(AN ISO 9001:2008 COMPANY)



Phone – 0481-2361371, FAX : 0481-2362354

Tender Notice No: TCL/MM/2017-18/7Dated 26.7.2017


(A) Terms and conditions:

Inspection of Vehicle: From 26.7.2017to 16.8.2017on all working days between 9.00AM to 4.00PM with permission from TCL.

1 / How to submit the tenders / Signed andself detailed tenders(ie Name,Address,mobile No)in white paper containing quoted rate including taxes(in Rs), Copy of Address proofand EMD payment details submitted in an envelope super scribing “Offer for Tender cum Auction – Tempo Traveller". The envelopes shall be submitted to DM( C ), Travancore Cements Ltd,Nattakom PO,Kottayam on any working day on or before the last date of submission of tenders as mentioned herein above.
2 / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) / Rs 6000/-(Rupees Six Thousand only)
Tenders not accompanied by the EMD shall be treated as invalid.Those not submitted tender but interested to participate in auction also need to remit EMD and address proof.Parties are advised to write their Name,Address and communication Nos. on the reverse side of the Cash Receipt.Without submitting EMD and/or not following the mentioned guidelines, no persons are allowed to participate in tender cum auction.No interest shall be payable by the TCL on the EMD amount.
3 / Mode of payment of EMD / Directly paid to Company by cash.
4 / Refund of EMD / Normally within 7 working days of opening of tenders on production of request for the same. The tenderers will not be entitled to claim any interest if the refund of EMD is delayed for any reason whatsoever.
5 / Adjustment of EMD / For successful bidder, EMD amount will be adjusted against payment of bid amount.
6 / Forfeiture of EMD / For bidders not complying with the terms and conditions specified in the Tender-cum-auction Document, the EMDamount shall be forfeited.
7 / Rejection of tenders / Tenders not received with sufficient personal data or unsigned or not accompanied Xerox copy of cash receipt issued by company,for the requisite EMD, are liable to be rejected at the sole discretion of Travancore Cements Ltd,Kottayam.
8 / Type of offer and manner of payment(s). / The Highest rate offered party either in tender or in auction shall immediately pay a deposit of 50% of quoted/auctioned rate, by way cash to Company.Those failing are removed from tender formalities and second highest rate offered party will be invited and so on.They also must submit their copy of address proof. Note that EMD/Security deposit does not bear any interest.
The balance amount of the offered price shall be paid by the purchaser to the company on or before the seventh day of receipt of sale order of the property or such extendable period as may be agreed upon in writing between the parties.
In default of the payment within the period mentioned above, the deposit and EMD shall be forfeited and the property be resold/retenderedat discretion of company and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claim to the property or to any part of the sum for which it may be subsequently sold and will be blacklisted.
9 / Presence of bidders / Bidders or their authorized representatives will be allowed to remain present at the time of opening of tenders.
10 / Liability of the purchaser / TCL does not undertake any responsibility to procure any permission/ license etc. in respect of the property/assets offered for sale or for settlement of any dues whatsoever in respect of the said property/assets.
11 / Negotiation with bidders for improvement in offer / TCL reserves its right to negotiate with the H1 bidder after opening of tenders and to accept or to reject any or all offers without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
12 / Disputes/tender/auction / In case of disputes in tender/auction, the decision of TCL shall be final and binding on all.
13 / Inspection of assets / Tenderers are advised to submit their tenders only after inspection of assets. The inspection of assets would be arranged by TCL with prior permission.
14 / Miscellaneous / Tenders with conditional offer will be treated as invalid.Correspondence about any change / modification in the offer after submission of tender will not be entertained.
If any tenderer wishes to give a fresh offer for a unit before the last date prescribed for submission of the tender in the concerned advertisement, he may file a fresh tender with appropriate Earnest Money Deposit.

(B) Terms and conditions of auction.

Sale of the vehicle will be in “as is where is condition”.

The Tender opening/auction would be conducted at Travancore Cements Ltd,Nattakom Post,Kottayam,Kerala at 2:00 PM on 16.8.2017.

The auction will be conducted under the supervision of the authorized official(s) of Travancore Cements Ltd,Nattakom Post,Kottayam,Kerala.

The auction would be in the nature of “subject to approval of Travancore cements Ltd” i.e. the highest bid would be finalized and kept on record until a final decision is taken on all the bids received.

In case of any disputes, decision of Company shall be final and binding all.

COURT OF JURISDICTION: The legal jurisdiction of the tender cum auction or the contract shall be the competent court at Kottayam, Kerala only.

Note :

1. TCL would first go for the Auction process and thereafter, the tender opening process.

2. TCLwill be at liberty to amend / modify / delete any of the above conditions or canceling the tender as may be deemed necessary in the light of the facts and circumstances of the case.

3.For transfer of ownership you have to submit self stamped envelope and ID proof of the transferee along with duly filled and signed Form 29(in duplicate) and form 30 to the company.Company will submit the original RC book and relevant records of the vehicle at the RT office along with application for transfer of ownership.Vehicle will be delivered to party from Company’s transport department along with receipt issued from RT office for the original RC book and other records submitted there.Original RC will reach at the address of the transferee from RT office itself,after entering the new ownership details.

4. In case the tender cum auction not held on the mentioned day due to the reasons outside the control of company, same will be conducted on next working day at the same place and time.

For The Travancore Cements Ltd,

Chief Manager(O)

For Managing Director.

Cc to Accounts/Transport Superintendent/Materials

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