




People’s Church

Of Dover

United Church of



The purpose of the Women’s Fellowship is to enlist the women of the congregation and the community in a fellowship of worship, education, service and giving to support the program of the People’s Church as it serves the cause of Christ in the community and throughout the world

The Women’s Fellowship of People’s United Church of Christ of Dover is open to all women of the church and the community. We also welcome spouses and friends to any of our activities or programs.

Please come and join us monthly, usually on the second Sunday.

If you would like, please give us your name and address below and someone will contact you.




Phone #:______


People’s United Church of Christ

Women’s Fellowship

46 North Bradford Street

Dover, De. 19904


May the Lord watch between you and me while we are absent from one another.

May the road rise before you;

May the wind blow gently at your back; and

May the Lord hold you in the hollow of

His hand.

In Memoriam

Florence Tressler

Joan Caulk

Irene Deamer

Dates to Remember

Ash Wednesday

February 18, 2015

Palm Sunday

March 29, 2015

Good Friday

April 3, 2015


April 5, 2015

May Friendship Day

May 10, 2015

All Saints Day

November 1, 2015


December 25, 2015

Do not put a period where God has placed a comma,

God is still speaking.

Meetings and Activities 2014-5


Oct 12Westminster VillageMary

Sun 11:20amJohns

Nov 9Make Crafts for Home- Phyllis

Sun 11:20ambound & make Simpkins

Cranberry Relish to sell Jean Hitchens

Nov 16Sell Cranberry Relish, etc.

4:30-6:30pm at the Spaghetti dinner

Dec 7Christmas CoveredPhyllis

Sun 12:15pmDish Luncheon Simpkins’

*collect Family Thank bags

Jan 11Book ReviewJane

Sun 11:20am Kent

Feb 8Pancake Brunch Phyllis

Sun 11amValentine Tarburton

CandySale Robin Hinderer

Mar 8Human Trafficking ?

Sun 11:20am

Mar 2911am“Slice is Nice” and P. Simpkins

Palm SunEaster Candy Sale L. Arnold

Apr 12Latino Immigrant?

Sun 11:20am Children

May 17Spring LuncheonJane

Sun 11:20am TripZink

Sep 13Covered Dish Luncheon BJ

Sun 11:20amPastoral Update VanKavelaar

*give out Family Thanks bags

Oct 11Public Health IssuesMary

Sun 11:20amJohns

Nov 8Make Crafts and P. Simpkins

Sun 11:20am Cranberry Relish J. Hitchens

Dec 6Christmas Luncheon Phyllis

Sun 12:15pm*collect Thank bags Simpkins

Officers and Chairwomen 2015

President*Ruth Gallihue 697-1010

1st Vice*Shirley Hawkins 698-1258

2nd Vice*Robin Hinderer 653-4544

Secretary*BJ Van Kavelaar 697-9426

Treasurer*Phyllis Tarburton 730-0975

Parliamentarian*Phyllis Simpkins 653-7561

Key Woman*Mary Johns 674-1723

Standing Committee Chairs

Devotional LifeJane Kent 744-3705

Program ChairRobin Hinderer 653-4544

Material Aids Shirley Hawkins 698-1258


Hospitality -Marian DePue 674-3246

HouseJane Zink 735-8996

PublicityPat Thompson 734-1566

Family ThankPhyllis Simpkins 653-7561

Nominating*Shirley Hawkins 698-1258

Committee Chair

Advisor*Jean Hitchens 736-6086


*denotes Executive Board Members

Budgeted Items for 2015

1. One Great Hour of Sharing$100

2. Appropriation for mission $300

efforts to the People’s Church budget

3. Support to UCC Lancaster$100


4. Local Mission/Charity$200

Donations (ie: Caring Hearts

Helping Hands or Stockley)

5. Flowers, gifts, memorials$ 50

Recognition of special gifts or upon the

death of a woman of our church

6. Receptions – Miscellaneous$250

7. Postage and stationery$ 25

Funds for the hospitality committee

to send cards and notes to church


8. Church Women United$ 50

Dover community women’s fellowship

Total Budget $1,075