Stoke StrokeSchool Programme2015
Keele Univerity
Date / Session Time / Session TitleDay 1
Date: 4/11/2015
Location: TBC / 084 5- 09:00 / Coffee and informal discussions with course lead
09.00 –9:15 / Introduction to Module
Group Introductions
What the module aims to achieve
09:15-10:00 / National and Local Overview of Stroke
10:00-10:45 / Stroke diagnosis, and classification
Include FAST, infarct/haemorrhage/ severity (NIHSS) and OCSP
10:45-11:00 / Coffee
11:00-11:45 / Acute Stroke Management
11:45-12:30 / Nasogastric feeding PRACTICAL
(include mittens policy, clinical and CXR assessment of tube position)
12.30 - 13.30 / Lunch
13.30 – 14:15 / Oral Care
14:15 - 15:00 / Nutrition
15:00 - 15:15 / Coffee
15.15 –16:00 / Insertion and care of bridle tubes
16:00-16:45 / Assignment Brief
16:45-17:00 / Questions and close out for the day
Day 2
Date: 12/11/2015
Location: TBC / 084 5- 09:00 / Coffee and informal discussions with course lead
09:00-09:45 / Theory of Normal Movement
09:45-10.30 / Theory of Motor Learning and Neuroplasticity
10:30 - 10.45 / Coffee
10.45-11:.30 / PRACTICAL– Movement Analysis
11:30- 12:15 / How can we improve SSNAP audit scores?
12:15-13:00 / Lunch
13.00 –13:45 / Practical Session – Positioning
13:45-14:30 / Social Services and DST assessments
14:30-14:15 / Coffee
14:15 –15:30 / Imaging stroke
(CT, CTA, CT perfusion, MRI)
15:30-16:15 / The patient perspective
The long road to recovery
16:15-16:45 / Ethical issues
16:45-17:00 / Questions and close out for the day
Day 3
Date: 18/11/2015
Location: TBC / 084 5- 09:00 / Coffee and informal discussions with course lead
09:00-09:45 / The Psychological Impact of Stroke
09:45-10.30 / Cognition and Perception
(include inattention and apraxia)
10:30 - 10.45 / Coffee
10.45-11:.30 / Life after stroke
Driving, work, sex, and hobbies
11:30- 12:15 / Stroke Research
12:15-13:00 / Lunch
13.00 –13:45 / Stroke Prevention and TIAs
13:45-14:30 / Carotid endarterectomy
14:30-14:15 / Coffee
14:15 –15:30 / The Early Supported Discharge Team
15:30-16:15 / Incontinence
16:15-16:45 / Continence promotion, bowel and bladder care
16:45-17:00 / Questions and close out for the day
Day 4
Date: 26/11/2015
Location: TBC / 084 5- 09:00 / Coffee and informal discussions with course lead
09:00-09:45 / Thrombolysis
And how to look after the thrombolysed patient
09:45-10.30 / How to look after a patient with a tracheostomy
10:30 - 10.45 / Coffee
10.45-11:.30 / Therapy for the upper limb
11:30- 12:15 / Care of the confused or demented patient
How to put the patient at ease
12:15-13:00 / Lunch
13.00 –13:45 / Decompressive hemicraniectomy
What is it, why is it needed, and how to look after a patient with a craniotomy)
13:45-14:30 / The Stroke Association: How we support patients after discharge
14:30-14:15 / Coffee
14:15 –15:30 / SALT / swallowing
Assessment and how to help patients regain swallowing ability
15:30-16:15 / SALT /speech
Assessment, how to communicate, and how to help patients regain the ability to speak
16:15-16:45 / Falling GCS ? what to do
16:45-17:00 / Evaluation and tutorial
Please contact for details and dates of future courses