March 2016
The RLP Strategy Group held its first meeting of 2016 on the 15th March.There were two principal items on the Agenda.
RLP Review
The RLP received a Report on the review of the RLP, looking forward to 2020, conducted by SQW (Consultants).
The principal conditions and recommendations for the way ahead are:
- Consensus that RLP, whilst the first successful venture of its kind, needs to be refreshed to clarify its role going forward to 2020, to reflect the changing landscape for regeneration, e.g. Swansea City Bay Region, Growing Mid-Wales Partnership, etc.
- The other two regional skills partnerships in Wales have overtaken our RLP in terms of their effectiveness and responsiveness.
- Consensus that the RLP is a valuable forum for engagement, with potential to add significant value – but needs to move from being “helpful” to being “game changing”.
- There has been a long-standing difficulty in engaging employers in the work of the RLP, but there are presently encouraging signs of progress.
- The case for sustaining the RLP remains strong.
- The core functions of the RLP to 2020 should be:
data and intelligence (labour market intelligence, demand and supply assessment, etc);
strategic Planning and decision making (Regional Delivery Plan, etc);
partnership and stakeholder engagement;
- Recommendations were accepted to “de-layer” governance and operational arrangements, whilst reinforcing the need for the Strategic Employer Reference Group to remain and further develop (see attached models). The intention is for new RLP to become employer led.
- DfES have confirmed their support for the new focus and models and consistency with grant conditions for future funding (Theresa Holdsworth). Welsh Government requirement that RLP is chaired by an employer post 2017.
- Current arrangement for ERW (one Director representing all six Directors in region) cited as an example of good practice. Note that sector representatives need to take responsibility for communicating and engaging with their sectors – both ways.
- Welsh Government principal priority is focus – skills for progression to employment. Four priorities, consistent for regional skills partnerships across Wales, will be published post election.
- RS comment – real potential to link skills development agenda with Donaldson agenda – especially through central theme of subsidiarity.
- RLP Team will contact ERW to confirm representation.
Regional Delivery Plan for Employment & Skills
- Draft Plan prepared for submission to Welsh Government and subsequent consultation. Current draft largely updates data within the plan previously agreed.
- Plan offers a broad picture of economic sectors potential – nothing requiring direct attention of ERW at this time.