Thursday, February 4, 2016 @ 1:00 PM
Division of Public Health
Edgehill Shopping Center
Member Attendance:Secretary Rita Landgraf, Chair
Laura Howard
Rosa Colon-Kolacko, PhD
Marianne Foard
Joann Hasse (phone)
Jim Lafferty
Mary Kate Mouser
Ann Phillips
Ashok Subramanian, MD (phone)
Bishop Thomas Weeks / Others:
Julane Armbrister
Mike Cordrey
Melizza Dimat
John Dodd
Jill Fredel
Jim Grant
Katie Rosch Hegedus
Rich Killingsworth
Robin Lawrence
Alex Parkowski / Maria Pippidis
Karyl Rattay, MD
Lynda Rudolph
Laura Saperstein
Mark Thompson
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Cultural and Linguistic Statewide Study
- Update on Outreach Materials
- SIM Updates
Healthy Lifestyles
Karyl Rattay, MD / Division of Public Health (DPH)
- Dr. Rattay presented on Healthy Lifestyles, which is one of the four Healthy Neighborhoods themes. The presentation included determinants of health (living and working conditions) and how Delawareans can reduce their risk of preventable diseases. Current DPH initiatives include:
For Delaware students
-A “Health Equity Guide” to mobilize communities and improve the conditions that create health inequities. The guide can be found at:
-“Yes We Can Healthy Living Challenge” – a pilot project and partnership between Univ. of DE Dept. of Behavioral Health and the Cooperative Extension and funded by DPH. The program offers friendly competition among teams with the goal of improving fitness and nutrition for groups that tend to be less healthy. Participants keep daily logs of activity and nutrition and teams earn points. While the challenge is geared towards certain populations in New Castle and Kent counties, anyone may form a team and participate.
-“Dining with Diabetes”, as part of the “Yes We Can” challenge has workshops in both New Castle and Kent counties to provide diabetes education, management through food planning and other resources.
-“Motivate the First State”, developed in collaboration with the Governor’s Council on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is a statewide initiative with an official launch planned for March 2016. Any Delawarean may join for free. By tracking healthy activities, points (kudos) are earned and convert to cash donations to charities; currently Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware, YMCA of Delaware and Special Olympics Delaware. Additional charitable organizations will be added as the program progresses.
How it works: larger employers typically have charitable platforms. Rather than straight donations to charities, they offer cash donations for kudos earned in the program that convert to donations for charities. It simply changes the way employers donate. For more information and/or to join, visit:
Cultural and Linguistic Statewide Study
Rosa Colon-Kolacko, PhD / Global Learning and Diversity Partners
- The Global Learning and Diversity Partners, in collaboration with the Delaware Hispanic Commission,is planning a study to analyze health systems and service organizationspolicies and practices and will gather consumer perspectives to assess howcurrent cultural and language services can be improved in the State.
-Surveys of health professionals, health systems, and health services organizationswill be conducted over a three week period. Eighty to ninety percent of all Delaware health systems will be participating. Examples of questions were provided.
- For the study, all data will be aggregated; however each organization may request their own report.
-Survey instruments are being finalized and consumer focus group participants are being identified.
- Information gleaned from focus groups will be analyzed, aggregated and aligned with the health system/health services survey results.
-It is expected that study results will identify gaps as well as best practices.
-The study will launch around the end of March 2016. The data gathering, analysis, and reporting is expected to take approximately 3-4 months.
The group was asked to provide suggestions of health services organizations that may be willing to participate in the survey, particularly oral health, behavioral health and home health agencies.
Update on Outreach Materials
Alex Parkowski & Mike Cordrey / ab+c
- The committee reviewed the latest version of the brochure based on feedback from the January meeting, which included some new images and wording.
-New suggestions included dating the brochure, adding helmets to the adult bike riders in one image, and rewording “a better-trained healthcare workforce”, so as not to imply that the workforce was not previously well-trained.
- Recruitment for the two focus groups is currently being conducted throughout the State to include individuals from diverse populations. The focus groups are planned for the first and second weeks of March; one at the Christiana Hilton and the other at the Milford Hampton Inn, from 6:00-8:00pm. Dates will be shared when confirmed, although committee members were advised not to attend.
-Feedback will be shared with the committee in April. It is expected to inform of current thinking and be used to assist in producing effective outreach materials.
SIM Updates
Secretary Rita Landgraf
- DCHI Board and Committee updates were provided via a handout to committee members. Secretary Landgraf elaborated on several updates:
-The Board has reelected volunteers Matt Swanson as the Chair and Tom Brown as the Treasurer of the DCHI Board.
-The Board has adopted a set of guiding principles on Board and Committee operating norms. Due to the nature of Patient and Consumer Advisory Committee needing input from patients and consumer, the Board will allow this committee to continue its practice of allowing public comment throughout the meeting, rather than only at the end of meetings.
-All Consensus Papers are drafted at the committee level with committee and public input. Consensus Papers in their final version are approved by the Board and are then posted to the health innovation website:
-The Workforce and Education Committee has released a licensing and credentialing stakeholder survey. The findings will be used tohelp build recommendations for licensing and credentialing health care providers within the State.
-The Payment Model Monitoring Committee is exploring payment feasibility for integration of behavioral health.
-Scorecard V2.0 will be launched statewide in the spring.
Other Business
- The State received Year 2 grant funding for SIM testing
- The group was invited to attend a Feb. 11, informational session on a CMMI Accountable Health Communities (AHC) cooperative agreement funding opportunity, where attendees will discuss and decide whether to collaboratively act upon it.
- Committee members were reminded to provide feedback on the Patient Experience Survey questions posed by Steve Cheng at the last Patient and Consumer Advisory Committee meeting. The Clinical Committee will review feedback prior to finalizing the survey. Mr. Cheng will report back to this Committee next meeting.
- The first 3 Healthy Neighborhoods have been identified for Wave 1. There will be a staggered launch with the first in early 2016, and the second and third later in the year:
3)West/Central Sussex
-Each Healthy Neighborhood may select one or more of four priorities to improve health:
1) Healthy lifestyles
2) Maternal and child health
3) Mental health and addiction
4) Chronic disease prevention and management
Agenda Items – Next Meeting
- Partnership to Improve Community Health(PICH) / Neighborgood – Kate DuPont Phillips / Nemours
- Navigating Healthcare from an Adolescent Perspective – Denise Hughes / Nemours
- Patient Experience Survey – Steve Cheng / McKinsey
Next DCHI Patient & Consumer Advisory Committee Meeting
- March 3, 2016 @ 1PM
DHSS / Division of Public Health
Lg. Training Room
Edgehill Shopping Center
43 S. DuPont Hwy.
Dover, DE 19901