Fallacies from “Love is a Fallacy” (and additional fallacy handout)

Fallacy: A mistaken or illogical idea; error in reason
Logic: The science of thinking

Dicto Simpliciter: an argument based on an unqualified generalization. “Exercise is good. Therefore, everyone should exercise.” (Heart patients shouldn’t exercise)

Hasty Generalization: too few instances to support the conclusion. (Nobody on camopus speaks French.)

Post Hoc: “Let’s not take Bill on our picnic. Every time we take him it rains. Bill has no connection to the weather.

Contradictory Premesis: “If God can do anything, can he make a stone so heavy he can’t lift it?” there can be no argument when the premises contradict each other..

Ad Misericordian: Appeal to someone’s sympathy or pity to avoid the question. (My wife is aripple, the children are hungry…)

False Analogy: Comparing two different situations and making an analogy. The situations must be camparable.

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact: Starting with a false hypotheses and drawing conclusions. “Madam Curie’s discovery of radium would not have happened if she hadn’t left the photographic plate with pitch blende out.”

Poisoning the Well: Tainting an argument before it has begun.. (First man calls a second man a liar before he gets to say anything.)

Begging the Question: Assuming the premise is true without evidence. “Have your parents quit making all of your decisions for you?”

Slippery Slope: Arguing that one event will lead to another which will lead to another. “If I don’t study I’ll fail the class, have to drop out of high school and get married young!”

Ad Populum: Appeal to the crowd. Using popular opinion to support an argument.

Ad Homein: Attacking the person instead of attacking the argument the person is making.

Ignoring the Question: Arguing something else (Changing the subject.)

Non Sequitar: Does not necessarily follow. (A man is a good husband because he does not beat his wife.)