General Requirements:
§ Bi-weekly Blocks Clean Ups during academic year. No clean ups in November-January due to weather conditions. Additionally, EIU Student Community Service encourages you to connect with residents in your Adopt-The Blocks area and check in with them. Hopefully this will allow for further needs to be developed and handled including but not limited to leaf raking, snow removal, etc.
§ Participation in a One Day Service Event hosted by the EIU Student Community Service.
§ We encourage attendance of 5 members of your organization for block clean ups and one-day service events.
§ Monthly reports are due once per month. The same form will be used for all reports.
§ Failure to adhere to these policies can result in the loss of your blocks. The primary contact for your organization will receive warning emails during a probationary period.
Monthly Clean Ups:
The Adopt-A-Block Program is offered to all organized individuals and organizations interested in cleaning up their area to improve the livability of their neighborhood. Organizations will conduct a general cleanup of litter and trash that accumulates within the designated area every two weeks per month, during the Fall and Spring semesters. Clean-ups will occur between September and April, and clean up reports are due once per month to the EIU Student Community Service office. To participate in this program, you agree to:
1. Adopt the entire blocks area. All four (4) sides including the alley, if there is one.
2. Clean the public sidewalks, curbs, and boulevard greenbelts of the block, corner to corner, and through the alley.
Materials for Clean Ups:
Any request for materials (plastic bags, latex gloves, etc.) or equipment for cleanup will be arranged in accordance to the semester dates of general cleanup through EIU Student Community Service office. In addition, materials and equipment will be available for pickup at the EIU Student Community Service office the day of the event. If general cleanup is scheduled for Saturday or Sunday please plan to pick up items no later than 4 p.m. on Friday. Return any unused materials and equipment within one (1) working day after the cleanup or on Monday if cleanup falls during the weekend to the EIU Student Community Service office.
Hazardous Materials:
Volunteers should not pick up anything other than what is considered household trash, cigarette butts, leaves, and general waste. If should you find Hazardous Waste, please do not handle. Call EIU Student Community Service at 217-581-3967 and notify them of the items and location, so that the City of Charleston can be notified and handle the pick up the material.
Oversized Items:
If any large bulky items are discovered during your pick up times, please notify the EIU Student Community Service at 217-581-3967 and they will pick it up.
Full Trash Bags:
Place the contents in plastic bags and leave the full tied bags at the pre-assigned Adopt-The-Blocks pickup locations. Once your Block Set has been assigned, you will receive pickup locations.
If requirements are not met, you will be put on probation for the following month.
Don’t Forget:
§ No clean-up dates during finals week or the week prior to finals week.
§ If you miss more than two clean-up dates, do not participate in a one-day service event, or fail to submit the required documentation, you may be removed from the program. Exceptions will be made if conflicts are communicated with at least two weeks advance notice to EIU Student Community Service office.
§ Please be timely with all communication.
§ You can stop by the EIU Student Community Service office for trash bags and gloves. Please call 217-851-
3967 in advance.
Thank you for your participation in Adopt-The-Blocks,
Rachel Z. Fisher, Director of EIU Student Community Service – p: 217-581-3967, e: