Christ the King CYO Handbook
Mission Statement
Christ the King CYO has been established to assist the young people of the parish in using their talents to witness the presence of God in our community. This goal can be reached by the visible participation of our youth in activities organized by the parish as well as those initiated by the youth. In developing programs of service to the community, the youth will grow in the understanding of service to the Lord and develop a sense of mature responsibility as they strive to become young Christian adults.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the CYO is to enable the students to connect with their parish. Boys and girls in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades need to know that the Church and parish community care about them. Through the CYO, the youth learn that they are vital to the Parish and neighborhood. CYO increases awareness of their relationship within the family unit and enjoyment with their peers as they approach their formative years.
Article III: Membership
The CYO is a Parish sponsored organization. Members of Christ the King parish in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, in parochial, public or private schools are invited to fully participate in the services that are sponsored by the CYO. Students in the fifth grade may participate in existing CTK CYO Junior sports. Fourth and fifth grade students are invited to participate in CTK CYO track.
All members will pay annual dues and will receive ID cards each year of membership. Members are responsible to present ID cards at CYO functions. Any member that needs a replacement ID card will be charged a minimal fee.
Code of Conduct
1. I will display my catholic faith and apply it in my daily life.
2. I will support all areas of my Parish CYO to the best of my ability and lend my services willingly where and when they are needed.
3. I will exhibit a spirit of good sportsmanship and hospitality to all I meet, especially when engaging in CYO functions.
4. I understand that if I do not meet my CYO service, spiritual and cultural obligations, I will no longer be able to participate in CYO social or athletic functions.
5. The following are reasons for dismissal from CYO. This dismissal will prevent you from participating in any CYO function or sports:
· Defacing property
· Damage to property
· Use of alcohol or drugs
· Smoking
· Offensive language
· Immoral behavior
· Physical or verbal abuse to other members or moderators
· Fighting
· Transferring membership card to another person
CYO Sports
Christ the King offers a variety of sports to its members and in some cases to our future members.
1. Junior Varsity/ Varsity Girls Soccer- Open to all girls fifth through eighth grades
2. Junior Varsity Boys Basketball- Open to all boys fifth and sixth grades
3. Varsity Boys Basketball- Open to all boys seventh and eighth grades
4. Junior Varsity Girls Basketball- Open to all girls fifth and sixth grades
5. Varsity Girls Basketball- Open to all girls seventh and eighth grades
6. Junior Varsity Boys Baseball- Open to all boys fifth and sixth grades
7. Varsity Boys Baseball- Open to all boys seventh and eighth grades
8. Junior Varsity Girls Softball- Open to all girls fifth and sixth grades
9. Varsity Girls Softball- Open to all girls seventh and eighth grades
10. Track- Open to all students fourth through eighth grades
While announcements are made during the school, with regard to try out dates and times, they are also published in the parish bulletin.
As stated in the Sports Athlete Participation Agreement you are part of a team. This means that CYO comes first before any other outside team you are participating in. If you do not show up for a game and play on another team the same day you will be required to sit the bench on the next scheduled game.
We hope that those children, who may not be interested in actually participating in a CYO sport, will still be a part of our sports program by attending games, whenever possible, and cheering on their classmates.
Service is a vital part of any community and that is absolutely so here at Christ the King. We encourage all CYO members to be practice participants in not only CYO, but in all aspects of our parish life.
It is required that each member do at least two hours of service in the 1st quarter by November 30, 2013, in order to participate in our annual ski trip and two hours of service in the 2nd quarter between December 1, 2013 and March 24, 2014 in order to attend a free trip. Failure to comply with this service policy will result in member’s dismissal from CYO—NO EXCEPTIONS!
Student Service logs will be available at each event. Students must sign the log in order to receive credit. Students will be instructed who to see at each event to sign the log.
Below is a list of service events that the student will be given credit for. Outside service will not be accepted as a CYO service event:
· Cleanup after dances
· St. Vincent de Paul Truck
· Ladies Auxiliary Flea Market
· Ministry Fair-Setup/Cleanup- open to all; Masses- must sign up with Mrs. Kermick; we will let students know when signups are.
· Ice Cream Social- must sign up with Mrs. Kermick; we will let students know when signups are.
· Setup for Christmas Bazaar
· Christmas Bazaar (2 hour time slots must be setup with Mrs. Kermick; we will let students know when signups are. Space limited to 8-10 kids.)
· CYO Scavenger Hunt
· Christmas Service(breakfast bags)
· Coach Bingo(CYO Fundraiser)- setup and cleanup
· Take down of Church Christmas decorations
· Basket Extravaganza(setup and cleanup)
· Ladies Auxiliary Craft Fair
As we done in the past we will continue to reward the top three students who perform the most service hours during the school year with a monetary award at the last dance of the school year.
Dance Information
Dances will run from 7:30 to 10:00p.m. Admission is $5.00 for members with their ID card, $7.00 for members without their ID card and $7.00 for a member’s guest (member’s guest must be of CYO age, that is 6th, 7th, or 8th grade students and are only invited to a “bring a friend” dance.)Please check the schedule of events details. Members who bring a friend will be responsible for their guests’ behavior.
There are four dances throughout the school year. All are held in the Church Hall and are currently scheduled for Friday evenings. Please check the event schedule for specific dates.
Doors to the dance will open at 7:30 p.m. Children will not be admitted to the hall until that time. Any child, who is going to be late for a dance, must bring a note from their parent or guardian stating the time they are expected to arrive. Once admitted to the dance, no one will be permitted to leave until the end of the dance (10:00 p.m.). If a child needs to leave early, a parent or guardian must make arrangements with a CYO Board Member who is chaperoning the dance that evening.
Appropriate attire is required. Children deemed inappropriately dressed by the chaperones of the dance will be asked to go home and change or they will be given a CYO tee shirt to wear during the dance.
All dances must have a sufficient number of adult chaperones (18 years of age or older). Chaperones are asked to arrive at the hall about 7:15 p.m. We also ask that you not bring other children to the dance if you are chaperoning. If we do not have enough adult volunteer chaperones to safely monitor a dance, the dance will be cancelled. Students permitted to walk home from the dance will be dismissed at 10:00 p.m. from the door closest to Chesterfield Road on the driveway side of the church.
Students who are being picked up will be dismissed by the door located in the rear of the hall on the schoolyard side. Please have the designated Parent/ Guardian that you listed on the Permission slip come into the hall to sign out child/ children. No child will be permitted to leave with another adult unless specified on the permission slip.
Closing of Year
It is time to recognize and congratulate all the children who have fulfilled their CYO obligations. Each grade will prepare and present what their ideal fun day would be to the Board. The Board will discuss and vote on each presentation and the winner will be announced at the last dance.