Invitation to a School Trip
Trip to Ypres, Belgium
Trip Leader / Mr ParkerSubject / History
Purpose / Students will visit the battlefields of 1914-1918 on this moving but hugely valuable and enjoyable trip. As well as visiting memorials and cemeteries for the soldiers who died, we will have lots of fun.
At the end of the day we will visit the beautiful market square in Ypres: there are lots of specialist chocolate shops here very different to anything you will find in Brighton.
Who / Year 9 History Students
Where / Ypres, Belguim
When / Friday 2nd March 2018
Duration / 1 Day
Travel arrangements / Coach and EuroTunnel.
We will leave PHS at approx. 5.30am and return at approx.
Dress code / Casual - School Uniform is not required. However student should be dressed appropriately for getting muddy in Trenches.
Cost / Cost will depend on the number of the Students who wish to attend the trip.
The maximum cost will be £94.00 the minimum will be £74.00. However by returning the form you are agreeing to pay the maximum cost.
Payment arrangements / Payments will be set up on SQUID once places have been allocated.
A deposit payment is of £50 due by 7th December with the balance of £44 being due by 7th February 2018.
Closing date / Reply slips to be returned by Thursday 23rd November no payment is yet required.
Food arrangements / Pupils to bring breakfast and a packed lunch with them or bring funds to buy food in Belgium.
Important Information / Students will need their own passport valid for 6 months from the date of travel and an European Health Card (EHIC)(available from )
Our website contains further details relating to school trips. If you would like advice or support for payment options, please contact the School Business Manager, Mrs D Bonner .
History Trip to Ypres, Belgium
Friday 2ndMarch 2018
Please return this reply slip byThursday 23rd November 2017 either to student services or by email to
(if replying by email please include all the information requested below)
I give permission for ______Tutor Group ______
to attend this trip.
I understand that by signing and returning this form I am liable for the full balance of the trip unless the school cancels the trip, in which case any monies paid will be returned in full. I confirm that I will pay on SQUID by the due date of 7th December for deposit and balance by 7th Feb.
My son/daughter has a
European Passport, Valid for 6 months from date of travel ( )
Passport No: Expiry Date:
European Health Card (EHIC)( )
Is a British National/Member of the EU Yes/No
Students will be unable to travel without both of these documents.
My emergency contact number is: ______
Medical Conditions/ Dietary Requirements:______
If your child has any Special Educational Needs or disability that may affect their Health and Safety and wellbeing on this trip please contact Nicola Bond on ext. 260 to discuss. Failure to provide this information at the outset may result in your child not having the support required on the trip.
Signed: ______Parent/Carer ______Date
I understand that any money paid, including the deposits, is non-refundable and that my child’s place is accepted only on condition of their good behaviour and can be cancelled without refund on behaviour issues. Anyone withdrawing from an overseas trip could still be liable for the whole or a percentage of the total cost unless withdrawal is on medical grounds with the production of a valid medical certificate or meets other criteria contained in the insurance policy.