Australian Taxation Office
Transfer of Shares and Units(Market Participants) Report(TSUMP.0002) 2017Package v2.0Contents
Date: 9thAugust2017
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Australian Taxation Office TSUMP.0001 2017 Package v1.0 ContENts
Version / Release date / Description of changes1.0 / 23/02/2017 / Final version for production release.
1.0.1 / 29/03/2017 / Update to sample XML file
2.0 / 09/08/2017 / Updates to:
-Message Repository (ATO TSUMP.0002 2017 Message Repository.xml)
-TSUMP schema (ato.tsump.0002.2017.01.00.xsd)
-TSUMP validation rules (ATO TSUMP 2017 Validation Rules.xlsx)
-TSUMP message structure (ATO TSUMP 2017 Request Message Structure.xlsx)
-TSUMPCLNT schema (ato.tsumpclnt.0002.2017.01.00.xsd)
-TSUMPCLNT message structure (ATO TSUMPCLNT 2017 Request Message Structure.xlsx)
-TSUMPCLNT validation rules (ATO TSUMPCLNT 2017 Validation Rules.xlsx)
-Sample XML file (TSUMP.Sample.Payload.xml)
Michael Ferris / Program Manager
Electronic Commerce Service Delivery
Australian Taxation Office
© Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia
You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products).
Table of contents
1.3Purpose of this package
1.4Summary of impacts on software developers
1.4.1In general
2Package contents
3Known issues and future scope
The purpose of this document is to advise of the package contents for Transfer of Shares and Units (Market Participants) Reporting via the Australian Taxation Offices (ATO) Bulk Data Exchange (BDE) platform.
The audience for this release note is Australian State and Territory Revenue Offices.
1.3Purpose of this package
The purpose of this package is to streamline the way message artefacts are presented to software developers.
All relevant message artefacts that comprise the RPTR suite are contained within one zip file. The package will be versioned up each time artefacts are added or updated.
1.4Summary of impacts on software developers
1.4.1In general
For each service, the following artefacts have been/will be released:
- Message Repository (where applicable),
- Message Structure Tables (MSTs),
- Validation Rules (VR) and
- Contract schemas and samples.
The table in Section 2 Package Contents reflects the status of artefacts in the Package Status column and needs to be read in conjunction with the Comments column in order to understand the scale of change that may be applicable.
The table below describes the terminology used in the Package Status column and the business description of the package status:
Package Status / Business DescriptionPending / The artefact is currently under development and is expected to be released in a future package.
New / The artefact is new for the package and has not been published previously. This would usually occur when an artefact has previously been marked as Pending (under development) or a new Government/ATO initiative sees the development of new services/messages to be deployed.
Present / The artefact is within the package and has had no change from the prior package for this year or a previous/forward year where artefacts cross multiple years.
Removed / The artefact was within the package in a prior release but has been removed as it is not relevant for the suite in question. This could occur due to Government legislation waiting on Royal Assent not being passed or other factors.
Updated / The artefact has changed since the last public release for this package. It could occur as a result of refining service/messages due to feedback or defects.
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Standard business reporting RPTR.0001 2016 Package v1.0 ContENts
The table below outlines the package contents.
Name / Document Date / Document Status / Version / Comments / Package StatusATO TSUMP.0002 2017 / 23/02/2017 / Final / 2.0 / This folder contains the 2 request schemas, along with a sample bulk file–
suitable for publishing. / Present
ATO TSUMP.0002 2017 Message Repository.xml / 23/02/2017 / Final / 2.0 / suitable for publishing. / Present
ATO TSUMP.0002 2017 Request Message Structure Table.xlsx / 23/02/2017 / Final / 2.0 / suitable for publishing. / Present
ATO TSUMPCLNT.0002 2017 Request Message Structure Table.xlsx / 23/02/2017 / Final / 2.0 / suitable for publishing. / Present
ATO TSUMP.0002 2017 Validation Rules.xlsx / 23/02/2017 / Final / 2.0 / suitable for publishing. / Present
ATO TSUMPCLNT.0002 2017 Validation Rules.xlsx / 23/02/2017 / Final / 2.0 / suitable for publishing. / Present
Total artefacts in this Package: / 9
3Known issues and future scope
The following is a list of issues or future work to be implemented for this service. There may be impacts to successful development until the issues are resolved or the further work implemented.
Issue / Impacted Service / Incident Number / Internal Reference / Resolution / EVTE DeploymentNone known
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