To be submitted at the following address in sealed cover marked “Tender for Pressure Testing, Painting & Transportation of DPT LPG cylinders Ex – “ NAGPUR LPG TERRITORY”


Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

LPG Territory Office & Bottling Plant,

D-1, MIDC, Butibori,

Village : Gangapur Post: Takalghat

Tehsil : Hingana Distt. : Nagpur

Pin Code: 441122

Please affix your rubber stamp and sign on each page and return to us along with all enclosures

Please quote rates in Schedule of Rates – Annexure XIV

CLOSING DUE DATE / TIME: 18.03.2010 UPTO 14.00 Hours

OPENING DUE DATE / TIME: 18.03.2010 AT 14.30 Hours

NGP:LPG:TEND:08/ 2009-10 02.03.2010


Dear Sir/s,



1)  Offers are invited in a sealed envelope in two bid system – Technical Bid and Price Bid for Pressure Testing, Painting and Transportation of our 5KG, 14.2 KG, 19 KG & 47.5 KG DPT LPG cylinders generated ex following locations ex NAGPUR LPG Territory.


2)  The Pressure testing job is to be carried out as per IS codes with latest amendments and as per our Conditions of Tender (Annexure I), Special Terms and Conditions of tender (Annexure II), Scope of Work (Annexure III) etc., as detailed in the attached Technical Bid.

3)  The tender for Pressure testing is not exclusive but inclusive of transportation, hence, a tenderer willing to do the Pressure Testing job at ex any particular Bottling Plant/Location must also do the transportation job for that particular plant.

4)  In case the tenderer is not willing to do the job of Pressure testing ex a particular bottling plant / location, then the tenderer should point out the same on his Letter Head and enclose the same in the Technical Bid. In the Price Bid the tenderer should cancel the transportation rate ex that bottling plant in which he is not interested to do the job and should sign against the cancellation.

5)  Quoting the transportation rate ex any bottling plant / location will be construed as the tender is willing to do the job ex that bottling plant / location for which he has quoted the transportation rate. Once the transportation rate against a plant / location has been quoted, the tenderer cannot at a latter stage withdraw for doing the transportation. In that case, the EMD submitted by the tenderer shall be forfeited and tenderer stands to be black listed from quoting in all the tenders issued by BPCL.

6)  The TECHNICAL BID has to be filled and submitted back to us together with all drawings, in a separate cover after signing on all the pages including the drawings, by an authorized signatory after fixing their rubber stamp. An EMD of Rs. 1,00,000/- as explained in the ensuing pages should be submitted along with the Technical Bid. The cover should be marked “TECHNICAL BID”.

7)  Totally correct information of all the items has to be filled / furnished in the Technical Bid. If on cross checking, inspection etc., if it is found out that the information furnished by the tenderer is different / wrong / not matching with the information furnished in the Technical Bid then the EMD submitted by the tender will be forfeited & the tenderer may be debarred for applying in the tender in future.

8)  Please quote your lowest rate per cylinder for the job items in the “Rate Schedule” (Annexure XIV) in the Price bid attached. PRICE BID should be put in a separate cover. The cover should be marked “PRICE BID”.

9)  The two covers containing the Technical Bid and the Price Bids should then be put in a separate cover and sent to the office address as indicated below.

10)  The rates quoted should be firm and inclusive of all taxes, duties, etc. as explained in clauses 16, 17, 18, 19 of the Special Terms and Conditions of Tender (Annexure II) of the enclosed Technical Bid. No revision will be allowed during the tenure of the contract.

11)  The contract for each location will be valid for two years from the date of awarding the contract. The contract can be extended for a further period of one more year, on the same rates & terms and conditions through mutual consent.

12)  We request you to go through all Tender documents carefully before submitting your quotations. Any clarifications regarding the work can be sought from our Territory Office on any working day during normal working hours.

13)  The company reserves the right to appoint more than one Tenderer for the above said jobs or break / award the job as per its discretion. The company also reserves the right to accept / ignore any quotation in part or full before the award of job, or withdraw this tender altogether, at any stage, without assigning any reason.

14)  The quotation/price bid/s, and all the tender documents including drawings, being sent to you, should be returned to us duly signed on each page by an authorized signatory with official seal so as to reach the office of the undersigned upto 1400 hrs of 18.03.2010 and the technical bids of the all the tenderer received shall be opened on 18.03.2010 at 14.30 hours in the office of TM (LPG), Nagpur at the address as mentioned below.

15)  The tenders should reach the following address before due date and time of the closing date of the tender mentioned herein before. Tenders/Quotations received after due date and time of tender will not be accepted/considered.


Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

LPG Territory Office & Bottling Plant,

D-1, MIDC, Butibori,

Village : Gangapur Post: Takalghat

Tehsil : Hingana Distt. : Nagpur

Pin Code: 441122

Tel No. 07104- 280051, 280100

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,







Details / Page nos.
Cover page for Technical Bid & Covering letter / 1- 3
Conditions of tender / Annexure I / 5 – 7
Special Terms and Condition of Tender / Annexure II / 8 – 18
Scope of Work / Annexure III / 19 – 23
Special Instructions on Pr. Testing of Cylinders / Annexure IV / 24
Information regarding Tenderers / Annexure V / 25
Tenderers Credential Bio-data / Annexure VI / 26
Tenderers Bank Data Details / Annexure VII / 27
Test Certificate for Hydrotested LPG Cylinders / Annexure VIII / 28
Proforma of List of Cylinders – Pressure Tested / Annexure VIII-A / 29
Proforma of List of Rejected Cylinders / Annexure IX / 30
Proforma of Monthly Reconciliation statement / Annexure X / 31
Specifications of Trucks / Annexure XI / 32
Address of LPG Plant and various Locations / Annexure XII / 33
Drawings / Annexure XIII
PRICE BID (Schedule of Rates) / Annexure XIV / 34-36



1)  Offers are invited in a sealed envelope in two bid system – Technical Bid and Price Bid for Pressure Testing, Painting and Transportation of our 5 KG, 14.2 KG, 19 KG & 47.5 KG LPG DPT cylinders generated ex following location in Nagpur LPG Territory. The addresses of all locations are indicated in Annexure XII.


2)  The Pressure testing job is to be carried out as per present prevailing IS codes with latest amendments and as per our Conditions of Tender, Special Terms and Conditions of tender, Scope of Work etc., as detailed in the Technical Bid.

3)  The tender for Pressure testing is not exclusive but inclusive of transportation, hence, a tenderer willing to do the Pressure Testing job at ex any particular Bottling Plant / Location must also do the transportation job for that particular plant.

4)  In case the tenderer is not willing to do the job of Pressure testing ex a particular bottling plant/location, then the tenderer should point out the same on his Letter Head and enclose the same in the Technical Bid. In the Price Bid the tenderer should cancel the transportation rate ex that bottling plant/location in which he is not interested to do the job and should sign against the cancellation.

5)  This tender should be submitted in two parts namely - Technical Bid & Price Bid.

a)  TECHNICAL BID – Annexure I to Annexure XIII with various drawings

b)  PRICE BID – Annexure XIV

6)  Tenderers should provide correct information & all the required information asked for in the Technical Bid / Annexures and only the Authorised Signatory should sign on all the pages including drawings and affix the Company’s Seal on the Schedule of Rates page (Annexure XIV) and affix official seal on all the other pages from Annexure I to Annexure XIV including all the drawings.

In case at a latter stage, if on cross checking, inspection etc., if it is found out that the information furnished by the tenderer is different / wrong / not matching with the information furnished in the Technical Bid / Annexures then the EMD submitted by the tender will be forfeited & the tenderer may be debarred for applying in the tender in future.

Þ  The Technical Bid (Annexure I to Annexure XIII – with all the drawings) should be put in a separate cover together with required EMD. The cover should be marked “TECHNICAL BID”.

Þ  The Price Bid (Annexure XIV only) should be put in a separate cover. Please quote your lowest rate per cylinder for the job items in the “Schedule of Rates” in the Price bid attached. The cover should be marked “PRICE BID”.

Þ  The cover containing the Technical Bid & the cover containing the Price Bid should then be put in a separate cover and sent to the office address as indicated in this tender.

Þ  The Price Bid of the those bidders whose bids are technically acceptable will be opened in presence of the bidders and a separate intimation will be sent to all the bidders who are found technically acceptable advising date/time/place of opening of the Price Bid.

Please note that the tender/s received without quotation for transportation rate will not be considered.

7)  The rates quoted should be firm and inclusive of all taxes, duties, etc. as explained in clauses 16, 17, 18, 19 of the “Special Terms and conditions of the Tender” enclosed as Annexure II. Revision in the rates of whatever nature will not be allowed during the tenure of the contract.

8)  The contract will be valid for a period of two years from the date of awarding the contract. The contract can be extended for a further period of one more year, on the same rates & terms and conditions, on mutual consent, at the discretion of the Corporation.

9)  The quantity of cylinders to be pressure tested during the tenure of 2 years shown against each location is purely based on estimation and BPCL does not guarantee any minimum number of cylinders that will be given for pressure testing / to be pressure tested from any of the plant/s/locations. BPCL reserves the right to award the job to one or multiple parties from one or from all location mentioned in the tender at it sole discretion or withdraw the tender at any stage / altogether without assigning any reason.

10)  The Corporation reserves the right to increase or decrease the tendered quantity or revise specifications, drawing, and designs of any or every item at any stage of work. The successful tenderer’s claim for compensation or damages on account of these shall not be entertained. Such deviations, if necessary, will be adjusted at the rates contained in the agreement by issuing variation order(s). In case it becomes necessary for the Company to temporarily suspend or postpone the work, partly or fully, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Corporation shall not be liable for payment of any compensation on account of resultant delays.

11)  The estimated quantity for pressure testing of cylinders ex various Plants / locations in Nagpur LPG Territory is as detailed below:

Name of LPG Plant Estimated generation of DPT Cyls for 2 years

14.2 KG 19 KG 19 KG (BMCG) 47.5 KG 5 KG

a ) Butibori (Nagpur) LPG Plant 72000 1500 500 300 500

TOTAL 72000 1500 500 300 500

12)  The tenderer shall be required to submit along with the “TECHNICAL BID” an earnest money deposit (EMD) of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. One Lakh only) in form of Demand Draft favoring “BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPN. LTD.,” payable at NAGPUR to be submitted along with the Technical Bid. The Demand Draft should be drawn on a Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Banks (other than Cooperative Banks) only. Quotations received without EMD or with less EMD will not be considered.

13)  The company reserves the right to appoint more than one Tenderer for the above said jobs or break / award the job as per its discretion. The company also reserves the right to accept / ignore any quotation in part or full before the award of job, or withdraw this tender altogether, at any stage, without assigning any reason.