Dear Parents/Carers and Children
Welcome back to the Autumn term!
A big welcome to new children and parents/carers!
We have lots going on this term!
The children have already produced art work for the Christmas cards so packs will be sent out soon ready for you to order!
Deena, the photographer will be in!
Christmas preparations for the Christmas concert will be in full flow soon after half term!

October 2016

Registered Charity No: 1072330

This half term our topic is All About Me. We have been making family trees, pineapple faces, and we have lots more planned! ‘Sound of the week’ has started. You should have all received the rota, we use Facebook for reminders so check this too!We also try to link the sound of the week to different activities.If any parents/carers would like to come in and help with an activity/music/craft etc you would be more than welcome! Please see Vicky or Theresa.
Learning Journey’s
We are going to be sending Learning Journey’s home at the beginning of each term with post-its, we would love for you to add your comments and feedback on your child’s learning and development and what you see in the Learning Journey. Parental feedback is such an important part of our successful preschool. You are also welcome to take them home at any other time,
your child’s Learning Journey is in a box in the hall with a sign out & in book. All staff and parents are asked to sign the Learning Journey’s out and in so that we know where they are at all times to improve our safeguarding procedures.
All we ask is that they come back within a few days so that the keyperson can update them.
Thank you! / Safeguarding
  • Mobile phones and cameras are not allowed in the setting and we are ask that if you come into help or you stay during the session that you put your mobile phone into the box or leave it in the cupboard. We realise that you may need to be contactable so please feel able to pop into the cupboard or look in the box to check them!
  • If you stay for the session or come into help please sign the parent/visitors book so we know who is on the premises at all times.
  • The outside door will be unlocked at 12.15 (12 on a Wednesday) to keep the children safe until a staff member can stand at the front door to sign your child out at the end of the session.
Collection of your child
If you have to arrange for a different person, that we do not know, to collect your child over the phone we will ask for a password from whoever is collecting when the child is collected. We understand that there are times when this might happen and so we have ensured a procedure is in place to guarantee the safety of your child as this is our main concern when we have your child in our care.
If a child is uncollected by the parent or arranged person we will telephone emergency contacts on the child’s enrolment form. However,if we cannot get in contact with anybody and the child is not collected within an hour we follow our procedure for uncollected children and contact social services who will collect the child.
Changes to personal information
If your child has any allergies or medical conditions diagnosed since you filled in their enrolment form please see Vicky so we can add those details to their form.
Also please make sure you let us know of any changes to address, home telephone and mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
We would like to remind parents that if you take photographs of your child at Preschool occasions e.g Christmas Carol Concert, Sports Day etc and you put them on facebook (or any other sites) please make sure that there are noother children in the photograph. There are some parents who do not wish their child’s photo’s to be used on facebook, websites or other social media sites. As a preschool we do not put photo’s of the children on Facebook and we make sure we have parental permission to use photographs of their child on our website.
Thank you.
Learn, Play, Grow
We were very lucky to have Sheila in from Learn, Play, Grow offering us a taster session. ( )
The programme “teaches children about sportsmanship, team work, never giving up and helping the development of happy, confident children. This is a programme that we believe will benefit all of our children in some way. We will be fully funding this programme. We do not have dates yet but if your child does not attend on the days we arrange they are still invited to come along and join in! The sessions are 45 minutes long and parents and carers will be able to have refreshments in the kitchen whilst the children join in the fun!Dates will start after October half term, dates to follow!
Staff Training
Maureen and I have recently been on a training course to raise boy’s achievement in the setting. In general boys are active learners who need opportunities to make their own decisions and feel in control of their learning. Characteristics of boys play are generally often rough & tumble play, fighting, hands on, big body play, superhero play and gun play. We have discouraged this sort of play in the past because we felt it wasn’t ‘quality play’ and we shouldn’t be encouraging it but this training has helped us to focus on the benefits of allowing boys the opportunities to relate to the world around them in a safe environment. As skilled practitioners we will use their interests to extend their thinking and learning skills and foster their imaginative play. We will use these opportunities to talk to the children about right and wrong, acceptable/unacceptable behaviour, consequences of behaviour, to help children to understand that there are alternatives to aggression and use this play as a teachable moment. There are so many benefits of this play by encouraging their interests we are managing feelings and emotions, supporting confidence, motivation and risk-taking, supporting boys playing together, catering for their needs and interests, encouraging boys to read and write, providing opportunities to collaborate, valuing and supporting children who are physically active and who like physical challenge, helping boys to be confident learners. We have a duty of care to the children, parents and staff so policies, procedures and boundaries will be in place to ensure children are safe physically and emotionally.
We want to involve you as parents, we want your thoughts and feelings on this, what your expectations of boys are, what you see as the joys and challenges of parenting boys and what messages we / you give about boys and learning so I will be holding a parent session on Monday 31stOctoberat9.30 to give you more information and for us to have the opportunity to discuss boys play experiences at Cottontails. If there is anybody who can’t make it I am more than happy to discuss this at a different time or to send home more information!
Parent helper rota
Please sign up, double up with somebody else if you would like to. New parents have found this really helpful!
If you can prepare the fruit before the session starts or come back half an hour early to go outside in the park so that a staff member can begin to tidy it really helps!
The rota is on the table in the Parent room at the beginning of the session.
Thank you!
Trips & falls
If your child has an accident, for e.g a trip or fall before they begin their preschool sessionplease let their keyperson or Vicky know. We have a book for parents to write down the details/injury so that we are aware of any incidents/accidents. It also helps to know if the children have had injections, the more we know the better we can care for them!
Many thanks!
Keep in touch books
If your child attends another setting/childminder you will have received a ‘Keep in touch’ book which is there for all settings/childminders and parents to comment in so all of us know what your child is doing and we are all in touch with each other! Please let Vicky know if your child is going to another setting/childminder so we can get a book ready, thank you!
Packed lunches
Most of the children’s lunchboxes have healthy contents but for new parents and a reminder to all of our parents we have to make parents aware of our policy that we encourage parents to provide healthy packed lunch boxes, part of the Every Child Matters outcomes is ‘Being Healthy’ and The Early Years Foundation Stage states in Physical Development that “Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.”
We also have a ‘No Nut’ policy. Thank you for your co-operation.
Please could you send your child with a named pair of wellies. The grass can be quite long at times so the children are having to wear their wellies! We do access the outside area in all weathers so waterproofs and/or coats are needed!
Named clothing
Please name all clothes; Polo-shirts, sweatshirts, wellies, shoes, hats and coats. The children don’t always recognise their clothes and shoes so it really helps to have everything named! Thank you.
Deena’s Images
Deena will be in on Thursday 13th October, if your child doesn’t attend a Thursday morning session you are invited to come in throughout the morning. There isa sign up sheet on the table in the foyer.If your child does attend a Thursday morning session we will take your child through to have their photo taken. The photo’s will be back in time for Christmas so will make great Christmas presents! Please see Vicky if you have any questions. / Dates for your diary!
  • Deena's photos- Thursday 13th October
  • Parent session about boys play – Monday 31st October 9.30
  • Bag2School- Thursday 3rd November by 9am
  • Christmas concert-
Sat 10th December
10am – 12
We will have a box for gifts/donations for the tombola after half term and we are very grateful for cakes on the day to sell on the cake stall! If anybody knows of anyone who would be able to donate a prize for our Bauble board (e.g photoshoots, admission tickets for places, vouchers etc) please see Vicky or Amy (Miles mum) or any member of the committee! / Bags to School
You will find a bag in your plant pots soon. This can be filled with an assortment of things – clothes etc. More details are on the bags themselves.
Cottontails receive commission on the weight of the bags so the more you collect the more money Cottontails receives!
I will have more bags if you need them!
The bags need to be at pre-school the week beginning Monday 31stOctober and by 9am on Thursday 3rd November.
Phoenix cards
You should have all received a catalogue! All orders and catalogues to be returned by Wednesday 19th October please!
School Admissions 2017
If you have a child due to start school in September 2017, you will need to tell Norfolk County Council which school or schools you would prefer. The easiest way to apply is at the opening and closing dates for each round. If you apply online, you will get an e-mail on the offer day, telling you which school your child has been offered before the letters are sent out!
Applications must be returned by 15th January 2017.
Schools will be having open days so look out for those!
Cottontails Story Café
Calling all parents/families!
As a setting we value you & your family and want to work with you in partnership to support language development in your young children so we are introducing Story Cafés!

Come along with your child for a free,fun session in a relaxed, informal atmosphere!
Come along and:
Listen to a story and do an art & craft activity with your child
Socialise with other parents and have refreshments
Take a follow up idea home
The session will last about 45 minutes, siblings are welcome!
Story café for this term will be on
Thursday 8th December at 5pm at Alpington & Berghapton Primary in their old school hall. Come in your onesies or pyjama’s for a Christmas themed story, craft activity and hot chocolate!!
Please sign up on the sheet in the parent room nearer the time!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please ‘like’ our page and spread the word!
We often put updates, sound of the week, dates etc on our facebook page.

We now have a Twitter account!!
so please follow us on Twitter
@cottontailsnews / Easy fundraising
When you are buying online you can raise funds for Cottontails by clicking on with an email address and choose 'Cottontails Preschool - Norwich' as your fundraising cause. Then by going through the site (or handy App) to make internet purchases, registered retailers (a huge variety of shops such as Amazon, supermarkets, eBay and many smaller ones) will donate to Cottontails. If you use this referral link to sign up then Cottontails will also receive an extra pound when you start to use easyfundraising: