
Dear HASSRAMembers

You are invited to attend the above HASSRA North West Team Golf eventwhich I must stress is one of the best golf clubs in the North West and is an open qualifying course. Please note the dress code at this establishment is very strict.

The entry fee for the team event is £35.00 per person, which includes 18 holes of golf and a catering package including tea/coffee and a bacon roll on arrival and a main coursemeal afterwards – this is a fantastic price for this place and I can personally state the food here is excellent.No late entries will be accepted. The closing date is Friday 21/03/14. No refunds will be given for cancellations after that date.

The teams will consist of three people, preferably from the same office. It is not a requirement that all three people are from the same office. The format of the day is 18 holes stableford with the best two scores to count on each hole – full handicap. You will be allocated tee times, which will be sent to you with a confirmation slip and directions after Monday 24/03/14.

If you cannot make up a team of three, please send in your entry and I shall endeavour to make up teams from the individuals.If that is not feasible the team without will operate with a “ghost” member ie some individual selected from the other teams by random selection.

The top 12 individual scores will also qualify for the match against Fylde on Thursday10/04 at the Caldy Golf Clubfor which special leave is normally grantedand will be supported by Hassra, so remember to record your scores individually.

Please find overleaf the entry form for the 2014 Team Event. The form should fit neatly into a window envelope. Please complete the entry form and send your money as soon as possible. I have also enclosed a membership form.The membership form should also be completed if your details have amended since last year i.e. mobile or phone no or address.

Please pay by either a cheque(s) payable to “HASSRA NW Golf Society” and send to Steve, or

via the online payment method to Santander sort code 09 01 55 account number 37928707 – please ensure you add your Surname as reference otherwise it could be problematical and if you are paying for 3 please put eg BIRCH/MAXWELL/DALY as a reference. NB even if you send an online payment could you also send the attached notification as well to Steve Birch for accounting purposes.


Please see the following link –


From Liverpool M62:

Get on M60 off the M62 and head towards Trafford Centre keep on motorway for about 7 miles and come off at Bredbury (2nd junction after Stockport.) Go up slip road and bear right at roundabout at top and head towards Bredbury. Go left at second set of traffic lights.Where the third set of t/lights are, go straight through (you pass Morrisons and Homebase on your left). At fourth set turn right and follow road until next set of T/L where you turn right again. Follow this winding road and at next set of proper traffic lights turn right and then within 40 yds turn left at T/Lights and club is about 300 yds on left.

From Cumbria:

Get off the M61 and head left onto M60 (towards Leeds) and then come off after Whitefield/Prestwich junction (where you come off for Stand GC) and at next junction take M60 EAST ie going down slip road take a right - keep on motorway for about 7 miles and come off at Bredbury (afterDenton junction .) Go up slip road and bear right at roundabout at top and head towards Bredbury Go left at second set of traffic lights.Where the third set of t/lights are, go straight through (you pass Morrisons and Homebase on your left). At fourth set turn right and follow road until next set of T/L where you turn right again. Follow this winding road and at next set of proper traffic lights turn right and then within 40 yds turn left at T/Lights and club is about 300 yds on left.

Ged Daly, Secretary

Tel:0161 912 8512




Send to:

Steve Birch

Mitre House

Church Street




Team Event Entry Form


Team name: ______Amount paid

(Delete as applicable)

Player 1: ______Hcp:______£35.00

Player 2: ______Hcp:______£70.00

Player 3: ______Hcp:______£105.00

*I have not enclosed any money but I still wish to be on the mailing list to get information

*Please delete my name from the mailing list

Delete as applicable

****** Closing date Friday 21/03/14 ******


Send to:

Steve Birch

Mitre House

Church Street




Membership Form



Home address:______




Tel Nos:Office: ______

Home: ______

Handicap:______HASSRA member No: ______

I have DWP e-mail at work: Yes/No*

Other E-mail address:
