Grade / Unit / Title and Unit Overview / Time Frame: / TAKS and TEKS / Enduring Understandings / Essential QuestionsK / 1 / Mathematical Thinking in Kindergarten
In unit 1, Students will explore factors and multiples by solving problems and puzzles using a variety of strategies. This unit will help students become acclimated to a mathematics class in which the emphasis is on developing strategies, solving problems for which there is no single procedure, and constructing conjectures about mathematical ideas based on evidence that they gather themselves. / 16 days--
4 Weeks / TAKS:
K.1A, K.1B, K.1C, K.5, K.6A, K.8A, K8B K.8C, K.11B, K.11C, K.12A, K.12B /
- Routines establish order.
- Math tools must be properly cared for and used.
- Information can be gathered from exploring.
- Problems can be solved in a variety of ways.
- Mathematicians use tools to solve problems.
- How can routines help establish order?
- Why do mathematicians use tools?
- Why is counting important in daily life?
- What kind of problem is it?
1 / 1 / Number Sense
Students will be introduced to some of the mathematical materials and processes they will be using as they explore counting, comparing, and combining. / 7 Days--
2 Weeks / TAKS: 6
1.11A, 1.11B, 1.11D, 1.12A, 1.12B; 1.13 /
- Numbers tell how many.
- Numbers are a part of everyday life.
- Numbers help us solve problems.
- There is more than one way to solve a problem.
- How can numbers help us solve problems?
- How do we use numbers in our daily lives?
- Why do we have numbers?
Facts / Relationships and/or Connections that should emerge / Vocabulary / Text Resources
- Explore manipulatives and their attributes:
- Color tiles
- Pattern blocks
- Geoblocks
- Interlocking cubes
- Count with one-to-one correspondence to at least 6
- Keep track while counting a set of at least 6 objects
- Begin to connect numerals and number names to the quantities they represent
- Use the correct sequence of number names when counting orally to 12
- Create a set of a given size, using from 5 to 12 objects
- Develop methods for recording numerical information (e.g. pictures, words, and/or numbers)
- Become familiar with units of time represented on a calendar (i.e. days, weeks, and months)
- Explore and describe geometric shapes
- Describe data represented on a graph
- Count and compare the quantities in two different sets (e.g. numbers of students)
- Students find that there is more than one solution to many problems.
- Students will learn to invent their own strategies and approaches to solve problems.
- Communication about mathematics in their environment should occur between peers and teacher.
counting jar / lata de contra
calendar / calendario
today's question / la pregunta del dia
data / datos
month / mez
day / dia
week / semana
year / ano
/ Investigations:
Mathematical Thinking In Kindergarten
- Number Corner
- Discovery Learning/Free Exploration
- We use mathematics in everyday life.
- We use math to count.
- There are numbers for large amounts and numbers for small amounts.
- Numbers can be added together and taken apart.
- Numbers can have a certain order.
- Numbers are all around us.
- Examples (on clocks, calendars, school buses, number of students in the class, ages of students, student cafeteria numbers)
count / contar
large / grande
small / pequeño
amount / cantidad
put together / juntar
take apart / separar
solve / resolver
problem / problema
clock / reloj
calendar / calendario
tally / contra, conteo
/ Investigations:
Mathematical Thinking at Grade 1
Investigations 1 and 2 ( all sessions)
Building Number Sense
Number Corner
Enrichment Workstations
Free Exploration of manipulatives such as:
- Investigation 2
- Sessions 2, 3, 5, 6
Work Places
- Work Place 1G, 1K
- Work Place 2B
- Work Place 2C
- Work Place 3B
- Work Place 3C
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