Niwot High School2011 – 2012


Course Outline

Instructor: G. Grant CoblePhone: (303) 652-2550

Room: 680E-mail:

Course objectives:

Students will understand the scientific process.Students will identify the key elements of Modern Chemistry.Students will understand and describe the fundamentals of:atomic theory, chemical bonding, reaction chemistry.

Textbook:Chemistry, by Antony Wilbraham, et al.Replacement cost: approx. $79

Lab Fee: $5 payable online or through the Main Office

Primary Methods of Instruction:

Cooperative learning, independent practice, lecture/notes, inquiry, laboratory work


Niwot High School2011 – 2012


Course Outline

  • Required
  • Pens (blue or black ink), Pencil, and Highlighter
  • 3-ring binder w/ paper and dividers
  • For use in Science class only
  • Recommended
  • Calculator (scientific or standard)
  • Colored pencils
  • Graph paper

Niwot High School2011 – 2012


Course Outline


Niwot High School2011 – 2012


Course Outline

Grade Scale

A 90%-100%

B 80%-89.9%

C 70%-79.9%


Failless than 60%

Rubric Grades



3Partially Proficient65%



Niwot High School2011 – 2012


Course Outline


To be assigned as needed.Due by the beginning class, two class sessions after assignedwill be graded on a 5 point rubric (see rubric handout)


Will be short covering small portions of chapters/units, worth 5-10 points.May be announced or unannounced (“pop quizzes”). Your lowest quiz score will be dropped.


Will cover all material in a chapter/unit, worth 20-50 pointsWill be announced at least 2 class sessions in advance. Must be completed within time allotted by the teacher. A cumulative Final exam will be given at the end of each semester. Yourlowest exam (excluding the Final) will be dropped.


May be assigned periodically throughout the semester, worth 20-50 points. Will involve both science and writing skills

Labs and Classwork

Expect labs 1-2 times per week. Lab reports are typically due 3 class sessions after the completion of the lab. Process and format will be emphasized.Classwork assignments are due during class, worth 5 points, and graded on participation. Not every classwork assignment will be formally graded; however, you are expected to complete all assignments.

Late Work

Late homework may be returned up to 1 week before the end of the semester, subject to 50% point penalties. Late Labs and Projects are subject to a 5% score penalty per calendar day over the due date.

I do not guarantee late homework or labs will be graded.

Make-up Work

Make-up work may be available only for excused absences. You have as many days to make up classwork as class sessions missed.Due to constraints of equipment and safety, most labs cannot be made up. Alternative assignments may be available.

Missed exams and quizzes cannot be made up. No exceptions.

Hall Passes:

No passes during the first and last 15 minutes of class. Restrooms and drinking fountains are across the hall; use them at your discretion. For trips farther than the restroom, two yellow hall passes are available.

The teacher reserves the right to refuse to issue a hall pass for any reason

Classroom Expectations:

Students are subject to all school-wide policies regarding attendance, tardiness and disruptive behavior.

No food is allowed in the class; water bottles are permitted, provided they can be tightly closed.No food or drinks whatsoever are allowed in the laboratory.All electronic devices (excepting calculators) are to be kept in a backpack/purse/pocket during class time and kept silent.

Lab Safety:

The unique (and occasionally hazardous) nature of laboratory class requires a distinct set of laboratory rules. All students will be required to pass a safety quiz and to sign a safety contract.

Violation of safety rules will result in removal from the current activity. A second violation will result in permanent removal from all future labs and a recommended removal from the course.

Class Rules:


Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility

Show Up Every Day:

Come to class ready to show interest in your own education, and improvement in your own knowledge and skills

Don’t Argue Balls and Strikes

Discussion is always welcome, but the teacher is the final word in the classroom.

My child and I have read the cover sheet for Mr. Coble’s class and we understand the policies and procedures set forth for this class.


Parent Name Parent Signature


Student Name Student Signature

Parent Phone Number______

Parent Work Number______Parent E-mail______

Comments or concerns: