In relation to


Robert Lambert

1-24-1971 a.m.

This message was preached by Brother Robert Lee Lambert, on January 24th 1971 A.M.

The efforts to transcribe & saving the audio messages of Bro Lambert had been made by the saints & daughter of Bro Lambert, Connecticut U.S.A. Those precious saints sat under Bro Lambert, took hours of hours to write & type the messages of Bro Lambert. This booklets will be available in the printed form.

Copyright © CLJC. All rights reserved 2015

Let’s bow or heads in prayer, how many are here to meet God this morning? You are here to hear, not from man, but from the Lord?

Father, we come to You this morning through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus, thanking You for the grand privilege of being able to stand for Thy Word in this end time. Help us to press toward the Promise of the hour. And, Father, I pray that You’ll alert every soul here this morning that they may hear the Voice of God.

Touch thy unworthy servant whose body is very weak, but when we are weak You are strong. Father, help my failing voice that I may speak to these thy children. That I may give to them thy bread that Thou gave to me. Lord, I only tell them what You tell me and I pray that they’ll know this comes from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now, I pray you’ll be very reverent this morning and weigh the things out that I say and let them come down deep in your heart.

Now open your Bibles, I’ve got a very strange message here this morning and I wouldn’t be preaching if God hadn’t given me something supernatural this morning to tell you.

I want to read one Scripture found in Joel 2:1 (insert)

Now, Luke 8:43-48 (insert)

Now, this Scripture won’t go together and it’ll look a little funny, but you’ll understand in a little bit.

Now, I’d like to speak this morning on the “Great Physician in relation to Pregnancy and Birth”.

This woman is a type of the elected bride of Christ, who had been losing her life – her life blood. Notice, here is the Revealed Word of God passing through the land and a multitude of people was following this Word.

Notice, she was losing her life, the life she had, she was losing it. She had spent everything she had going to every tent meeting going to every church she could find and she could not find any help anywhere.

But she has sense enough to know that she had to find help. She was losing her life, she knew she was dying spiritually – apply this to the spiritual.

Notice here, she touched the Lord; she touched the Revealed Word of God by faith. When she touched the Revealed Word of God by faith immediately she was made whole. She was not hid from Christ, the Revealed Word of God anymore; He called her out and said, “You touched me! You got a revelation that I’m the Revealed Word of God and you touched me!”

Notice she found the Great Physician that was able to heal her and make her whole. And that’s what every person that’s going to go in the Rapture is gonna have to find – the Great Physician, to be made whole.

Notice, when you touch the Lord in real, divine revealed faith, you receive the real blood cell that will not seep out. You won’t lose it. But it will bring you to the object that you need, which is the true new birth – the birth of Christ!

It is a total impossibility for a man or woman in this hour that we’re living in, to be born again according to John 3, unless they have come in contact with the Revealed Word of God by faith, for the new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Seal of God. The new birth is a revelation of the Revealed Word of God, personally to you. It is a total impossibility for you to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost unless you have touched Him by faith.

Notice that this woman, the bride church, found the Great Physician and when she found the great physician she found the Revealed Word of God.

Notice, that in relation to pregnancy, before you can give birth to the Man Child, Christ Jesus, you must first be impregnated by the Ram, Christ. Every sheep must be impregnated by the ram, Christ Jesus our Lord. And He is the revealed Word of God. You cannot get impregnated on your own by reading your Bible. It’s a total impossibility – it won’t hold up in the Word of God!

You can’t be born again by reading a tract. I defy that! I want some man to take his Bible and stand and prove it to me, don’t tell me your experience, but fit your experience in the Word of God.

You must first touch Christ Jesus the Revealed Word of God by faith!

We’re certainly living in an hour when we are turning a corner. When you turn a corner you no more look back here anymore! You pull a blind down to everything that’s happened in your life and you don’t look to what happened yesterday, but you press on – to the saving, not of the flesh, but to the saving of the soul.

Notice here, that it is a total impossibility for man or a woman to be born again as far as the first Covenant bride is concerned – as far as the first resurrection. You can accept the Lord Jesus as your personal savior, quit smoking, quit drinking – but let me tell you something, any man in his right mind shouldn’t commit adultery.

Any thinking man shouldn’t smoke, cuss or drink. Now we took that for salvation, the new birth. It’s not! Bro. Bob’s trying to tell you, you must be born again! I know that hurts many people, but you just the Word of God.

Nicodemus came to Jesus by night – walking in darkness – and he found the revealed Word of God. He said, ‘good master, we know you have something we never heard of before, and uh –uh-uh….’

Jesus interrupted him, He knew what he was after and said “verily, verily, I say unto thee, Nicodemus, except a man be born again he cannot see the preaching of the Token. Verily, verily I say unto thee, Nicodemus, except a man be born again of the revealed Word of God, he cannot understand the preaching of the revealed Word of God on the Token. Nicodemus, verily, verily I say unto thee, you thought you were born again by the Scribes and Pharisees preaching, you thought you had it. But, verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again of the water – washing of the Word of Divine revelation he cannot even see (understand).”

Except a man be born again of divine revelation he cannot understand that man – that wise servant, preaching on the good man of the house, faith. He can’t understand it, it confuses him and he turns around and begins to fight it, he tries to disprove it.

Verily, verily I say unto you this morning, except a man or woman here be born of the unadulterated Word of God, the Water of God, you cannot understand what I’m saying. You cannot understand the preaching of the true Seal of God, the headstone baptism of the Holy Ghost! Except a man be born again, he can never enter into the baptism of the Holy Ghost!

Now, you’re trying to tell me – people are trying to tell me they already entered into the baptism of the Holy Ghost – before you were ever impregnated by the Ram, Christ, the revealed Word of God!

I say it’s a total impossibility and you will never go in the rapture!

Notice here, in Matt. 13, there was one type of ministry that sowed the unadulterated Seed – only one type of ministry and that was the ministry of the Son of Man! And the Son of Man was not just Mal. 4:5. But the Son of Man was Christ Jesus the Word of God!

The Son of Man was the man that had the good seed and the good seed, the Bible said, was the Seed of the Kingdom, which is the seed life revelation that brings you to the true baptism of the Holy Ghost.

The Bible said, “Brethren, I would that you would earnestly contend for the revelation that was once given to Peter, James and John.” That faith that we’re to contend for comes by the hearing of the preaching of the revealed Word of God that was brought by the Son of Man.

Notice, there are different phases of the ministry of the Son of Man, the Bible said that the Son of Man would come forth sowing seed. In other words, he would bring the true, unadulterated Word of God, back to the predestinated. It’s just not the Word that turns…….(come on now if you are spiritual, you already have that.).

Said, “Behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, but before that day comes, I will send you Elijah the prophet…..”which will be God hidden and revealed in human flesh, the Son of Man. And he will bring the real, true unadulterated Word Seed whereby you might be impregnated.

Notice, it is not just the hearing of the Word of God that impregnates you. Note, Mal. 4:5, was to turn the hearts of the children back to the faith of the fathers. Notice, it is not just playing the tapes and hearing the man preach – that does not bring you back to the faith of the Apostolic fathers. Because we know there is something amiss – something wrong with the multitude following the message.

#1. There is far too many following, there will never be very many go in the rapture, it will only be a few.

#2. They have not produced the new birth. You cannot find Christ’s true revelation and true faith hardly anywhere around the world. But you find a mass of confusion wherever you go.

The promise of God was, that this message of Mal. 4:5, was to introduce Christ. The supreme purpose o that ministry was to make – as I preached here – he was the ‘way maker’. He was the bridge, running from denominational law over to grace, which is revealed in divine revelation. Divine grace of God comes to you by revelation. Notice, if you cannot receive the revealed Word of God you cannot receive the grace of God. If you cannot receive the man by which the revelation is coming through, you cannot receive it at all.

It was said of Jesus, the revealed Word of God, “Why you’re a man and you’re going around acting like God – trying to take the place of God.”

He said, “If you don’t believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. Whither I go you cannot come.” He said, “I come from the Father – I always was the Word of God, I come from God and I go back to God. And where I’m going you cannot come – you cannot follow me.”

They said, “Is he going to be dispersed among the Gentiles and teach them?” said, “What manner of saying is it that He’s saying – we cannot follow Him where he goes?”

Jesus said, “You cannot follow me and come where I am because you cannot hear the Voice of God. If you were of your father Abraham you would hear His Voice. Abraham rejoiced to see me.

Jesus was not referring to Isaac, Abraham was rejoicing and shouting all the time because he was seeing and understanding Christ. He was understanding the coming of Christ. Jesus said, “Abraham rejoiced to see my day and saw it. Here I am the one Abraham was rejoicing about the revealed Word of God, and you go about to kill me. You are not the seed of Abraham, but you are of the seed of your father the devil.”

Only the predestinated bride is the only group of people that are able to hear the voice of the bridegroom, the son of man.

Notice that the son of man came first to bring us back to the Word of God. Then, by restoring the Word of God on tape and book – by restoring the Word of God – out of that Word of God comes forth Christ. You cannot have Christ until first you have the Word. When you find the revealed Word of God you find Christ. You cannot separate the revelation of the eternal God – Jesus Christ was the revelation of God, the Word.

That’s why the prophet of God said, “Unless you are constantly in these tapes and messages you will not know the bridegroom when he comes, because he will be the revealed Word of God.”

Now, except you believe on him you cannot be saved!

Notice here, that the first part of the son of man’s ministry was to restore the Word of God and that Word of God being restored would restore faith. Right? Just the Word of God laying there on tape and book does not restore the faith. But faith cometh by hearing and hearing the revealed Word of God.

When you contend for that faith – contend for it – well, if you’re contending for it and fighting for it you haven’t got it yet.

Showing you there would be a battleground fought over trying to get the revealed faith. Oh, come on children, do you see that?

The Word message was to restore the faith. Notice, the prophet, himself, Mal. 4:5, did not restore the faith but it was the message that was to introduce Christ. He said, “I’ll leave the earth one day but the message will live on.” Said, “I won’t introduce Christ, but my message will.”

So the true message of Mal. 4:5 is introducing Christ, the revealed Word of God to the predestinated, elected bride! I hope you can receive it! Blessed is he that’s not offended in me!

So we see that revelation cometh by hearing and hearing of the word, message of Mal. 4:5, which is introducing the bridegroom to the people. Now, you have to know – see, the bridegroom. Except a man be born again he cannot see the bridegroom. Except a man be born again he cannot understand the bridegroom because the bridegroom is being manifested by the revealed Word of God. And that is the carcass, the body – the opening of the seals released the full-body Word, which is the full revelation of Christ.

Now we understand, like the woman that touched him, by a touch of faith. She was among a mixed multitude, everybody was touching the revealed Word of God – pressing around him, but it was only a certain woman that really could touch him.

Peter said, “well, everybody’s trying to touch you!”

He said, “Yes, but this is a certain kind of touch, when that touched me virtue went out of me.” What is virtue? It’s the life of God.

Now, we see that the first coming of the son of man in this end time was that his message threw a net out over the peoples of the world. It, his message, pulled that net into shore and there was tadpoles, scalawags, crawfish, but also there were nice big, wonderful rainbow trout. All of them in the net that was caught----.

The Bible said, “Many are called and caught in the net, but only a few are chosen to see – understand.”

Blessed are your eyes, children, blessed are your ears if they understand.

Notice, it is the son of man that has the true, unadulterated Seed.

Now notice, that before a man can be born again, according to John 3, as He was speaking to Nicodemus, you have to come in contact with that revealed Word of God. Now, that revealed Word of God, you can’t come in contact with It --- now, I know this is touch, but I can’t help it – you can’t be born again by coming in contact with it by tape. Why? Because that Word must be living. It’s never living unless – Jesus said, “I have hidden this revelation in earthen vessels.” Right?

Notice here, the Bible said that, after the son of man left – the seed sower – the people would desire to see one of his days, because they missed the power, the healing services and the great miracles. It’s not the Word of God they are desiring to see, but they desire to know him after the flesh. They miss him after the flesh.

Jesus said, “Thomas, you see” said, “you see now, because of the proof. But blessed are they that never have seen the flesh.”

You cannot know God by human contact, you can only know Him by His revelation of the present time you’re living in.

You cannot be born again today by what Luther had or by what Wesley had. But, if you were living in that day, you would have been saved – justified and sanctified in those stages and went into the ground. But the reason they’re in the ground today is because they didn’t have the complete birth. Now, you wrestle with it! You wrestle with it!

Now the Bible said, “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.” Now if you can’t prove it by the Word of God – don’t give me one quotation from a tape or just one quotation from the Bible; give me the Bible all the way through from Genesis to Revelation. And lace it up for me and dove tail it together. If you can’t stand against it and you can’t tear it up, then it’s best to be quiet. Because you may blaspheme yourself clear way from the Token.