Just a Few Teen Volunteering Possibilities…
Below is a quick list of volunteer jobs that might be used in any library.
Teen Advisory Group
Prepare teen book reviews that may become a book display at the library, featured on the library web site, recorded as podcasts, turned into bookmarks, submit to school or local newspaper, etc.
S.A.I.L. (Service and Achievement in the Library) offers students the opportunity to learn about the library and explore the library profession
Library intern program
Leadership program with a service learning component
Gardening program/sale the produce raised to support teen programs
Gardening as a beautification project around the library
Design posters and displays to encourage teens to read
Help the children’s (teen) librarian plan and host programs and events, including program celebrating Teen Read Week, Banned Books Week, National Poetry Month, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, etc.
Train teens to speak in elementary school about the libraries summer reading program
Help register children in the summer reading program
Perform clerical tasks, including labeling paperback books
Plan and present puppet shows, dramatic plays, or other programs for children
Plan a weekly “Teens and Tots” program in which teens read to preschoolers
Face painting for library summer events like concerts in the park
Babysitting services provided by the library for parents to Christmas shop
Babysitting services for parents during adult programming
Stuffing prize packets for children’s programs
Preparing craft materials for programs
Design and decorate bulletin boards and displays
Assist children with computers
Help with “gaming” for seniors
Assist children with finding books
Read critical reviews and suggest titles to be purchased (teen selectors group)
Plan and produce a teen newsletter
Suggest titles for subject lists
Book covering
Reading Buddies program
Book mending
Checking in library materials
Assisting with interlibrary loan
Clerical projects
Data entry
Door greeters for programming
Fundraising projects/ example Walk-a-thon
Shelf reading
Delivering library materials to homebound
Project Linus quilting for babies
Tutor seniors on using computers, ipods, ipads, digital cameras, etc.
Help plan and present programs for teens
Adopt a shelf
Assist with book sales
Attendance taking at programs
Clear drop boxes
Inventory supplies
Create a suggestion box
Dusting/cleaning services
Develop booklist for Readers” Advisory (NY Times, Amazon, etc.)
Develop scavenger hunts and word puzzles that can be used with younger children
Do exit interview with program attendees
Keep stats for programming
Design and maintain a teen web page
Make flannel boards
Make nametags for events
Make sure the computers have paper and pencils near them
Prepare back to school packets
Prepare materials for forthcoming programs
Produce a program for parents on “books they should read”
Teen talent show
Putting barcodes and stickers on new materials
Search the web for homework sites
Straighten the children’s area
Test out problem videos and DVDs
Train teens to be clowns, puppeteers, musicians, jugglers for no cost library entertainment
Weed collection for condition
Weeding magazines and newspapers
Withdrawing materials