the Bible; they identify forms of prayer and the importance of the sacraments in the lives of Christians.
Recognise various forms of prayer and how they are used within the liturgies of the church.
Recognise that Catholics belong to a particular community that prays together.
Describe the role of prayer and worship in the life of the Church.
Identify the elements of how to participate in the sacraments and outline the link betw4een the sacraments and how Catholics are called to live their lives. / Understands that Scripture is used to transmit the truth about God’s relationship with people and that people relate with God through prayer and the sacraments.
Describe how Catholics draw on prayer and the sacraments to relate with God.
Define the key elements and features of prayer and explain how different prayers express ideas, emotions and intentions.
Identify the key elements of Catholic liturgical celebrations and explain how, through the sacraments, people can live and give witness to Christs Salvation.
Listens to and engages with stories from the Bible.
Talks about these stories and are encouraged to make connections between these stories and their own experience.
Explore example of individual and group prayer.
Studetns identify some of the key people in the Bible. They recall stores of Jesus from the Bible.
Recognise some of the symbols and conventions used in Scripture. / Developing an awareness of the use of scripture in the lives of Christians.
Guided to engage in Scripture stores and to recognise particular genres used in the Bible. Recognise the importance of prayer and the sacraments in the lives of Christians.
Identify the key ideas in Scripture stores and obtain simple information from the stories.
Demonstrate an emerging awareness of how people can apply the lessons from Scripture to different situations in every day life.
Identify examples of what it means to live as a Christian. Recognise the importance of learning from the Gospels about how Jesus lived his life.
Provide examples of how people can demonstrate that they are following the example of Jesus. / Identify and discuss different literary forms used in the bible. Identify key features and patterns in Biblical texts from both the Old and New Testaments.
Understand some symbolic meanings of the texts and that the purpose of the texts is to teach the truth about God.
Identify a range of literacy forms used in the Bible.
Recognise how different authors used different literary forms to communicate with particular audiences.
Identify and make generalisations about the groups to whom the different parts of the Bible were addressed.
Identify the elements of the Old and New Covenants and how these represent God’s promise to people over time.
Identify and discuss some relationships between the stores and events in the Bible and how people today are called to live their lives.
Explain simple symbolic meanings and identify language structures and conventions characteristic of the bible. / Read Scripture texts containing relatively complex language and concepts.
Recognise that these texts were produced for particular purposes; for example to appeal to certain groups; to explain the importance of people’s relationship with God and how God seeks to save people over time.
Are aware that prayer and the sacraments are appropriate ways of responding to God.
Recognise that Scriptural texts were constructed for particular contexts and purposes.
Identify target audiences for specific texts.
Discuss the meanings of texts.
Explain the portrayal of people and events in Scripture in the light of what they teach people about Go’s desire to relate intimately with people and to bring all people to Salvation.
Select, use and reflect on different Scriptural texts to generalise about the links between these texts and the lessons they teach about how Christians today can live their lives.
Key goal/skill: *critical reflection