(REF NO. 147/M.C/N.N/2016-17)
Date: 25.05.2016
Jhansi Nagar Nigam
Room No-16, Jhansi Nagar Nigam Building
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
Jhansi Nagar Nigam
Room No-16, Jhansi Nagar Nigam Building
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
Request for Proposal
REF. NO. – 147/M.C/N.N/2016-17 Date: 25.05.2016
1.1 Request for Proposal are invited from reputed and eligible NGO / companies / firm / Consortium /Joint Ventures having sound Technical and Financial capability for Operation of Plastic Waste Sorting and Recycling equipment and facility on PPP Model for a period of 5 years, extendable to 10 years. The bidder has to operate the system in accordance with latest Rules and Regulations pertaining to Plastic Waste Management and Solid Waste Management and any changes in these rules in future till the tenure of this work.
1.2 Detailed RFP documents can be purchased from the office of undersigned on any working day from 01.06.2016 up to 10.06.2016 between 11.00 AM TO 4.00 PM on payment of Rs. 5,000.60 (non-refundable) through Demand Draft in favour of Nagar Ayukth, Jhansi Nagar Nigam, Payable at Jhansi. In case of any clarifications Mr. Anoop Sood, Environmental Engineer, Jhansi Nagar Nigam, Phone No +91 88108053894 can be contacted.
1.3 The tender can be submitted along with EMD on or before 15.06.2016 by 3.00 PM and may be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM at the office of undersigned
1.4 Proposal shall be accompanied by EMD as tabulated above. EMD shall be either in the form of a Bank Guarantee / banker’s cheque/ FDR drawn in favour of the Nagar Ayukt, Jhansi Nagar Nigam on any Nationalised/ scheduled bank and payable at Jhansi.
2.0 Bidders Qualification Criteria:-
2.1 NGO’s / Business Entities / Processors of Plastic waste with average minimum turnover of Rs 10cr in last three financial years.
2.2 Manufacturers of Scrap Processing equipment with good engineering service track record and an average minimum turnover of Rs.15cr in last three years
2.3 NGO’s / Business Entities / Companies having experience in field of operation and maintenance of MSW processing plants of capacity minimum 100 Tons/Day for last three years.
2.4 The minimum net worth of the bidder (Single or JV) in the preceding financial year should not be less than Rs 100 Lacs.
3 In case of consortium, consortium should jointly meet the BQC criteria However the lead 2 member of the Consortium should meet 51 % of BQC criteria number (i, ii and iii) and (iv) of 2 as mentioned above.
4 Bidder shall submit the proof of document and shall produce list of all ongoing works anywhere in the country giving therein the specific performance report of the bidder regarding the individual ongoing works duly issued by the Executing Agency along with an affidavit regarding the authenticity of claims in respect of such works.
5 Participant (Single or JV or any partner of JV) should not have been blacklisted by any Central/State/Government agency and submit an undertaking on firm’s letter head by company secretary / any board member in this effect. Jhansi Nagar Nigam reserves the right of termination of the contract if participants undertaking as a non-blacklisted company is found wrong.
6 All the member(s) of JV/consortium shall authorize the lead partner by submitting a power of Attorney duly signed by the authorized signatories. The lead partner shall be authorized to receive instructions for and on behalf of all partners of the JV and entire execution of the contract.
7 All the members of JV/Consortium shall be jointly and severally responsible and be held liable for the purpose of guaranteed obligation and any other matter as required under the contract.
8 The lead/associate partner in the JV/Consortium cannot create a JV/Consortium with other firm/consultant for same package.
9 Participant must submit valid registration certificate, Certified Copy of License from Labour Commissioner to Employ Contract labour under Contract Labour Act, if applicable.
10 Participant shall submit Certified Copy of Income Tax, PAN Card No. of the Party/ Agency/ Organization to be enclosed. Also latest copy of Income tax return to be submitted.
11 Participant shall submit Certified Copy of Service Tax Registration which shall be in the Name of the participant if applicable. (Latest paid Challan copy to be submitted).
12 Bid shall be complete and covering the entire scope of job and shall confirm to the General and Special Conditions indicated in the bid documents. Incomplete and non- confirming bids will be rejected outright.
13 The tenders should submit technical and commercial bid in sealed cover separately and both should be put together in a sealed envelope should be written with ““Plastic Waste Processing in PPP Model” under Ref No ...... Dated 15.06.2016 for Jhansi Nagar Nigam. Closing time of 3.00 p.m. on 15.06.2016 should also be mentioned and the same should be put in the tender box lying at Office of undersigned. The technical bid will be opened on the same day at 3.30 p.m. at the same address mentioned in detailed tender document.
14 The contractor, whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish performance security of Rs 1000000/- ( Rupees Ten Lac )for the fulfilment of his contract in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt /Bank Guarantee. favouring Nagar Ayukt, Jhansi Nagar Nigam, Jhansi.
15 Percentage rate shall be quoted on the proper form in the price bid.
16 The tender for works shall remain valid for a period of 60 months from the date of signing of the contract. It can be extended for a further period of 60 months.
17 It will be obligatory on the part of the participant to sign the tender documents on each page.
18 The participant shall acquaint them with the quantum and nature of work and working conditions at the site and locality at their own cost and no claim shall what so ever be entertained in this regards.
19 Client reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders in part or full without assigning any reason thereof.
Nagar Ayukt
Jhansi Nagar Nigam
Room No-16, Jhansi Nagar Nigam Building
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
TABLE OF CONTENTSRequest of Proposal / 1-4
Disclaimer / 6
Instructions to Bidders
1. / Scope of Proposal / 7-8
2. / Eligible Bidders / 8
3. / Additional Requirement for submitting Proposal by Consortium / 9
4. / Number of Proposals / 9
5. / Validity of Proposal / 10
6. / Proposal Preparation Cost / 10
7. / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) / 10
8. / Format and Signing of Proposal / 10-11
9. / Proposal Due Date / 12
10. / Bidder's Responsibility / 12-13
11. Opening of Proposals and Clarifications / 13
12. / Evaluation / 14-16
Appendix A Brief Scope of Work / 17-18
Appendix B Covering Letter / 19-21
Appendix C Details of Bidder / 22
Appendix D Format for power of attorney for signing of proposal / 23-24
Appendix D1 Format for power of attorney for designating lead
member of consortium / 25-26
Appendix D2 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING for consortium/JV / 27-33
Appendix E Format For Anti-Collusion Certificate / 34
Appendix F Proof of Qualification / 35-36
Scheme for Technical Evaluation / 37-38
Appendix G Guidelines and Format for Technical Proposal / 39
Appendix I Bank Guarantee Format / 41-44
Appendix J Plant and Machinery Details
Appendix K Financial Model of the Project
The information contained in this Request for Proposal (hereinafter referred to as "RFP") document provided to the Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. The purpose of this RFP document is to provide the Bidder(s) with information to assist the formulation of their proposals. This RFP document does not purport to contain all the information each Bidder may require. This RFP document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for client, their employees or advisors to consider the business / Investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each Bidder who reads or uses this RFP document. Each Bidder should conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this RFP document and where necessary obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. Client, their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the RFP document. Jhansi Nagar Nigam may, in their absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP document.
Instructions to Bidders
1. Scope of Proposal
A. With an objective to improve the urban infrastructure and municipal service delivery levels, the Government of India, along with the states and Jhansi Nagar Nigam is implementing Swatch Bharat Mission.
B. The Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “PWM Rules”) mandate that Jhansi Nagar Nigam carry out activities to Collect, sort and process the Plastic Waste.
C. Plastic Waste Management is a key component of municipal services, Swatch Bharat Mission. Plastic Waste Management system adopted by Jhansi Nagar Nigam is an innovative project and is one of its kind in India. The project idea has been conceived to ensure:
i. Reduction in usage of Plastics
ii. Plastic waste free Jhansi
iii. No plastic waste should end up in Sanitary Landfills
iv. No plastic waste No plastic waste generated should end up in water bodies like ponds, river, river beds etc.
v. No plastic waste generated should end up on roads or road sides.
vi. Jhansi city becomes a litter free, clean and healthy city.
vii. All the plastic waste generated should be handled scientifically and the public at large (generators) will be made part of this endeavour of Plastic Waste management.
viii. The waste collection and processing system is in hands of informal sector in Jhansi but it gives livelihood to thousands. It is targeted that all the stake holders like Scrap dealers /Scrap processing units and all such units or companies involved in scrap business should be registered with Jhansi Nagar Nigam.
ix. The plastic waste management system should improve the life and the status of the Rag pickers and individual scrap handlers / collectors. It is conceived that the rag pickers should be brought in main stream of the society. The growth which the country is witnessing should perforate to them also and they should get the status equal to all the other citizens of India.
x. The recycling industry should become more environment friendly and there systems and businesses should not adversely impact the environment.
xi. All the non-recyclable plastic or residual plastic will be processed at the Plastic Processing Plant being set up near Bijoli Industrial Area by Jhansi Nagar Nigam.
xii. Jhansi Nagar Nigam with above goals has set up a Plastic Waste Sorting facility behind Eldeco Housing Complex, Near Bijoli Jhansi on a plot of 7500 approximately. Jhansi Nagar Nigam is developing the facility and is in process of installing and commissioning the equipment and machinery with a power connection of 160KVA.
xiii. Jhansi Nagar Nigam desires to operate and maintain the facility with private participation under a PPP mode. (herein after referred to as “the Project”) for a Concessionaire period of 60 months with extendable clause for further 60 months.
xiv. Jhansi Nagar Nigam, Jhansi invites detailed proposals (hereinafter referred to as “Proposal”) for the project. The brief scope of work is set out in Appendix A
xv. The proposals would be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in this RFP document as per Appendix F in order to identify the successful Bidder for the Project (hereinafter referred to as “Successful Bidder”). The Successful Bidder would then have to enter into a Concession Agreement with the Jhansi Nagar Nigam and perform the obligations as stipulated therein, in respect of the Project.
xvi. Terms used in this RFP document, which have not been defined herein, shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Concession Agreement.
2. Eligible Bidders
The Bidders eligible for participating in the qualification process shall be any one of the following two categories:
Category 1:
1.1 A single Entity that is “ a company registered under companies act 1956”
1.2 A firm having valid registration certificates to operate the business.
1.3 A NGO registered under societies act and meeting the qualification criteria as set out in Proof of Qualification
Category 2:
2.1 In case an Entity, (hereinafter referred to as “Lead Member”) does not individually fulfil qualification criteria as set out in Proof of Qualification, the same may be procured by forming a joint venture/consortium with a suitably qualified entity, (hereinafter referred to as “member”), with whom a valid Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as “MoU”) formalizing such an arrangement should be in place. Maximum two members are allowed in JV/Consortium.
The term “Bidder” used hereinafter would therefore apply to both the above-mentioned categories.
Any entity, which has earlier been barred by Jhansi Nagar Nigam / Government of Uttar Pradesh or any other Government agency or organization from participating in any project being undertaken by any Government agency would not be eligible to submit a Proposal, if such bar subsists as on the Proposal Due Date.
3. Additional Requirements for submitting Proposal by a Consortium
3.1 Wherever required, the Proposal shall contain the information required of each of the members of the Consortium.
3.2 The members of the Consortium shall furnish Power of Attorney duly signed by authorized representative(s) of the members.
3.3 The Proposal shall be signed by the duly authorized signatory of the Lead Member and shall be legally binding on all the members of the Consortium.
3.4 The Consortium shall submit a MoU as part of its Proposal. The MoU shall, inter alia, include the following: