Java Software Structures, 4th EditionExercise Solutions, Ch. 3

Chapter 3 Exercise Solutions

EX 3.1Object-oriented programming allows you to define and compile a general form of a class. Later you can define a specialized version of this class, starting with the original class. Which particular OOPs technique does this depict?

Inheritance. It is the process in which a new class is derived from an existing one. The new class automatically contains some or all of the variables and methods in the original class.

EX 3.2Why is an object used as the perfect mechanism for creating a collection?

A collection is an abstraction wherein the details of the implementation are hidden. An object is the perfect mechanism for creating such an abstraction because the internal workings of an object are encapsulated from the rest of the system. In most cases, the instance variables defined in a class should be declared with private visibility. Therefore, only the methods of that class can access and modify them. The only interaction a user has with an object should be through its public methods, which represent the services that the object provides.

EX 3.3What type of collection is a stack? Give one natural example of the usage of stacks in computer science.

A stack is a linear collection. The most natural example of the usage of a stack in computer science is the processing of subroutine calls and their returns.

EX 3.4Hand trace an initially empty stack X through the following operations:

X.push(new Integer(20));

X.push(new Integer(15));

Integer Y = X.pop();

X.push(new Integer(35));

X.push(new Integer(10));

X.push(new Integer(25));

X.push(new Integer(45));

Integer Y = X.pop();

X.push(new Integer(15));

X.push(new Integer(45));

The stack, after each operation (top of stack on the left):


15 20


35 20

10 35 20

25 10 35 20

45 25 10 35 20

25 10 35 20

15 25 10 35 20

45 15 25 10 35 20

EX 3.5Given the resulting stack X from the previous exercise, what would be the result of each of the following?

Y = X.peek();

The value of Y would be 45 and the stack would remain unchanged.

Y = X.pop();

Z = X.peek();

The value of Y would be 45, the value of Z would be 15, and the stack would contain:

15 25 10 35 20

Y = X.push(30);

Z = X.peek();

The value of Z would be 30, and the stack would contain:

30 15 25 10 35 20

EX 3.6Write Java statements to define a Bag class to store a generic type T. The class should have two generic methods for setting and retrieving data.

public class Bag<T>


private T item;

public void setItem (T newItem)


item = newItem;


public T getItem()


return item;



EX 3.7Write Java statements to instantiate the Bag class created in the above example, for storing String type data items. Store a value Money as a data item.

Bag<String> purse = new Bag<String>();


EX 3.8When you type a line of text on a keyboard, you use the backspace key to remove the previous character if you have made a mistake. Consecutive application of the backspace key thus erases several characters. Show how the use of backspace key can be supported by the use of a stack. Give specific examples and draw the contents of the stack after various actions are taken.

Suppose the user has typed


where the  stands for the backspace key.

Every character entered on the keyboard should be stored in a stack. Each time a backspace key is typed, the top of the stack would be popped and the character removed. So, in the above example, the stack would be: a s i j (top of stack on the left).

EX 3.9Draw an example using the five integers (21, 32, 11, 54, 90) showing how a stack could be used to reverse the order (90, 54, 11, 32, 21) of these elements.

The five values would be pushed onto the stack in order, yielding (with the top of the stack on the left):

90 54 11 32 21

Then, popping each value produces them in the reverse order to that in which they were first encountered.

EX 3.10Convert the following infix expressions to postfix form by using the algorithm discussed in this chapter.

  1. (a * (b / c)) – d + e / f
  2. a - ( b * c / d ) + e
  1. a b c / * d – e f / +
  2. a b c * d / - e +

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