Tapestry Public Charter School
Board Meeting, 5/5/14, 8:00 pm
Northeast Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall
4046 Chamblee Tucker Rd, Atlanta, GA 30340
Attendees: Tonna, Devon, Barbara, Greta, Ashley, Richard, Suzanne, Mike, Ann
Public Meeting Minutes, 8pm start time
Additional attendees included George and two members of the public.
1. Welcome (Tonna). All board members introduced themselves to the guests attending.
2. Minutes from last board meeting: VOTE (Amy made the motion, Devon seconded the motion, and all approved.)
3. Committee Reports
A. Facilities (Devon)
Fireproofing of the corridors has begun. Backflow preventer was installed. Work is largely complete on drywall installation on 1st floor. Electrical work is pending and has added increased cost. Doors are in. We still need to add emergency lighting in the rooms and stairwells.
Doors and electrical will add up to about $12k in cost. Devon Alt had the lower bid on the electrical work and we will hire him. Other expenses add up to about $30k.
Tonna suggested that we have a Tapestry representative on site during construction in the next couple weeks. Starting this Wed., Suzanne will be here 8:30-9:30 or 10. Barbara volunteered to help be on site and particularly in the morning, 12:30-2, except for the 15th. Greta’s husband John can help, targeting 10-11, at least 3X/week. Kevin will be here first thing in the morning (7am) and again at end of the day.
Mary Jim and the architects will receive a public acknowledgment on the website for their generous volunteer contributions.
B. Finance (David/Mike)
Mike reported that we have a line of credit to help us bridge the cashflow gap. Devon made a motion to agree to the terms of the line of credit, Tonna seconded, and all approved.
Devon will send language to Amy to sign and scan in and distribute to make this effective.
C. Grants (Suzanne)
We received a federal planning & implementation grant valued at $550k. We can spend $75k in our planning period from April 5-June 30. The implementation phase begins July 1. The funds will cover Chrome books, interactive boards, online curricula, teacher training, garden supplies, etc.
Suzanne has also applied for a number of other grants to all appropriate foundations. Tonna and Suzanne met with the exec director and a board member from the Dobbs Foundation. We are awaiting feedback from them. Suzanne will submit to them a 5 year budget as soon as available.
D. Fundraising (Suzanne/Moritz)
The High 5 campaign ends today. We raised around $15k. Some additional contributions are pending.
Other ongoing fundraising opportunities include: Publix partner cards, Office Depot cards, etc. Publix cards were distributed to board members and guests.
E. Supplies Acquisition (Keely)
The tracking of supplies needs has transitioned to Suzanne.
F. Policies: (Greta)
Greta sent out on April 22 the bulk of the personnel-related policies. Those policies included:
· Personnel standards of conduct
· Nursing mothers
· Attendance
· Immigration compliance
· EEO and harassment
· Sexual harassment and misconduct
· Personnel data
· Background checks
· Hiring policies and procedures
· FT positions
· Benefits eligibility
· Complaint procedures
· Employee compensation and time
· At will employment
· ADA and employment
Devon and Dana helped on the policy committee as well. We will need to constitute a Personnel committee to handle HR issues that require board involvement. Hiring committee will always be ad hoc. Greta has a list of policies that she is recommending the principal develop.
Tonna questioned the absentee policy and Greta clarified. These policies will be non-binding and for guidance. Greta offered to clarify the policy. Tonna asked about a mandated 30 min. break during lunch where teachers will be relieved; this is a great idea if we have staff or volunteers to relieve them. Devon recommended removing language. We will target this goal with parent volunteers.
There was discussion around the policy not to hire spouses of board members, which is written in our petition. Other family members may be hired if the respective board members recuse themselves from the hiring decision.
David drafted a financial policy that Devon and others will review.
Devon made a motion to table the vote to approve policies pending suggested edits, Richard seconded, all approved.
We will need these policies implemented soon for insurance reasons.
Amy will circulate the financial policy along with meeting minutes.
G. Hiring: VOTE (Tonna)
Of the 5 teachers offered positions, 4 have accepted- all but Rytva Soni.
Tonna mentioned that we have two staff members to recommend for hire.
· Dr. Amanda Chilvers as principal. She currently works at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf.
Tonna made a motion, Ashley seconded, all approved. We have yes votes from Stacy, Dana, Simon and will handle via proxy.
Second recommendation is for:
· Deven Greene. School counselor part-time. She worked previously at the Community School.
Ashley motioned for approval, Greta seconded, all approved.
Tonna mentioned the prospect of hiring a teacher (Matthew Robinson) who is not yet certified. The hiring committee will discuss the prospect of hiring him as a full time sub.
H. Partnerships (Tonna)
Tonna met recently with Kennesaw State.
Barry Mann may be designated as the teaching artist from the Alliance Theatre.
Sense Theater at Vanderbilt: One of our teachers, Kelly, will go for two weeks’ training there.
We have an upcoming GSU meeting.
Outside of a committee report: Devon mentioned that we have liability insurance for D&O and staff.
4. Ongoing Business
A. Food service (Amy/Greta)
Devon mentioned that we must comply with the federal lunch guidelines. Devon will prepare an RFP and invite bids. Devon would like to have a sub-committee review the RFP and circulate prior to the next board meeting.
Greta made a motion, Suzanne seconded, and all approved.
B. Enrollment (Tonna)
We have 96 students, 32 in each class. We went to the waiting list for 8th grade.
Mike suggested sending out a survey to parents to ask them for their skills and possible volunteer opportunities.
C. Meetings with DeKalb (Devon)
Devon described the budget meeting with DeKalb, where the previously agreed on funding level was not granted. Ashley is collecting data and will help advocate for the previously agreed on funds – meeting is May 16.
The second meeting was re: itinerant services such as OT, PT, etc, which they have offered to provide.
5. New Business
A. Regular Board Meeting Schedule (Tonna)
Devon suggested a regular meeting schedule. Greta suggested the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm for the public meeting.
June 16 will be the next regular board meeting. We may have a called meeting re: staff prior.
B. Governing Board Vacancies/Nominating Committee (Devon)
Devon reported that Simon, Karen will roll onto the advisory committee. David and Stacy are maybe’s. Two teachers will need to roll on.
For upcoming vacancies, we could benefit from commercial real estate talent, general contractor talent, and other skills.
C. Afterschool programs (Devon)
Greta offered to do research on afterschool programs. Devon explained that it is difficult to hire teachers for after school care, because of the need to run two payrolls, and for teachers to focus their energy on teaching in the school day. We may hire someone part-time to run the program.
D. Technology Committee (Moritz/Mike)
Meeting tomorrow night including some parents will be at 8pm here at the school.
D. Community Building Events (Tonna)
Tonna has list of parents who have volunteered to start the PTO over the summer and they’ll meet in the next few weeks.
We’ll plan a ‘meet the principal and a few teachers’ event.
Parents and a potential athletic director have offered a potential camp the week of June 16, M-F 2-5pm afternoon camp. Another potential camp is proposed for week of July 28, 10-3, a Shenanigans camp.
E. Other to-do items None were mentioned.
6. Board Comments/Announcements: None were mentioned.
7. Next Meeting will be June 16.
Suzanne made a motion to adjourn, Richard seconded. All approved.