Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects


Customer Opinion Survey

1. Households with Internal Plumbing

1. Town: / 6. Name:
2. Name of residential area: / 7. Address:
3. Type of residential area: / 8. Account number:
4. Date: / 9. Metered?: / Yes: O No: O, / Functional? / Yes: O No: O
5. Interviewer: / 10. Billing: / Meter readings: O Fixed charge: O

11. Is there a working tap within your house? Yes: O No: O

12. Do you receive a water bill every month? Yes: O No: O

13. Do you receive water from the WSP or from the Council: WSP: O Council: O

14. What do you think of the quality of the water (taste, appearance, smell) from your yard tap?

(Read out the various answers)

1. Good / 2. Fair / 3. Poor / 3. It varies / 4. No opinion/don’t’ know

15. Do you treat the water from your yard tap before drinking it? (treat = tibu)

1. Yes / 2. No / 3. At times / 4. Under special circumstances

16. How many hours per day is water available in your house ?

1. Less than 8 / 2. Between 8 and 12 / 3. Between 12 and 18 / 4. Between 18 and 24 / 5. Erratic

17. When you draw water, does the water run:

1. Very slow / 2. Just about fast enough / 3. Very fast / 4. It varies

18. Do you also fetch water from other sources such as a hand pump, an open well, a stream, your roof, a lake or a well?

Yes: O No: O

19. Do other households use your house connection?

Yes: O No: O Sometimes: O

20. What do you consider to be the main disadvantage of the current water supply situation?

21. Do you have any comments or opinions regarding the water supply, sanitation or waste collection situation in this part of town?

Water supply:
Waste collection:

22. Do you visit the office of the WSP to report problems? Yes: O No: O Sometimes: O

23. Were you pleased with the Company’s response to your problem? Yes: O No: O


Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects Module 2 Survey 1. Households with internal plumbing