AP European History

February 26 - March 2 2018

Hey we moved the race theory discussion from last week but it is too important a subject to just skip. I hope that you enjoyed the break from homework and quizzes because, believe it or not, we are in the home stretch for the end of the year.

The link below on the Dreyfus affair will now be bell work.

Go ahead an grab a copy of All Quiet on the Western Front. The review will be due following spring break….which is closer than you think.

Hey sophomores, if you're planning to take AP US next year, you need not do the writing prompt. Just upload any good essay that you have written this year. I got your back.


  • Examine the origins of race theory in the late 19th – 20th century
  • Discuss the origins of Zionism in the late 19th – 20th century

Materials Strategy/Format

Ppt Lecture-discussion


As we have seen from our discussion of the French 3rd Republic, anti-Semitism was once again rising in Europe. In addition to the Dreyfus Affair, a series of pogroms erupted in Russia and Poland. To understand one factor for this return we will look at the curious mixture that Darwinism and Positivism had upon the social sciences and then society as a whole during this period.

In addition, and perhaps not surprisingly we will also see the development of Zionism as a political idea during this same basic period.

The History of Race Theory

Social Darwinism (Herbert Spencer)

Like Comte Spencer developed his own stage theory of human development based upon adaptation.Actually he published his first work on the subject two years before Darwin.

His ideas were never meant to be taken for what they became. His actual goals were quite progressive. How can humankind improve itself? Spencer's theory introduces the concept of social darwinsim— the new, evolved society is always better than the past.

Eugenics (Francis Galton)

How can humankind achieve what Spencer called for? Eugenics - Galton argued that just as physical traits were clearly inherited among generations of people, so could be said for mental qualities (genius and talent). Galton argued that social morals needed to change so that heredity was a conscious decision, in order to avoid over-breeding by "less fit" members of society and the under-breeding of the "more fit" ones. In other words, this is a type of human natural selection

Insane asylums and welfare were creating inferior social beings and if the course continued, they would dilute the superior pool. In the U.S. the Supreme Court case Buck v. Bell (1927) The Court upheld a statute instituting compulsory education of the mentally retarded" for the protection and health of the state."

Arthur de Gobineau

Gobineau believed the white racewas superior to the others. He thought it corresponded to the ancient Indo-Europeanculture, also known as "Aryan"(Indo-Iranian race).Gobineau originally wrote that white race miscegenation was inevitable. He attributed much of the economic turmoil in France to pollution of races. Later on in his life, he altered his opinion to believe that the white race could be saved.

Gobineau saw Jews as intelligent people who were very much a part of the superior race and who, if anything, stimulated industry and culture. Apparently, Gobineau himself was not particularly anti-Semitic. But, many of his racial ideas were cooped and then altered by later Nazis.

Houston Stewart Chamberlin

Wrote a text called The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. Foundations would prove to be a seminal work in German nationalism; due to its success, aided by Chamberlain’s association with the Wagner circle, its ideas of Aryan supremacy and a struggle against Jewish influence spread widely across the German state at the beginning of the century.

HSC essentially believed that a reverse misogyny could occur by efforts at racial purity. Chamberlain developed a relatively complex theory relating racial origins, physical features and cultural traits. According to Chamberlain, “the modern Jew (Homo judaeica) mixes some of the features of the Hittite- notably the "Jewish nose", retreating chin, great cunning and fondness for usury and of the true Semite- the Arab (H. arabicus), in particular the dolichocephalic (long and narrow) skull, the thick-set body.”


With HSC you had the true foundations of the future Nazi idea of racial purity and efforts to weed out “jewishness.” His theories were adopted by the most prominent Nazi philosopher, Alfred Rosenberg and Adolph Hitler attended HSC funeral when he died in 1927.

The Zionist Movement

It perhaps makes perfect sense that given the rising rate of anti-Semitism some Jews were ready to depart. In 1897 Theodore Herzl was thought to have launched the Zionist movement. Not unlike many other pan-movements that developed out of nationalism, Zionism was based upon the simple precept that Jews deserved a nation just as others had strived for one.

The Zionist movement which was formed at the latter part of the last century, sought to endow the Jews with a nationalistic character which was heretofore strange to them. It sought to deprive them of their historically religious character and offered in substitution of faith in God and adherence to the Torah, and belief in their ultimate redemption by the coming of the Messiah, a nationalistic ideology and the possibility of establishing through political media, a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.

The British government gave some credence to the possibility with the famous Balfour Declaration, which recognized the eventual possibility of founding a Jewish national homeland, in Palestine, was affirmed to be the British government. The Jewish Agency, who then was the Chief representative of Zionist interests in the Holy Land, was entrusted with the issuance of visas to the Holy Land, thus resulting in an increased Zionist immigration from various parts of the world, which ultimately succeeded in superseding in numbers, the veteran Orthodox dwellers in the region who had largely lived peacefully with Palestinians.

Orthodox Jewry all over the world and the Orthodox Community in the Holy Land in particular, immediately sensed in this stage of Zionist success, the threat of grave danger for the religious future of Jews. The Arab inhabitants began to exhibit open hostility to their Jewish neighbors. The British government failed to distinguish between the Orthodox community, who for generations in habited the Holy Land, and the newly arrived Zionist immigrants.


At this juncture, World War One would intervene. As we shall see, the fact that Ottoman Turkey became involved in the conflict on the side of Germany made them an enemy of Britain. The British will try to quiet the Zionist movement and sent mixed signals supporting Arab Nationalism at the same time. Much of the horrors of the modern day Middle East grew from these mixed signals


Study notes for quiz on Tuesday. This will only be on race theory and be shorter than originally planned.

View the video below as part of this Quiz

Overview of the Dreyfus Affair in France


  • Quiz on Race Theory and the Dreyfus Affair.


Quiz formsAssessment and review


  • This quiz involves the discussion on Monday and the video on the Dreyfus Affair. There will be a few document related questions involved in the quiz. Nothing that you can't handle at this point!!!


  • Examine key characteristics of “New Imperialism” in the late 19th century (INT-1,2,6,7,10,11)(SP-17-18)(IS-10)
  • Discuss the importance of the Berlin Conference


PPT and VideoLecture-discussion/Review



One of the most important and ultimately deadly aspects of this period was the advancement of global imperialism or what sometimes historians call the New Imperialism. Most of the major European powers and even some minor ones embarked upon a program of ruthless exploitation. But this was not just a European ideology. The U.S. became imperial power as a result of the 1898 Spanish-American War (though other colonies like Hawaii were acquired through threats of violence. The U.S. would fight an insurrection against Filipinos that resulted in well over 200,000 deaths. Japan and Russia we have already seen fight a war in 1903 over imperial gains in China. Even Columbia possessed small parts of Central America like Panama.

Historians call this era “new imperialism” because the modes and methods of colonization sometimes differed. Also, the areas of control changed. As you saw in the reading section, Latin America, parts of Asia, and Australia were sparsely populated. But other areas such as China, Japan, and Africa had large indigenous peoples.

The Berlin Conference 1884

In the second half of the nineteenth century, after more than four centuries of contact, the European powers finally laid claim to virtually all of Africa. Parts of the continent had been "explored," but now representatives of European governments and rulers arrived to create or expand African spheres of influence for their patrons. Competition was intense. Spheres of influence began to crowd each other. It was time for negotiation, and in late 1884 a conference was convened in Berlin to sort things out. This conference laid the groundwork for the now familiar politico-geographical map of Africa

Meeting at the Berlin residence of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1884, the foreign ministers of fourteen European powers and the United States established ground rules for the future exploitation of the "dark continent." Africans were not invited or made privy to their decisions. The U.S. expressed no territorial desires but asserted the independence of Liberia, a nation formed partly from repatriated American slaves in the 1820s.

In reality Bismarck was not in favor of German expansion into Africa but believed that Germany was forced into this position by the other powers. In 1888 the drive for German empire intensified with the rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Bismarck wanted not only to expand German spheres of influence in Africa but also to play off Germany's colonial rivals against one another to the Germans' advantage. Of these fourteen nations, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Portugal were the major players in the conference, controlling most of colonial Africa at the time.

The Berlin Conference was Africa's undoing in more ways than one. The colonial powers superimposed their domains on the African Continent. In the late 1950s and 1960s the imperial powers were exiting Africa. The new nations in the realm acquired a legacy of political fragmentation that could neither be eliminated nor made to operate satisfactorily. The African politico-geographical map is thus a permanent liability that resulted from the three months of ignorant, greedy acquisitiveness during a period when Europe's search for minerals and markets had become insatiable.

European colonial powers shared one objective in their African colonies; exploitation. But in the way they governed their dependencies, they reflected their differences. Some colonial powers were themselves democracies (the United Kingdom and France); others were dictatorships (Portugal, Spain). The British established a system of indirect rule over much of their domain, leaving indigenous power structure in place and making local rulers representatives of the British Crown. This was unthinkable in the Portuguese colonies, where harsh, direct control was the rule. The French sought to create culturally assimilated elites what would represent French ideals in the colonies.

In the Belgian Congo existed to worst of the worst. King Leopold II, who had financed the expeditions that staked Belgium's claim in Berlin, embarked on a campaign of ruthless exploitation. His enforcers mobilized almost the entire Congolese populations to gather rubber, kill elephants for their ivory, and build public works to improve export routes. For failing to meet production quotes, entire communities were massacred.


Go to the class website and find the file called New Imperialism and read the intro section stopping at The Great Debate (be prepared for bell work questions)


  • Examine the nature of “new imperialism" in Asia(INT-1,2,6,7,10,11) (SP-17,18) (IS-10)
  • View video section on the "Great Mutiny/Rebellion" in India


Ppt and videoLecture-discussion L.CCR.2-3

Guided Writing W.CCR.4

Student Skill Types

Chronologic Reasoning (1,3)

Comp/Context (5)

Historical Arguments (7)

Interpretation/Synthesis (8, 9)


  • As we saw last week, the focus of new imperialism was Asia and Africa. The Berlin Conference had hoped to give rules for the scramble for Africa. Similarly, there was an attempt in China to divide the Middle Kingdom into “spheres of influence.” There zones of control were supposed to be arrangements with the dying Ching Dynasty where European powers and Japan would have exclusive trade rights. Following the Opium Wars, extraterritoriality laws were forced upon the Ching.
  • However the influence of missionaries can be seen with the earlier Taiping Rebellion 1850 – 1864. In this civil war Christianized Chinese fought the forces of the Ching emperor. The rebellion was a large-scale revolt, waged from 1851 until 1864, against the authority and forces of theQing Empirein China, conducted by an army and civil administration inspired by Hakka, self-proclaimed mystics namedHong Xiuquanand Yang Xiuqing. Hong was an unorthodox Christian convert who declared himself the newMessiah and younger brother ofJesus Christ. Yang Xiuqing was a former salesman of firewood inGuangxi, who was frequently able to act as a mouthpiece of God to direct the people and gain himself a large amount of political power. Hong, Yang, and their followers established theTaiping Heavenly Kingdom(also, and officially,Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace) and attained control of significant parts of southern China.
  • Most accurate sources put the total deaths during the fifteen years of the rebellion at about 20million civilians and army personnel. Some argue the death toll was much higher if the civilian population is counted

The Boxer Rebellion

Of course the most famous event was theBoxer UprisingorBoxer Rebellionwas a Chinese rebellion against foreign influence in areas such as trade, politics,religion, and technology that occurred in China during the final years of theQing Dynastyfrom November 1899 to September 7, 1901. By August 1900, over 230 foreigners, tens of thousands of Chinese Christians, an unknown number of rebels, their sympathizers, and other innocent bystanders were killed in the ensuing chaos. The brutal uprising crumbled on August 4, 1900, when 20,000 foreign troops entered the Chinese capital, Beijing. The European powers saw China as an imperialistic opportunity where they could gain influence and power without territorial sovereignty. Internal weakness in China and the suspicion that China might even implode resulted in the European powers negotiating more and more concessions by way of trading posts that were virtually independent colonies. The local population grew more unhappy with the presence of foreigners, suspecting their motives, resulting in the rebellion. When the rebellion was crushed, yet more concessions and monetary indemnity were claimed from China by the Russians, Germans, French, and British. The conflict came to a head in June 1900, when the Boxers, now joined by elements of the Imperial army, attacked foreign compounds within the cities of Tianjin andBeijing. The legations of theGreat Britain,France,Belgium, theNetherlands, theUnited States,Russia, andJapanwere all located on the same city block close to the Forbidden City—built there so that Chinese officials could keep an eye on the ministers—were strong structures surrounded by walls. The legations were hurriedly linked into a fortified compound and became a refuge for foreign citizens in Beijing. The Spanish, Belgian, and German legations were not in the same compound. Although the Spanish and Belgian legations were only a few streets away and their staff was able to arrive safely at the compound, the German legation was on the other side of the city and was stormed before the staff could escape. When the Envoy for the German Empire, Klemens Freiherr von Ketteler, was kidnapped and killed on June 20, the foreign powers declared open war against China. The Chinese Court in turn proclaimed hostilities against those nations, who began to prepare military forces to relieve the besieged embassies. In Beijing, the fortified legation compound remained under siege from Boxer forces from June 20 to August 14. Under the command of the British minister to China, Claude Maxwell MacDonald, the legation staff and security personnel defended the compound with one old muzzle-loaded cannon and small arms.