Teacher: Mrs. Rebecca Austin
Room: SC 3
Welcome! I am very excited to have you in class this year. Chemistry can be a very demanding course so I do expect you to do your best to ensure your success. Together with a lot of hard work we can all have a great year. Good luck!
Textbook: Modern Chemistry Holt McDougal
Supplies: Notebook – 3 ring binder is best
Pens (no red, pink, or other unreadable colors) / pencils
Calculator ( I have a class set of basic calculators if needed)
1 box of tissue
1 roll of paper towels
1 ream of paper
Grading: Total points
I do not give extra credit to individual students – only to classes as a whole
Chemistry does have an EOC test.
Retesting policy: Anyone who fails a test or quiz may retake. The highest grade that you may receive is a 70. Retests/Make-ups must be completed before the next unit test.
Absentees: If you are absent, you are responsible for getting the notes, worksheets, etc… for what you missed. Worksheets will be in a designated area in the classroom for you to pick up. School policy will be followed concerning excused/unexcused absences and what you are allowed to make up.
*** I do not have to allow you to make up work missed due to an unexcused absence***
Thursday will be make-up day but this may vary throughout the year. Prior notice will be given if there is a change. There is a sign up sheet. Adhere to deadlines throughout the year.
Late work: 1 day late = maximum of 80, 2 days late = maximum of 70, 3 days late = maximum of 50. If we have gone over the assignment as a class prior to you turning it in, you will be given an alternate assignment.
Extra help: I arrive at school at 6:00 AM. If you need help before school, please make prior arrangements. You may also come by after school to ask questions.
My classroom is a NO PHONE zone!!!!
Basic classroom rules and procedures:
1) Be on time. Tardy rules will be enforced.
2) Enter the room quietly and sit in your desk.
3) Do not get out of your desk without permission.
4) Check the dry erase boards for daily directions.
5) Use an agenda book , notebook, or computer to write down important information about assignments, tests, quizzes, labs, make-ups, or deadlines.
6) Be on task for the whole class period.
7) No food or drink ( except water) .
8) Be respectful to everyone in the room.
9) Cheating will not be tolerated. Copying someone else’s work before class begins is cheating. Both students will receive a zero.
1) You must turn in a signed copy of the lab safety rules.
2) You must wear closed toe shoes to participate in lab. The maximum grade that you can get on a lab if you fail to wear the proper shoes is a 70.
Behavior: Make good choices! I have very high expectations of you and low tolerance for time wasted on behavioral issues. All BHS policies will be enforced. Please do not waste our time or embarrass yourself with disruptive behavior.
The information given to you may be modified or added to as new issues pop up.
Grading Scale:
93-100 A
85-92 B
75-84 C
70-74 D
69 or below F
There is a Chemistry EOC!
2nd semester Q3 32.5%
Q4 32.5%
Exam 10%
EOC 25%
Exam exemptions - 2nd semester
If you have a grade of 90 or above AND 3 or less EXCUSED absences for the semester, you are exempt.
Check Power School Often !!