Tulane-UCASMaster of Global Management Application
Personal Information
*First Name (Given Name)Middle Name*Last Name (Family Name)
SuffixPreferred Name
*Email*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)Gender
* Citizenship status (check one):☐U.S Citizen☐U.S. Permanent Resident☐Non-US Citizen
*Country of Citizenship
Current Mailing Address
*Current Street Address Line 1
Current Street Address Line 2
Current Street Address Line 3
*City*State/Province*Postal Code
* CountryAddress Good Until (mm/dd/yyyy)
*Current PhoneAlternate Phone
Permanent Home Address (if different from Current Mailing Address)
*Permanent Street Address Line 1
Permanent Street Address Line 2
Permanent Street Address Line 3
* City*State/Province*Postal Code
*Permanent Phone
Recognizing that Freeman applicants have lived in a variety of places, where do you consider your home
(City, State/Province, and Country)?
Demographic Questions
The following questions are for demographic purposes only and will not affect or be part of your admissions decision. This information will be used in a nondiscriminatory manner, consistent with applicable civil rights laws. Thank you for completing these optional questions.
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself:
☐American Indian or Alaskan Native
☐Black or African American
☐Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Tulane University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity institution,
and consequently its policy of nondiscrimination includes recruitment, employment,
admissions, and retention of qualified students.
Tulane-UCAS Master of Global Management Application
Professional Experience
Your experience leading to business school plays an integral role in your abilities during, and career options following, business school. The information provided here, along with recommendations, essays, and personal conversations, will enable the Admissions Committee to better understand your particular opportunities at the Freeman School.
Please enter your current or most recent employer information.
EmployerPlease check if current employer: ☐
Job Title
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)To Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
* A copy of your current resume is required. Please provide a copy of your current resume with this completed application form.
Tulane-UCAS Master of Global Management Application
Education History
Your education plays an important role in the knowledge you bring to your graduate studies at the Freeman School. In this section, you have the opportunity to present your academic background. Please list the school from which you received (or will receive) your undergraduate degree. Please also provide transcript(s) from each institution you attended.
* Undergraduate Education
Please provide the information requested below for your undergraduate studies:
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)End Date (or expected end date)
Date Degree Conferred (or expected graduation date)
*Degree* Major
Please report your cumulative GPA based on your school’s grading scale.
* Cumulative Grade Point Average
*Please enter your school’s maximum allowable Grade Point Average
Post-Graduate Education
Please provide the information requested below for your post-graduate studies (if applicable):
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)End Date (or expected end date)
Date Degree Conferred (or expected graduation date)
Please report your cumulative GPA based on your school’s grading scale.
Cumulative Grade Point Average
Please enter your school’s maximum allowable Grade Point Average
Please include transcript(s) documenting undergraduate studies (and graduate studies if applicable).
Tulane-UCAS Master of Global Management Application
Test Score (optional)
The Freeman School accepts both Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) and Graduate Records Examination (GRE) when reviewing applicants. Please self-report your results below.
GMAT (optional)GRE (optional)
GMAT Test DateGRE Test Date
GMAT Total ScoreGRE Verbal Score
GMAT Verbal ScoreGRE Quantitative Score
GMAT Quantitative Score
GMAT Analytical Writing Score
GMAT Integrated Reasoning Score
Tulane-UCAS Master of Global ManagementApplication
One essay is required of all applicants. The essay should be no longer than one typed, single spaced page.This essay is meant to provide the Admissions Committee with an insight into you as an individual and to help us get to know you on a more personal level.
* Essay:How will the Master of Global Management degree from the Freeman School of Business at Tulane University help you achieve your professional and personal goals?
Please include your completed essay with your completed application.
Tulane-UCAS Master of Global Management Application
Letters of Recommendation
Applicants to the Freeman School are required to submit two letters of recommendation.
Please send recommendation forms to your recommenders for direct submission to Tulane-UCAS.
Please list your recommender information:
Recommender 1:
* First Name*Last Name* Email
Recommender’s OrganizationRecommender’s Title
Recommender’s Relationship to Applicant
Recommender 2:
* First Name* Last Name* Email
Recommender’s OrganizationRecommender’s Title
Recommender’s Relationship to Applicant
Tulane-UCAS Master of Global Management Application
- Application Form ($125 application fee)
- Resume
- One Essay
- Two Letters of Recommendation (submitted directly by recommender)
- Undergraduate Transcript/s from Accredited University
- GMAT Score Report or GRE Score Report
- TOEFL/IELTS Score Report
- Affidavit of Support
Please submit your completed application to:
邮编: 100190
Certification of Application
*My initials certify that the information presented in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.
(For example, Paul Tulane's initials are PT)