Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Executive Summary
Mission Statement: Surrounded by the rolling hills of Kentucky and Tennessee, Gamaliel Elementary School is located in the southernmost center of Monroe County. We believe that working together we can give your child what they deserve, the best! As you walk in the door, you will feel a sense of warmth and be greeted with a friendly smile. It is our mission to assist all children to strive to do their best and achieve at the highest possible level.
Process of developing the 2008-2009 CSIP:
Development of the 2008-2009 CSIP began during our Kentucky Core Content Testing report analysis.
Members/Representative Groups Who Served on Planning and Needs Assessment Teams:
School administrators: Tommy Geralds, Christie Biggerstaff
Teachers: All GES Teachers
Parents: John Harlin, Mike Pitcock
Pupil Support Personnel: Glenna Geralds
Liaison with District Team: Liz Willett
SBDM: All GES SBDM Council Members
How the needs of the school were determined:
The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan was developed by the Gamaliel Elementary learning community (stakeholders) by using the KCCT assessment data, other school assessment data, surveys, etc.
How the goals and strategies were decided upon:
The team selected priority needs using aforementioned data. Goals were then determined and staff members met to discuss and outline strategies to meet our goals.
What implementation of the plan is expected to achieve:
The implementation of the plan is expected to help student achievement, implement actions to help lessen gaps in targeted areas, and reach our school assessment goals.
What process was used for internal review of the plan:
When the plan was near completion, the Gamaliel Elementary School CSIP team met again to make any changes or additions. The final plan was adopted by the SBDM council and school staff.
How public comment was secured and what response was made:
The SBDM Council was asked to revise the CSIP and to solicit input from other parent and community members. The CSIP will also be posted on the school and district websites.
How comprehensive improvement planning will be ensured in the future:
The Comprehensive Improvement Plan will be reviewed during our monthly Focus on Student Learning (FOSL) meetings to discuss and analyze implementation of the plan. The SBDM will also review the CSIP as needed to ensure implementation is going as expected and no further actions need to be addressed.
How the Comprehensive Improvement Plan and other important information will be shared with stakeholders:
All stakeholders will receive a final copy of the CSIP with final discussion of the CSIP being held during the monthly FOSL meetings. Additionally, the CSIP will be made available on the school and district websites. The CSIP will be reviewed at monthly SBDM meetings and by the faculty of Gamaliel Elementary School.
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: ReadingComponent Managers: Felisa Brooks, Julie Collins, Debbie Elrod and Amy Gill
Date: November 2008
Priority Needs / Goal & Measurable Objectives
1. According to 2007-2008 KCCT data analysis, females outscored males in the area of Reading by 12.7 in 3rd grade, 20.7 in 4th grade, and 7.3 in 5th grade.
2. According to 2007-2008 KCCT data analysis, students who are not enrolled in the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Program outscored students who are enrolled in the Free/Reduced Lunch program by 17.4 points in the area of Reading.
3. According to 2007-2008 KCCT data analysis, one student were identified as scoring a high novice in the area of Reading. / 1. To reduce the gender achievement gap by 5 points in the area of Reading by the 2008-2009 KCCT assessment period.
2. To reduce the Free/Reduced Lunch Program gap by 5 points by the 2008-2009 KCCT assessment period.
3. Our goal is to have no novice in the area of Reading.
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: ReadingComponent Manager: Felisa Brooks, Julie Collins, Debbie Elrod and Amy Gill
Date: November 2008
Strategies and Actions / Impact / Responsibility/Timeline / Effectiveness
All first, second, and third grade students will participate in a thirty minute Literacy Block within small groups. / Students benefit from specific and leveled instruction provided by trained personal in the area of reading intervention. Instruction will be individualized to meet each student’s needs. / Karen Houchens, Reading Recovery
Ongoing: 08/08 -05/09 / TBD
Provide Open Response training for all content areas. / Impact student’s open response ability in all content areas and improve open response scores on the 08-09 CATS assessment. / Tommy Geralds, Principal
On going: 08/08 - 05/09 / TBD
Target male readers through increasing the number of non-fiction books. / Impact reading scores of boys through increasing boy’s interest in reading. / Donna Sue Johnson, LME
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Analysis of student work (TPRO, Success-Maker, and class work) monthly with collaborating teacher, and assistant principal and/or principal or via FOSL meetings. / Each teacher will be able to target individual needs of each student as they are identified through the analysis. / Christie Biggerstaff, Assistant Principal
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: ReadingComponent Manager: Felisa Brooks, Julie Collins, Debbie Elrod and Amy Gill
Date: November 2008
Strategies and Actions / Impact / Responsibility/Timeline / Effectiveness
Utilize Reading Recovery and Reading Intervention as a way to meet individual student needs. / Students will receive individualized instruction targeted to meet their areas of needs in reading. / Tommy Geralds, Principal
Ongoing: 08/08 -05/09 / TBD
Success-Maker (Reading) utilized at least two times weekly. / Each student will receive individual reading practice and progress at their own pace. / Debbie Taylor, Instructional Assistant
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Family Literacy Night will be incorporated as a means to involve parents and teach them specific reading strategies. / Parents and family members will receive ideas and strategies to help students in the areas of reading comprehension and fluency. / Julie Collins, Kindergarten Teacher
Kathy Taylor, Reading Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 1/09 / Family Literacy Night was a very successful event. Over 100 students and parents came to participate and activities were meaningful and targeted.
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: MathComponent Manager: Jeff Blythe, Amy Howard, Carrie Rhoton
Date: November 2008
Priority Needs / Goal & Measurable Objectives
1. According to the 2007-2008 KCCT data, two students scored a novice on the CATS assessment.
2. According to the 2007-2008 KCCT data, six students scored a high apprentice on the CATS assessment. / 1. To reduce the number of students who scored a Novice in Math to zero.
2. To move the number of students who scored a high apprentice in Math to a proficient score.
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: MathComponent Manager: Jeff Blythe, Amy Howard, Carrie Rhoton
Date: October 2008
Strategies and Actions / Impact / Responsibility/Timeline / Effectiveness
A Math Recovery program will be integrated into the primary grades. Students will be given specific strategies to help them comprehend Math content. Students will work with a certified teacher with direct professional development in the area of Math Recovery. / Students will learn strategies that will help them comprehend concepts in Math that they are struggling with. Constant evaluation by various assessments will be given by the Math Recovery teacher in collaboration with the classroom teacher to determine growth. / Amy Howard, Math Recovery
Ongoing: 08/08 -05/09 / TBD
A Math Intervention program (RTI) will be integrated into all grade levels. Small groups will be incorporated in first and second grades. / Intermediate students along with students in the primary grades that do not meet criteria of selection into the Math Recovery program will be assessed and targeted to receive Math Intervention to increase success and student achievement with Math concepts. / Lori Murphy, First Grade Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
To assess mastery of content covered exit slips should be utilized daily. / Students will be identified who have not mastered the content during the lesson and adjustments to instruction will be made according to each child’s needs. / Carrie Rhoton, Math Coach
Ongoing: 08/08 – 5/09 / TBD
Turning point voters will be utilized at least once per week as a continuing formative assessment of current content mastery. / Student mastery level will be immediately evident and will allow for needed interventions. / Amy Gill, Second Grade Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: MathComponent Manager: Jeff Blythe, Amy Howard, Carrie Rhoton
Date: November 2008
Strategies and Actions / Impact / Responsibility/Timeline / Effectiveness
To incorporate the use of real life applications through hands-on activities at least two times per week. / Students will understand the connection between math and every day life. / Amy Rouse, Third Grade Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 -05/09 / TBD
Parents and community members will serve as guest speakers in math classes with an emphasis on real-life math. / Each student will make real-life connections to math and different career opportunities. / Jeff Blythe, Intermediate Math Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom will take place annually as a way to involve parents and family members in math instruction and strategies. / To raise parental involvement by providing parents and family members with Math ideas and strategies. / Christie Biggerstaff, Assistant Principal
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Utilize bell ringers three times per week for spiraling of previously covered content. / Students will have constant review of previously covered content. / Amy Howard, Math Recovery
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Students will have the opportunity to participate in an On-Line Math League. / To help students gain interest in the area of math. / Carrie Rhoton, Math Coach
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: ScienceComponent Manager: Paula Gee, Greta Hale, and Ellen Tandy
Date: October 2008
Priority Needs / Goal & Measurable Objectives
1. 2007-2008 KCCT assessment data indicates Open Response to be an overall weakness for all students in the area of Science.
2. According to the 2007-2008 KCCT assessment data, students lacked an understanding of interdependence and their relationship with the environment. / 1. To improve instruction and implementation of Open Response strategies and raise the number of students scoring proficient or distinguished by 10%.
2. To improve instruction in the area of interdependence by raising scores by six points.
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: ScienceComponent Manager: Paula Gee, Greta Hale, and Ellen Tandy
Date: October 2008
Strategies and Actions / Impact / Responsibility/Timeline / Effectiveness
Teachers will utilize United Streaming and Brain Pop during snack time. / Students will be provided with supplementary videos from both Brain Pop and United Streaming to reiterate skills and concepts. Students will better comprehend information. / Felisa Brooks, Special Education Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 -05/09 / TBD
A wetland environment will be created by the PRIDE organization and utilized by all grade levels. / Students will get first hand experience with the wetland environment and grasp a better understanding of the ecosystem and interdependence systems within the environment. / Donna Sue Johnson, LME
Ellen Tandy, Intermediate Science Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Utilize outdoor classroom and greenhouse more effectively. / By utilizing the outdoor classroom and greenhouse more effectively with relevant instruction, teachers will be able to teach more interactive and hands-on lessons with the outdoor classroom’s resources. This will lead to increased comprehension in science concepts and skills. / Ellen Tandy, Intermediate Science Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Charlotte Arnett and Susan Turner will be utilized as community partners to bring in programs and activities that are Science Core Content related to integrate with the current program. / Students will be presented with content lessons in a variety of ways thus positively effecting student achievement, while integrating those science activities into the current science curriculum. / Felisa Brooks, Special Education Teacher
Paula Gee, First Grade Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: ScienceComponent Manager: Paula Gee, Greta Hale, and Ellen Tandy
Date: October 2008
Strategies and Actions / Impact / Responsibility/Timeline / Effectiveness
The Science Lab will be utilized serving the primary student population. The Science Lab will complement classroom instruction and build upon concepts using real-life examples and experiments. / Students in the primary grade levels will be introduced to science core content earlier and more often. / Greta Hale, Science Lab Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 - 05/09 / TBD
A Science Family Night will be held in the Spring to reinforce and review science content. / Students and families will participate in activities that relate to Science content and real life. / Greta Hale, Science Lab Teacher
Ellen Tandy, Intermediate Science Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
A science reflection log will be incorporated into the classroom. / Reflection logs will be used as an assessment and information gathering tool. Students will use reflection logs to help them remember content as they learn it, as well as, helping them practice writing their knowledge into words. / Ellen Tandy, Intermediate Science Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
To incorporate at least two hands-on lessons per week into the Science curriculum. / By including two hands-on lessons per week, students who have an enhanced understanding of the curriculum. / Greta Hale, Science Lab Teacher
Ellen Tandy, Intermediate Science Teacher
Ongoing: 08/08 – 05/09 / TBD
Gamaliel Elementary School
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Action Component: Social StudiesComponent Manager: Brandi Plumlee, Laura Miller, and Lori Murphy
Date: October 2009
Priority Needs / Goal & Measurable Objectives
1. According to the 2007-2008 KCCT assessment data, Social Studies score was 92.99.
2. 2007-2008 KCCT assessment data indicates that three students scored at the novice level on the Social Studies assessment.
3. The 2007-2008 KCCT assessment data indicates no students scored distinguished in the area of Social Studies Open Response. / 1. To increase the Social Studies score to 100.
2. Our goal is zero novice performing students in the area of Social Studies.
3. Our goal is to have at least 10 distinguished performing students in the area of Social Studies.
Gamaliel Elementary School