Email draft to Dean’s Office HR contact for review & editing before issuing.
Dear NAME:
As a follow-up to our discussions we are pleased to offer you a %AMOUNTpercent fixed term-renewable appointment as A/ANOFFICIAL UNIVERSITY TITLE (with the working title of WORKING TITLE)with the NAME OF DEPARTMENT/CENTER/PROGRAM. Your operational area will be [IDENTIFY OPERATIONAL AREA]. This is an unclassified Academic Staff appointment. Your salary will be $MONTHLY GROSSper month, based on a full time ANNUAL (12 MONTH) OR ACADEMIC (9 MONTH)rate of $ RATE. Your initial appointment period will be from START DATEthrough June 30, 20XX.
This offer of employment is conditional pending the results of a criminal background check, as required by Board of Regents policy. If the results are unacceptable, the offer will be withdrawn, or if you have started employment, your employment will be terminated.
This offer of employment is contingent upon verification of the appropriate identity and employment eligibility documentation on the Form I-9, as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. For information on the Form I-9 and the list of acceptable documents, please see the Forms section of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service website: If you accept this offer of employment, you will receive an email from your hiring department with login instructions and a link to UW-Madison’s electronic I-9 system (COMPLI-9 which is run by the company GIS). Section 1 of the electronic Form I-9 must be completed by the employee on or before the first day of employment. The system will provide the list of acceptable documents and detailed instructions on how to complete the electronic Form I-9. The required documents must be presented to your employing department, in person, within three days of your employment start date. If you do not have the necessary documents, you must present a receipt from a U.S. government agency for replacement document(s) within the three day limit, and you must present the required document(s) within 90 days of your employment start date. The law prohibits the University from employing or continuing to employ an individual who has not provided the required documents within the relevant time period.
You will be reporting to NAME OF SUPERVISOR. Your responsibilities are described in the attached Position Vacancy Listing (PVL NUMBER). It is possible that some of your duties will change over time as needed. As noted on that form, there will be an evaluation period of 12 months, from (START DATE) through (DATE 12 MONTHS LATER), which will serve as an opportunity to assess your skills on the job. Upon successful completion of the evaluation period, your appointment will be reviewed at least annually for merit decisions and renewal contingent upon program need, available funding, and satisfactory performance, in accordance with "Academic Staff Policies & Procedures (UW-Madison ASPP)". This document is available on line at the following web site: (A paper copy will be provided to you upon request.)
Staff benefits information and enrollment forms are available to you on the following web site: A benefits walkthrough tool can be found at Please contact NAME, your department payroll coordinator, at LOCATIONbefore or within the first 3 days of your appointment to complete payroll forms and review the steps you will need to take to enroll in benefits. In addition, it is critical that you attend a session of "Benefits 101" -- a new employee benefits seminar presented weekly by the Office of Human Resources – Benefits Services(UW-Madison's central benefits office). Please see the following for further information: You should register for and attend a session within the first 2-3 weeks of your appointment, to allow time to review the information and make your selections before the 30-day enrollment deadline for health insurance and other benefits. Failure to take these steps could result in the loss of important benefits.
You will receive an Unclassified Leave Accounting Form monthly to report your leave usage. This form should be completed and submitted as soon as possible after the end of each month, for supervisor signature and processing. Please note that at the end of the fiscal year, vacation carryover, leave reserve allocation, and payments for leave to eligible employees will not be authorized for individuals with outstanding leave forms.
All employees, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to help make the University a drug-free workplace. You can do this by learning about substance abuse (its dangers and warning signs), encouraging others to avoid substance abuse, and getting help if you need it—either for yourself or for someone you are concerned about. Please review the “UW-Madison Compliance with the Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act”, which is provided to all employees as part of their orientation to the University community. This document can be found at:
It is the policy of the college of Engineering to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified employees with disabilities. If you need assistance or accommodations to perform the essential functions of your position, please contact your supervisor OR NAME. Additional information concerning campus accommodation policies and procedures is available on the following web site:
UW-Madison prohibits discrimination against applicants, employees, students and visitors to campus who wish to participate in University programs or activities. Information about relevant law, policies, resources, complaint procedures and protected bases, including how to contact the Title IX and Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators and on nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in federally assisted programs is available at:
You are required by State of Wisconsin Executive Order #54 (EO 54) and campus policy to immediately report child abuse or neglect to Child Protective Services (CPS) or law enforcement if, in the course of employment activities, you observe an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, or learn of an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, and you have reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur. For more information, please see the UW-Madison Office of Equity and Diversity website:
The academic staff share, with the faculty and students in the governance of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; more information is available through the academic staff web site at and in the packet of governance information you will receive from the office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff.
The UW-Madison campus, Office of Human Resource Development, conducts New Employee Orientation sessions on the first Wednesday of each month. We encourage you to register and attend a session. Registration is available at the following web site:
Additionally, useful information about visiting and living inMadison and the surrounding communities is available on the following web site:
PVL copy