(Rules 143, 144, 180, 181, 182, 200)

(Tailor these instructions to the competition)

1. Number bib must be worn unaltered, on the front or back of the uniform. (143.4/5/)

2. Competitors may not be assisted or coached in the competition area, and may not leave the competition area or cross the track to speak with a coach. No electronic devices of any type in the competition area (viewing images outside the competition area is OK) (144.3/5). You do//don’t have to escorted by an official to and from the restroom. You may//may not leave the area before the end of the event.

3. Warm-ups - there will be no warm-ups on the apron once the competition begins (180.10a, 16c).

4. Time limits: (180.11b). The time limit is 1 minute to initiate the jump.

- 2 or 3 jumpers left in the competition at the start of a round – 1½ min; consecutive attempts 2 minutes; 1st jump in the competition – always 1 min.; winner of the event - 3 minutes (2 min. in multis).

- The clock starts when you’re called “Up”// when I remove the cone//when I step off the apron.

- There will//will not be a timing device to display your time. A yellow flag will be raised overhead as a warning 15 seconds before the end of your time and lowered at the expiration of time.

5. Passes – Advise me of a pass as soon as you know. When you pass, you’re passing for all further attempts at that height. (181.6) All passes must be indicated before the start of the clock to avoid being charged with an attempt (180.11f).

6. Markers - 1 or 2 tape markers (each a single piece only) may be placed on the apron (chalk is not OK). (180.22a&b)

7. You have a failed attempt if: (182.3)

- You fail to initiate the jump within the time limit.

- On an attempt you touch the ground or the pit beyond the plane of the crossbar – either between or outside the supports - without first clearing the bar; or touch the crossbar or the vertical section of the uprights when running-up without jumping.

- The bar does not remain on the supports due to your action while jumping

- You attempt to steady or replace the bar with your hands

8. Calls - The calls will be “Up”, “On Deck”, and “On Hold.” The order of jumping at the opening height is: (read from event sheet).

9. Protests – Make any protest to the official with the flags; be clear that you’re protesting a call or mark.

10. Flights - We’ll run one flight//multiple flights (180.9b)

11. Is anyone competing in another event? If so, see me 4-5 min. before you leave & upon return. We can have you take jumps out of order before departing. If not present for a trial before the bar is raised, I’ll call you up, allow time to elapse, & record a pass. Upon return you’ll jump at the then-existing height. (180.10c)

12. The starting height is . m; with increments of __ cm (181.7); multis: always 3cm (200.6) The order of jumping will be: (read from event sheet).

13. Please direct any questions, only to the Flight Coordinator or to me. We will//will not do introductions. Are there any questions? … Good luck gentlemen/ladies!! Competition will begin in ___ minutes.

Additional Info/Conducting the Event

- Resolving ties: a. lowest # of jumps at the tied height; b. lowest total # of failures in the competition, including the tied height; c. if other than 1st place, jumpers remain tied; d. if 1st place tie, conduct a jump-off (181.9d)

- Late arrivals – OK at then-current height. (180.10a&b)

-  Displaced bar/standards. If the wind or another force displaces the bar: before an athlete clears it, they get another attempt; if after they have cleared the bar, the jump is good. If the standards slip when the competitor hits the bar, another attempt is given. (181.8)

- Aborted attempts – If the athlete does not commit a zero line violation, briefly hold the white flag horizontally (no rule).

HJ, Instr & Rules - USATF, USATF Best Practices, Jan 17 (Credit: R. Schornstein)