North Whidbey Middle School
Philosophy……………………….…………………….....Page 3
Curriculum………………………………...……………..Page 4
North Whidbey Middle School Performing Ensembles....Page 5
Policies & Regulations………...…………………………Page 6/7
Expectations……………………………………….……...Page 8
Grading……………………………………………………Page 9
Proper Equipment & Concert Attire………………...….Page 10
Practice Tips………………………………..…………Page 11-13
Concerts and Performances……….………………..…....Page 14
NWMS Band Event Calendar……………………...……Page 15
The music department is established on the premise that its reason for existence is to assist in the preparation of the youth living in the community for wholesome, active, creative and constructive citizenship, which, in turn should provide for complete and intelligent living in a complex and changing society.
Music is a Science- it is exact, specific, and demands exact acoustics. A conductor's full score is a chart, or graph, which indicates frequencies, intensities, volume changes, melody and harmony all at once with the most exact control of time.
Music is Mathematical- It is rhythmically based on the subdivisions of time into fractions, which must be done instantaneously, not worked out on paper.
Music is a Foreign Language- Most of the terms are in Italian, German or French; and the notation is certainly not English - but a highly developed kind of shorthand that uses symbols to represent ideas. The semantics of music is a complex and universal language.
Music is History- Music usually reflects the environment and times of its creation, as well as the country of its origin.
Music is Physical Education- It requires fantastic coordination of finger, hand, arm, lip, cheek, and facial muscles. In addition, it requires extraordinary control of the diaphragmatic, back, stomach and chest muscles, which respond instantly to the sound the ear hears and mind interprets.
Music is All These, BUT most of All, MUSIC IS ART- It allows a human being to take all of these dry, technically boring (but difficult) techniques and use them to create emotion. That is one thing science cannotduplicate.
Why do I Teach Music?
Not because I expect everyone to major in music.
Not because I expect everyone to play all of their life.
Not so everyone can goof off and have a free period.
BUT - so you can learn to be sensitive.
so you can have an outlet to express yourself.
so you can learn to be disciplined.
so you can learn to be responsible to others as well as yourself.
so you can learn to control your anxiety (nerves).
so you can learn to work with others.
so you can learn how to make a polished, finished product.
so you can learn to develop high (but attainable) expectations.
so you can learn to enjoy the rewards of hard work.
so you can learn how to succeed in life.
Of what value will it be to make a living, unless you know how to live.
The curriculum of the North Whidbey Middle School Band program is based on the following National and State Expectations. Through the four years that a student is involved in the band program at NWMS, he/she will have been given opportunity to explore these various applications of music.
National Standards for Music Education
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied
repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and
disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Essential Academic Learning Requirements
1. The student understands and applies arts knowledge and skills.
2. The student demonstrates thinking skills using artistic processes.
3. The student communicates through the arts.
4. The student makes connections within and across the arts to
other disciplines, life, cultures, and work.
The North Whidbey Middle School Bands
Currently there are four bands in the program actively engaged in learning and performing music:
Concert Band
Symphonic Band
Jazz Band
The goal of these groups is not only to give the students a basic knowledge of performing and music fundamentals, but also to prepare them for the high school band program.
Cadet Band:
The Cadet Band is for second year band students. This band is divided into two groups for rehearsal purposes, while performing as one unit in concerts. Its primary function is to gain basic knowledge of music fundamentals and to prepare for performance. Stress is placed on positive rehearsal techniques, and forming good performance and practice habits that will be used the rest of their music career. Private lessons are strongly encouraged.
This band is divided into two groups for rehearsal purposes, while performing as one unit in concerts. While fundamentals and playing skills are still addressed with method books and the like, performance is the emphasis of this class. The function of the ConcertBand is to study and perform the finest band literature that is appropriate to this level. Good rehearsal techniques and playing accuracy are stressed. Private lessons are strongly encouraged.
Symphonic Band:
The function of the SymphonicBand is to study and perform the very finest band literature possible. This band will be given the most difficult music to prepare and perform at concerts, competitions and festivals.Privatelessons are strongly encouraged.
Jazz Band:
This is an afterschool band that rehearses Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:15-3:20. Rehearsal attendance is required, however I am flexible with students who are involved in other after-school activities for example, sports, clubs, etc..
I do understand that band is not an area where everyone may be successful, and it is my hope that every student will find an area where they can be successful. If a student is feeling frustrated about their progress in band, the following first step must be taken.
The first step is to conference with Mr. Manuel before/after school or before/after class. Be honest with him and yourself about the "real" problem. "I don't like it anymore," is not a very well thought out reason. Try to be specific about why band has become frustrating. Sometimes we can come up with solutions to help alleviate your frustrations. In some cases I will also talk to your parents to discuss the options that we have discussed.
Policies and Procedures
1. Behavior: Inappropriate behavior or displays of disrespect will not be allowed at any time. Defacing of, or improper use of music department property will be considered vandalism and will be dealt with according to North Whidbey Middle School Policy.
2. Talking: Talking during rehearsal shows a lack of respect and courtesy toward the director and fellow musicians. If continued, the director will ask those who are creating the disturbance to leave, with further action being taken at the end of the period.
3. Food & Beverages: Students will not be allowed to chew gum, drink pop, eat candy or food while in the department, as it is harmful to the instruments and can be disruptive to rehearsals.
4. School Owned Instruments: School owned instruments are loaned with no fee at the present time. The band member using a school instrument shall endeavor to care for it as well as (or better than) a private owner.If a student repeatedly (more than once) damages a school owned instrument, parents will be responsible for paying for the repair.
5. Private Instruments: A student should never play another student's instrument. This is particularly true of ALL percussion instruments. There may be a few circumstances where this is necessary, but it will always take place under the supervision of the instructor. It is important that students clearly mark their case with their name.
6. Vacations: All instruments are to be taken home daily, during weekends and ALL school holidays. A failure to do so consistently may result in a lower grade, reflecting a lack of responsibility.
7. Absences: When absent on a test day, tests will be made up during class time when the student returns to school. Students will be given a reasonable number of days to make up the test. If the absence is known in advance, every effort should be made to take the test before the student leaves.
8. Attendance:
a) REHEARSALS - Regular attendance at all rehearsals and scheduled sectional practices is required at all times.
b) CONCERTS - Attendance at all performances not only is required of all members of the
group, but should be the responsibility assumed by the individual when he/she joins the organization.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES FROM A PERFORMANCE WILL RESULT IN A DRASTICALLY LOWERED GRADE. Excuses to miss a performance or extra rehearsal must be of a serious nature, (i.e.illness, accident, death in the family) and must be submitted to the director in writing from a parent or legal guardian. Such excuses should be made in advance, whenever possible, so that adjustments can be made. If time is a factor, a telephone call to the director is in order. It is imperative, however, that a written excuse still be submitted as soon as is practical for the records. Students who have excused absences from a concert orfestival will be expected to complete a make-up assignment to earn the points for that event.
NOTE: Students/parents/legal guardians are expected to work out rides with friends or relatives when the parents are unable to provide transportation to performances. The same is true for transportation home following performances.
9. Concert Attire: Concert attire for ALL concerts will be formal. Students in the Symphonic Band, Concert Band and Beginning Band will need to have a Black & White outfit. (White on top/Black on bottom) Girls have the option of wearing a black dress. Please avoid jeans, shorts, t-shirts and sneakers. Symphonic and Concert Bands will need to have a Black & White outfit for festivals and contests as well, to give us a more uniform look (we always want to give a good first impression).
Boys- White long sleeve button up shirt with collar, black slacks, black socks, and black dress shoes.
Girls- The same as the boys, or white blouse and long black skirt.
10. Rehearsals: Rehearsals begin at assigned times, either at the bell or other designated times. There is a designed warm-up created for the entire group to play together, leaving no reason for individual warm-up prior to the beginning of class.
12. Chair Placement: Any player who is unhappy with his/her chair placement may advance by challenging. There will be no challenges three weeks prior to a performance. Challenges are only effective in the band in which the student is a member.
13. Citizenship: Members are to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will be a credit to the school and organization. Remember that a good attitude, promptness, and courtesy are valuable assets. North Whidey Middle School Bands have a good reputation as far as conduct and scholastic achievement are concerned.
14. Sports: There are no basic conflicts of interest between the music program and the athletic program. It is understood that no major athletic event or music performance event will be scheduled in conflict with one another. There are occasional conflicts for certain students which (when brought to the attention of the band director and coach) will be resolved by the supervisors, so as not to put the student in the middle.
The following is a list of expectations, which should be used as a guideline for conduct in the band room, and responsibilities outside the band room.
Be responsible
- Practice a minimum of 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week.
- Bring your instrument/music/book/pencil everyday.
- Have your instrument & music ready when warm-ups start.
- Play with good posture.
- Start and end together.
- Play strong even if you are not sure how it goes, that way Mr. Manuel will know where he can
help you.
- Raise your hand before participating in class discussion.
- Get a hall pass if you are going to be late to band.
Be respectful
- If you forget your instrument, don't distract others; pay attention.
- Encourage others, and have a positive attitude.
- The substitute is the authority in the room when Mr. Manuel is not present.
- Represent your school and the band program in the best possible way.
Use band room and equipment for its intended purpose.
- Spit gum or candy out before you enter the band room.
- Music stands are for band music and band books only.
- Chairs are to always have all four legs on the floor.
- Do not throw, slide or sit on any instrument cases, including your own.
- Do not share or trade your instrument with others.
- Running in the band room can only lead to injury to a person or an instrument, or both!
- Practice at home, the band room is for rehearsing.
Be patient.
- Sit quietly during the tuning process.
- Sit quietly while work is being done with another group/section. One can practice his/her part
while waiting by working on fingerings without blowing into the instrument.
Have a good time, but be serious about
making great music.
Grading Criteria
Participation= (50%) 180 points
Student remembers to bring instrument and music to rehearsals and concerts.
Student gives 100% effort during rehearsals and performances.
Performance Assessments= (25%)90 points
Students are assessed on scales, exercises, and concert music.
Practice Reports= (25%) 90 points
Students are required to practice a minimum of 150 min. per week. Practice reports need to be signed by a parent and turned in every Monday.
Equipment & Performance Attire
Method Books
Cadet Band: Essential Elements (Book 2)
ConcertBand: Essential Elements (Book 3)
Symphonic Band: Treasury of Scales
Jazz Band: Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble
Basic Equipment
All Musicians:
Three ring binder and protectors for sheet music.
Folding Music Stand
Woodwind Players:
Reed guard (2 reed holder)
4 or more quality reeds in your case at all times
Cork grease (except flute)
A mouthpiece brush
A swab to clean entire instrument at least once a day.
Brass Players:
Mouthpiece brush (no exposed wire)
Snake (vinyl coated)
Valve Oil (except Trombone) Clean & oil valves once a week.
Slide Cream (Tbn only) Clean and re-apply cream once a week.
Small Spray bottle w/water. Spray slide each day before playing
Tuning Slide Grease to lube tuning slides once a month.
2 pair snare sticks (SD1 or 2B)
1 pair of quality hard resin bell mallets (replacing bell kit mallets)
Bell Kit
Practice Pad
Performance Attire
Girls: White top (with sleeves)
Black pants or skirt (below knees)
Black shoes
Boys: White button-up shirt (long sleeve)
Black pants (no jeans)
Black shoes (no sneakers)
1. For all musicians, practice time should be a period of intense concentration, devoted to the idea of working out rather than playing through musical material.
2. It is important to practice slowly and to avoid continued unsuccessful repetitions of a problem passage. Any mistake made will tend to be perpetuated until it is discovered and corrected. The muscles learn the wrong physical coordination and must be retrained. To correct the problem passage, practice slowly at first. Then slowly speed up, never faster than you can do correctly.
3. Always think about relaxation and be on the lookout for tension in your playing. Sit correctly with a straight spine and relaxed shoulders. Think proper posture and instrument position. Use the least amount of pressure necessary.
4. Take full deep breaths and play in a very aerobic way. Use your diaphragm muscles. Do not get into an isometric struggle with your instrument and again, think relaxation.
5. The practice area should be private and quiet, without distractions of television, stereo or other people. It should have good lighting, a music stand for proper instrument position, and a firm straight-backed chair for correct posture and breathing.
6. The practice session is most beneficial when you reserve a certain time of the day to work. Usually a practice session at the end of the day, when you are mentally and physically fatigued, is fruitless.
7. For some, shorter practice sessions (10 or 15 minutes) during the day are preferable to a single, longer practice session. Example: One session after school or before dinner and another session later in the evening as a break from other studies.
8. Practice good basics. Constantly think fundamentals. Never sacrifice your sound. Good characteristic tone comes first and always.
9. Practice with a steady pulse or beat. Use the metronome frequently to promote even playing and proper subdivision.
10. Think about the mathematical component of music. It will promote correct subdivision. If you cannot imagine or see what the music should sound like, it may be too soon to try to play it. Have a vision in your mind of a correct performance.
11. When beginning a practice session, have a well-organized idea of how to use the time that is available. Select from the following: Warm-up materials, Scales, Long tones, Flexibility studies, Articulation studies, Private Lesson assignments.
Dear NWMS Band Parents:
Our bands can only maintain a high level of excellence through the use of informal assessments conducted during rehearsals. During a typical band rehearsal, students are usually asked to play individually as well as in instrumental sections. I realize that being asked to play individually during class may be uncomfortable for some, but it is absolutely necessary for me to be able to teach students individually and meet their very different and unique needs. Students could think of this experience as a mini private lesson. It is my job to diagnose what they are doing wrong and to be able to give each of them individualized instruction on how to improve their playing.