Dear Corps Officer/Ministry Leader
Please find enclosed a promotional package for theAll Ontario Salvation Army Men’s Camp 2016; happening at Jackson’s Point the weekend of June 03rd-June05th. A lot of thought and prayer has gone into the planning stages for this year’s men’s camp; and we are sure that the men in your ministry unit would benefit greatly from attending this weekend.
The momentum has been growing the past couple of years as more and more men are finding out what an incredible time Men’s Camp truly is; and so we are aiming for a record breaking attendance this year. However, for this to happen we need your help! As Corps Officer/Ministry Leader you hold a lot of influence over the men you interact with on a regular basis; and so we are asking you to spread the word and bring your men!
Once again we have secured an excellent guest speaker in the person of Colonel Lyndsay Rowe. We look forward to the wonderful Biblical teaching and challenges that Colonel Rowe will share on the theme of “Building a Life that Pleases God!”
In order to make this a record breaking year we are also providing some very appealing financial incentives that we hope will help men take that step and register early for this year’s men’s camp. These incentives include:
- providing an attendance Incentive of $ any corps / ministry unit that sends
8 ormore men to camp. *
- Providing a 50% discountfor any son who attends with his father. (In doing so we
hopeto encourage the next generation.) **
- Providing early bird registration Incentive of $15.00 off the applicable accommodations registration fee. ***
Clarification of registration fees and incentives stated above
*Any Corps / Ministry unit bringing 8 or more people (main registrants excludes counting sons who are already receiving 50% discount) will receive a credit of $100. to be used in any way they choose, i.e. auction, tuck shop, reduce attendance fees, donation to PIM etc.
**Father and son registrations will see the father charged the regular fee while sons will receive a 50% discount. (Both must register at the same time.) In addition main attendee, being the father, still qualifies for early bird discount while son will continue to pay ½ off regular fee.
*** Those who take advantage of the early bird registration date of April 18th will receive a discount of $15.00. off the stated registration fee per applicable accommodations. Does not apply to day only or Friday evening meal registration.
Registration Fees per Accommodations and Days Only
Conference Centre / Camp Semi-Private / Regular Cabins / Fri Night & Sat Only / Days – No Nights / Fri Night Dinner (Optional) / Saturday Only$170 / $160 / $150 / $125 / $125 / $15 / $100
Note: No elevator access to allotted rooms in conference centre.
Promotional Material
Included in this email is promotional material you can use to support this event in your Corps / Ministry Unit. Please find attached:
- An 8 ½” x 14” promotional poster that we would like for you to print and pin on your corps bulletin board(s). This poster is designed to be printed on 8 ½ “ x 14” legal paper. You may have to change your print setting to “fit” to get the correct size. Please print in colour if possible.
- Men’s Camp 2016 Application
- Bulletin insert which we would appreciate you printing and inserting into your Sunday church bulletin.
- You may also want to print copies to be passed out at Women ministry events so they can pass them on to their spouses.
- Of course it would be natural to distribute them to men atevents for men such as men’s breakfast etc.
- Again if you could print in colour it will make the material much more impactful.
Many hours of hard work have gone into preparing for this year’s Men’s Camp. As a CO / Ministry unit leader we ask that you give us your support by promoting this event in any way you can.
I’m sure you will agree that Men’s Ministry is an important element of corps development. Likewise, Men’s Camp is an excellent opportunity for our men to come together, share and uplift each other on their Christian journey. Help us to make 2016 a record breaking year!
If you would like more information or if you have questionsplease feel free to contact us using the contact information below. Please pray for our Men’s Camp, that God will make His presence evident in the lives of the men who attend and that they will be blessed and your corps / ministry unit will be enriched through their blessings.
On behalf of your 2016 Men’s Camp Planning Committee,
Baxter Freake
Chair, Men’s Camp 2016
CSM, Cambridge Citadel Corps
Cambridge Ontario
Cell 519-239-5901