Summary Report from the Meeting of

Senate on 2 May 2017

Selected items from the Vice-Chancellor and President’s Business

Senate was informed that the HEFCE Annual Provider Review 2016-17 had been received / The University had received from HEFCE the Annual Provider Review 2016-17. The outcome was reported in two parts: risk categorisation on financial sustainability and good management and governance matters; and the judgement on quality and standards matters reached by the independent Quality Committee. The outcomes for financial sustainability, management and governance were reported as ‘not at higher risk’ and for quality and standards matters as ‘meets requirement’
Senate was informed that the University had signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) / The University has affirmed its commitment to the fair assessment of research achievements through the signing of an international declaration.

Strategy Consultation/Strategic Progress Reports

Science and Engineering Excellence Project / Senate received an update on the Science and Engineering Excellence (SEE) Project. An Academic Rational for the SEE Project was also provided and a response to the questions submitted by Senators in relation to the project. Senate were informed that a business case for capital investment would be presented later.
Academic and technical staff have been aligned to the new academic units. Consultation was underway for the proposed professional services structure.
Senate approved the proposed names of the four Newcastle based schools as:
  • School of Computing
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
  • School of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Strategic Progress Reports / Senate received Strategic Progress reports on:
  • Student Recruitment
  • International Student Recruitment
  • Public Relations


Senate approved the Associate Professor/Reader Titles for SE Asia / Senate approved academic job titles for secondees at NUMed Malaysia and for local and seconded staff at NUIS Singapore.
Senate approvedthe renewal of University Research Centres / Senate approve the renewal of the following research centres for five years
•Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology & Enterprise
•Centre for Learning & Teaching
•Global Urban Research Unit
•The Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre
•Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies
Senate approve the change of name of the Research Centre for Film and Digital Medial to the Research Centre for Film and the renewal for two years in the first instance.
Access Agreement for 2018-19 / Senate approved the Access Agreement for 2018-19.
Fees Schedule / Senate approved the Fees Scheduled for 2018-19.
University Internationalisation committee / Senate approved the revised Terms of Reference for the University Internationalisation Committee.


Senate received the Annual Health and Safety Report / Senate received the annual Health and Safety report for 2015-16.
Senate received a response on the SAMS / Senate received a response to the questions submitted by Professor Paul Christensen regarding the Student Attendance Monitoring System (SAMS).

Janice Trewick

Executive Officer (Governance)

9 May 2017