2010 – 2011 BY-LAWS



Article I – Name

Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the Rockwall County Rockin’ Riders 4-H Horse Club, hereinafter referred to as the “organization”. This organization has been established to provide opportunities for youth to experience and develop equine care and skills. It has been shown that individuals who participate in these opportunities experience self-esteem and learn responsibility.

Article II – Objectives

Section 1

The purpose of this organization shall be to help youth develop into useful and responsible citizens and leaders by accepting the responsibility of 4-H educational projects and activities while also participating in community service projects. Service projects do not have to be about horses.

  • To develop sportsmanlike behavior.
  • To cooperate with other 4-H youngsters to achieve individual or club goals.
  • To accept reality and assume responsibility for their project and their individual performance.
  • To become self-reliant and develop initiative.
  • To develop leadership.
  • The secondary purpose is the training and development of good horses and ponies.
  • To train and handle horses safely.
  • To keep records of their performance and how to use these records for their project animal and equipment.
  • To abide by the rules of etiquette when exhibiting their project.
  • To speak before groups and express their ideas through demonstration and judging contests.

Article III – Membership

Any child age 9 and in the third grade to age 19 is eligible for membership.

Membership Responsibilities include the following:

  1. Complete 4-H enrollment forms each year.
  1. Agree to follow the 4-H Code of Conduct – membership in our 4-H program is a privilege and may be denied to persons who have been banned from school related programs or who have exhibited behavior problems that may put other 4-H’ers or leaders at any undue risks.
  1. All members enrolled in the Rockwall County Rockin’ Riders 4-H Horse Club must attend and participate in meetings and functions and be in good standing to be able to participate in the Texas State 4-H Horse Show.
  1. We will be using the National 4-H Horse project guides. Each member is asked to acquire the appropriate project guides.
  1. Pay insurance fee annually.

Article IV – Members & Officers

Section 1

There shall be a committee whose responsibilities shall be to manage the business and affairs of the organization, to act on policy decisions, which must be made on behalf of the organization, and to ensure that the purpose of the organization is carried out. Youth committee members must be enrolled in 4-H Horse and Pony Projects, including Horseless Projects, be a member in good standing with the 4-H Club, be in seventh grade as of January 1, and attend and vote regularly at meetings. New members may join at any time. A roll call will be taken at all meetings.

Section 2

There shall be no fewer than five committee members in the organization. Committee members shall not be paid for their services to and on behalf of the


Section 3

The officers shall be elected annually at the May meeting. Officers take office in September and the term of office shall be one (1) year. The elections shall be held each year. A member cannot serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 4

Officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, County Council Delegate, Reporter and Sentinel. Newly elected officers will begin their term in September of election year.

Section 5

Committee members who have attended at least 80% of the previous year’s regular meetings shall hold the position of officers.

Section 6

The 4-H Youth Development Educator serves as an ex-officio member of the Committee.

Section 7

An officer not performing his/her duties will be given written notice and may be impeached.

Article V - Duties of Officers

Section 1

President – shall preside at all meetings of the organization, appoint committees and oversee them, represent our club, coordinate all the activities and keep in touch with the progress of the committees, help plan programs, submit and send out an agenda for all meetings and keep order at the meetings. The President shall ensure that the decisions of the organization are executed and their actions should reflect the interest of the club at all times. The President will also serve as one of the club’s representative to the Rockwall County 4-H Council. Must be age 14 at election.

Section 2

Vice-President – shall lead the pledges at club meetings. He/she shall perform the duties of the president in his/her absence, supervise committees and work closely with the President in coordinating club activities. Must be age 14 at election.

Section 3

Secretary – shall keep minutes of all meetings, perform roll call and shall ensure that the official records of the organization (enrollment count of members, etc.) are safe and accurate, report at all meetings, turn in a copy of the minutes to the 4-H Extension Office in a timely manner, do the club correspondence and keep attendance and activity reports.

Section 4

Treasurer – shall keep a record of all incoming money (such as fund raisers, sponsorships, cash awards, etc.) and all expenditures, maintain a neat and accurate Treasurer's book and present a financial report at each meeting.

The treasurer shall also be the chairman of the finance committee. He/she needs to make an annual report to the Rockwall County Extension Office. The fiscal year shall run from September 1st to August 31st of each year, concurrent with the 4-H fiscal year. The Treasurer may only release funds for large expenditures after a majority vote by the club. The monies will then be released in the form of the Club's bank check. For reimbursement of small expenditures approved by the club, a store receipt is required.

Section 5

County Council Delegate -shall attend all meetings of the Rockwall County 4-H Council as our organization representative. Will take minutes and report back to the Rockin’ Riders membership on the activities of the County Council. Will vote on County Council issues according to the wishes of the majority of membership and leaders. Their actions should reflect the interest of the club at all times.

Section 6

Reporter - This person shall write reports and take photographs of all organization activities, submit all news and postings to the local news media in a timely manner after approval by the 4-H Youth Development Educator, prepare a newsletter and scrapbook and help plan public information programs.

Section 7

Sentinel - Prepare the meeting room, care for equipment and supplies, welcome visitors, and assist with special features and refreshments. This person shall make arrangements for different members to bring refreshments to each meeting.

Article VI – Compliance

Section 1

The organization will operate in compliance with applicable USDA and Texas AgriLife Extension Service 4-H Youth Development program policies, including, but not limited to membership, safety and leader eligibility policies.

Article VII – Election of Officers

Section 1

Officers shall be nominated at the April meeting, which will be the month for reorganization and budget review. Election of the nominees will be held at the May meeting.

Section 2

Vacancies in officer positions may be filled as needed by the organization throughout the year. Such officers shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and elected by the voting members and shall serve the remaining term of the office.

Article VIII - Committees

Section 1

Committees shall be decided on by the executive board and Rockwall County Rockin’ Riders 4-H Horse leaders. Committee participation will be open to all active members. The committees will submit recommendations for the club to approve. These recommendations should be approved by the executive board and club management team prior to being brought before the general membership. Other committees may be appointed as needed. These standing committees are set as part of the by-laws:

  • The Finance Committee - monitors the funds of the organization and develops a budget annually. Shall find and implement ways to raise money for the organization’s special needs as decided by the organization’s members. The Finance Committee will consist of the President, Treasurer, and one member-at-large.
  • Show Committee – accountable for the planning and execution of the county horse show. Responsibilities will include: finding and scheduling an arena and a judge, reviewing the State Horse Show Rules and Regulations, choosing and executing a show program, solicit parent and family volunteers to assist with running of the show. This committee will be chaired by the President, and consist of the Vice-President and two other members.
  • Programs Committee – responsible for setting programs for year and seeing that are carried out. This committee will be chaired by the Secretary and at least one member-at-large.
  • Disciplinary Committee - will consist of two stewards and two elected members, whose duties will be to enforce the 4-H Horse Project’s rules and report to the Executive Committee any issues that cannot be resolved.
  • Public Relations Committee - will submit advertisements of all events in a timely manner to local newspapers, radio stations, and any other pertinent publications and submit pictures and stories about the organization’s functions to local news media. This committee will be co-chaired by the Reporter and County Council Delegate, and consist of at least one member-at-large.
  • Awards Committee – award ideas will be brought to the membership for approval and vote with a predetermined budget. The Awards Committee will be chaired by the Sentinel and consist of two members-at-large.

Section 2

The Executive Committee may establish a Task Force for particular projects as deemed necessary.

Article IX - Meetings

Section 1

The organization shall meet not less than eight times per year and shall hold its regular meetings on a specified date each month as determined by the

organization (i.e. – fourth Tuesday of each month). Voting members not present at the previous meeting must stand down from voting on issues from that meeting. A review of the issue and related discussions will be shared prior to calling for a vote.

Section 2

Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in the conduct of meetings. The following order of business shall be followed at meetings:

  1. Ice breaker
  2. Call to order
  3. Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge
  4. Inspiration
  5. Roll Call
  6. Reading and Approval of last meeting’s minutes
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Report of Committees
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. 4-H Leaders Report
  12. Announcements
  13. Educational Program
  14. Adjournment

Section 3

Location of the meeting will be the Rockwall County Extension Office, unless otherwise designated by the President or other officer. All agendas will reflect location of the meetings.

Section 4

A quorum at any given regular or announced special meeting shall constitute 51% of voting committee members present. At least two Executive officers must be present.

Section 5

Any member may request an emergency meeting, if deemed necessary, and all members are contacted. Voting members present at such an emergency meeting shall make a decision. At least two Executive officers must be present at this meeting, and 48-hour notice must be given to all Committee members. Emergency meetings must be arranged through the Rockwall County-Extension 4-H Youth Educator/Office. No votes shall be taken by phone calling members.

Article X - Amendments

Section 1

These by-laws may be amended annually and go into effect January 1st of each year by a two-thirds majority of voting members present. Notice, listing the

change, must be given at a previous meeting or by notification by mail one week prior to next meeting, regarding all b changes to the by-laws.

Article XI – Leader and Duties

Section 1

Adult Leaders of the club are:

(a)The club managers, who are recruited by The Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Rockwall County Office

(b)Leaders in specific project or activity areas such as judging, demonstrations, records, etc., shall be appointed by the club managers and approved by the Extension Office.

(c)Committee advisors or leaders who shall be appointed by the executive committee and club managers.

(d)Adult committee advisors or leaders must register annually by becoming a 4-H leader by the November meeting.

Section 2

Duties of club managers:

(a) Be responsible for the overall year's program of the club.

(b) Work as close advisors and leaders along with the executive committee, other committees and adult and junior leaders to see that the club's program and activities are well-planned and executed.

(c)Work closely with county Extension agents and other adult volunteers to coordinate local and county activities.

(d)Keep the best interests of each member foremost in the plans of the club.

Section 3

Duties of project and activity leaders:

(a)Be responsible for planning and directing activities and programs in their specific area.

(b)Work closely with club managers to coordinate their projects with other club activities.

(c)Use junior leaders to assist them in their areas.

Section 4

Duties of committee advisors or leaders:

(a)Lead and guide individual committees.

(b)Help committee members assume as much responsibility as they can and to be successful in carrying out responsibilities.

Section 5

Junior leaders of the club are members who are 10 years old or older who

have been members for at least 1 year. Their duties include:

(a)Assist adult leaders in all phases of the 4-H program.

(b)Provide leadership, knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to club and county 4-H activities as the opportunities and needs arise.

(c)Help individual club members.

Section 6

Teen leaders of the club shall be members who are at least 13 years old

with at least 1 year of project experience. Their duties include:

(a)Leading a club or project group with an adult present.

(b)Providing leadership, knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to club and county 4-H activities as the opportunities and needs arise.

(c)Helping individual club members.

Article XII - Dissolution

Section 1

Upon dissolution of this organization, any remaining assets, not specifically earmarked for approved expenditures, shall be conveyed to the Rockwall County 4-H Youth Development Program.

Voted on and accepted ______, 2010