St. Mary’s School
129 St Mary Street Phone 419.943.2801
Leipsic, Ohio 45856 Fax 419.943.3555
Building Our Future Together !
As a significant ministry of St. Mary’s Parish, our mission is to
support the faith formation of families, providing a quality education within a Catholic Christian setting. Our purpose is to nurture
the life of Jesus within each child through programs and experiences that allow them to mature into disciples of Christ.
Parent Newsletter April 19, 2013 #32
Jesus is Our Shepherd, We Hear His Voice,
Trust Him, and Follow Him
The Fourth Sunday of Easter often is referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday. The Gospel is about Jesus’ love for His followers being like the love and care that a good shepherd has for the sheep. A good shepherd knows the sheep and the sheep know the shepherd. The shepherd’s voice is familiar to the sheep, and they follow the voice because they trust the gentle care the shepherd gives them. The good shepherd is willing to sacrifice for the sheep – even to die so that the sheep might live.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd: we are the sheep. We know the voice of Jesus and we listen to His teachings about love, charity, and justice. We are the sheep that follow Jesus by the way we live our lives each day. We know that Jesus gave His life for us, and we celebrate His Resurrection from death during this Easter Season. We are secure in the hand of God when we put our faith in His Son, Jesus, the Good Shepherd. (taken from CATECHIST April/May 2013 p. 14)
V Quarter Auction Flyer
Fairgrounds Fund Raiser
V Panther Pace 5K
Pizza garden !
This week the first grade class submitted their garden project for a chance to be awarded any where from $10,000 to $25,000. How can you help them? Go to under the Share the Good tab starting 4/22/13 to vote for your favorite garden or farm. You can vote once a day, every day. Seeds of Change will announce the grant winners around June 4, 2013. Won’t you please help the first graders win the grand prize? Did you see our picture in the VOICE?
On Tuesday our students from K-8 attended a motivational media presentation. They should have come home and shared it with you on Tuesday. Ask them about the screen set up in the gym – pretty awesome. The students in K-6 saw a movie on “Be the Best You Can Be” and Grades 7 & 8 saw one on Leadership Skills.
Both presentations were provided by the Educational Service Center of Putnam County. We are very privileged to be living in a county that fosters self-esteem and good leadership skills. Each year we are “treated” to a presentation by the county.
V WHO WON? WHO WON? Can you imagine? The contest is over and Mr. U will be wearing a pair of bib overalls to help the students plant petunias in the three flower beds in front of the school.
The petunias will be purchased from Do-It-Best Hardware. Let the fun begin! J
Contest is being held the week of May 6th. Start gathering from your friends, neighbors, and relatives.
Due to limited amount of space on many of the busses, Leipsic Public has notified us that they are no longer able to accommodate students riding to a friend’s house. Exceptions need to be cleared through St. Mary’s School Office.
The 7th & 8th graders, as part of their Religion classes are getting a better picture of what “church” really is. In the Fall they visited Rosary Cathedral in Toledo and in March they visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey. On Thursday of this week they toured several of the Catholic churches in Putnam County. They looked for things that all these churches have in common. It was a great experience for them. We congratulate them on their recent reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation and thank Mrs. Schroeder for preparing them so well. Monsignor Singler, who came from Toledo to perform the ceremony, complimented our students on how well they had prepared for this sacrament.
V MASS SERVERS: Mark your calendars now! Wednesday, May 15th from 3:00 to 3:30 at Maria House meet Father George and Sister Judith Mary for a Pizza Thank You Party. More information will be coming.
V PUTNAM COUNTY EXPRESS TRACK CLUB: The P C Express Track Club will have another season of track starting in April. There will be an information meeting on Sunday, April 21st @ 3:00 P.M. at the Ottawa- Glandorf Track in Ottawa for both child and parents. The club will have practice at O-G every Tuesday and Thursday @ 6:00 P.M. and is open to students ages 7 to 18. For more information contact Mike Maag at 419-296-9931 or Toby Miller at 419-943-1581.
School uniform ~ ~
Monday, April 15th began the season of warm weather – well, at least it is in the minds of the children – so that means they will be permitted to wear shorts. Please follow the handbook guidelines carefully so no one needs to be asked to call home or be embarrassed.
“Solid or patterned shorts/skorts and mid-calf pants (capris) are permitted from April 15 thru October 15. Shorts must be fingertip length or longer. Regular school shirts/blouses are to be worn with shorts. Short-skorts, biking shorts, cut-offs, oversized, and layered shorts and shirts are not to be worn. Shirts/blouses must be able to be tucked in.”
“Shorts are not to be worn if a child has any part in the Mass on Mass days. They may bring a change of clothes for after Mass.”
(as known at the time of this printing)
Wed. April 24 -- Join us for Mass @ 8:30 planned by Mrs. Schroeder’s class
Thurs. April 25 -- Kindergarten Screening today
Fri. April 26 -- Grades K-1-2 are going to the Toledo Zoo today
-- Mid terms are coming home today
Wed. May 1 -- No All-School Mass today
Fri. May 3 -- All school Mass @ 8:30 planned by the Second Graders
-- First Communion Retreat today
Sun. May 5 -- First Communion at 10:00 A.M. Mass