The Newton Fund in 5 minutes
- This is an extra £75m from the government, matched by overseas partner countries, which will support collaborative research over the coming 5 years.
- It is an opportunity to build long-term links with countries such as China, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa and many others
- In some cases it is an opportunity to get involved at the development stage of national research strategy , e.g. Eygpt, Indonesia
- It covers all career stages from students to senior academics
- The primary purpose of activity should be to promote the social and/or economic welfare of the partner country.
- This means impact is implicit in any project funded through NF
- BISinitiative to build better relationships with emerging powers thru research, innovation and education.
- Treasury able to support NF via the UK’s Overseas Development Assistance budget. These funds come with internationally agreed spending criteria and a defined list of eligible via international forum of OECD.
Agencies delivering
- 9 including RCUK, Royal Academy of Engineering, British Council and Innovate UK
- Brazil, China, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa and wider Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam
- Not all have signed MoUs yet
- The primary purpose of any UK activity funded by NF must be to promote the social and/or economic welfare of the partner country.
- Many Calls based around thematic areas identified by partner countries. See Themes document.
- Three strands/Programmes
- People: capacity building activities including travel grants, networks, fellowships
- Programmes: research programmes with elements of networking and money for centres
- Translation: academia-non-academia calls including training, research, tech transfer etc
How do you apply?
- UK agencies are trying to run calls through the existing mechanisms, e.g. RAE Exchange scheme, Royal Society Fellowships, RCUK standard grants
- There will be different mechanisms depending on the type of call, who’s running it and the country involved. Submission process is either via online submission systems or by email.
- Absolutely crucial that you read guidance notes for country specific application criteria
- Contact RED but strongly suggest also contact in-country/agency staff to seek advice – they keen to help
- Consider the primary purpose: will your programme help the partner country? The key issue is the intention of the fund, not the wording within a particular call. An application’s core purpose must meet the requirements: you must take care in describing the activity and demonstrating eligibility.
What kinds of funds can you apply for?
- Academies bottom up calls, RCUK and Innovate around themes, British Council varies
- Royal Society – Mobility schemes and fellowships: will run of
- Advanced Fellowships: 2 rounds/year, they stay in partner country, visits both ways
- International fellowships: they stay here about 2yrs
- RAE focus on interface between industry and academia, individuals and institutions
- British Council
- Researcher Links - 3-6 mthsexchanges either way
- Institutional Link - £50k - £300k 1-2yr awards at group, department or institutional level: must have non-academic partner, key aims of tangible impacts and sustainability of partnership
- Innovate UK - calls based around grand challenges: urbanisation and future cities; public health and well-being; energy, food and water; sustainable and low carbon manufacturing; big data; agri tech
- 2 strands: global innovation capacity building, research and innovation bridges
PhD opportunities
- British Council PhD placements (6mths)/scholarships (3yrs) will run annually where there is a little existing relationship with partner country agencies.
- RCUK PhD partnerships: institutional based around existing CDTs with calls for 3 year programmes.
First steps
- Do you want to carry out activities that meet the gateway criteria? Look at the material online, both BC and RCUK have guidance.
- Do you have existing interests/strongly motivated to collaborate with people in any NF countries?
- Speak to your existing collaborators, decide which calls may be of interest
- Need to find partners? Make contact with in-country staff: British Council, British Embassy, Science and Innovation Network (6 out of 15). Speaking to contacts I know they are keen to help.
- Sign up to International Unit newsletter/Twitter: give yourself and overseas collaborator maximum time to prepare bids
- You can apply for funding to attend workshops funded through Newton: may help you find collaborators, increase understanding of your partner countries priorities and research landscape.
- RED will have example applications to share