Just a Few Teen Volunteering Possibilities…

Below is a quick list of volunteer jobs that might be used in any library.

Teen Advisory Group

Prepare teen book reviews that may become a book display at the library, featured on the library web site, recorded as podcasts, turned into bookmarks, submit to school or local newspaper, etc.

S.A.I.L. (Service and Achievement in the Library) offers students the opportunity to learn about the library and explore the library profession

Library intern program

Leadership program with a service learning component

Gardening program/sale the produce raised to support teen programs

Gardening as a beautification project around the library

Design posters and displays to encourage teens to read

Help the children’s (teen) librarian plan and host programs and events, including program celebrating Teen Read Week, Banned Books Week, National Poetry Month, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, etc.

Train teens to speak in elementary school about the libraries summer reading program

Help register children in the summer reading program

Perform clerical tasks, including labeling paperback books

Plan and present puppet shows, dramatic plays, or other programs for children

Plan a weekly “Teens and Tots” program in which teens read to preschoolers

Face painting for library summer events like concerts in the park

Babysitting services provided by the library for parents to Christmas shop

Babysitting services for parents during adult programming

Stuffing prize packets for children’s programs

Preparing craft materials for programs

Design and decorate bulletin boards and displays

Assist children with computers

Help with “gaming” for seniors

Assist children with finding books

Read critical reviews and suggest titles to be purchased (teen selectors group)

Plan and produce a teen newsletter

Suggest titles for subject lists

Book covering

Reading Buddies program

Book mending

Checking in library materials

Assisting with interlibrary loan

Clerical projects

Data entry

Door greeters for programming

Fundraising projects/ example Walk-a-thon

Shelf reading

Delivering library materials to homebound

Project Linus quilting for babies

Tutor seniors on using computers, ipods, ipads, digital cameras, etc.

Help plan and present programs for teens

Adopt a shelf

Assist with book sales

Attendance taking at programs

Clear drop boxes

Inventory supplies

Create a suggestion box

Dusting/cleaning services

Develop booklist for Readers” Advisory (NY Times, Amazon, etc.)

Develop scavenger hunts and word puzzles that can be used with younger children

Do exit interview with program attendees

Keep stats for programming

Design and maintain a teen web page

Make flannel boards

Make nametags for events

Make sure the computers have paper and pencils near them


Prepare back to school packets

Prepare materials for forthcoming programs

Produce a program for parents on “books they should read”

Teen talent show

Putting barcodes and stickers on new materials

Search the web for homework sites

Straighten the children’s area

Test out problem videos and DVDs

Train teens to be clowns, puppeteers, musicians, jugglers for no cost library entertainment

Weed collection for condition

Weeding magazines and newspapers

Withdrawing materials