The Constitution of the ISU Motocross Club
Article I – Name
The name of our organization shall be ISU Motocross Club. Hereafter the organization shall be referred to as ISUMX.
Article II – Purpose & Goals
Section One:
ISUMX exists to promote the interest in off-road motorsports. All are welcome at our meetings and events, avid racers and mere enthusiasts alike. The competitive members of the club try to push each other to ride better and faster.
Section Two:
“Name of Organization” abides by and supports established Iowa State University policies, State and Federal Laws.
Article III – Membership
Membership in the ISUMX is open to all upstanding members of society with an interest in motocross, including all registered students of Iowa State University. A member shall pay dues unless exempt by the club. Only ISU students and staff shall have voting rights at club meetings and be defined as the “general membership” per University policy. Also, 80% of the club must be comprised of ISU students. Membership can be revoked by a ¾ vote of the general membership and (not or) ½ of the officers if actions are deemed inappropriate.
Article IV – Officers
ISUMX shall have five officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Adviser, and Secretary. Executive decisions may be made by the majority of the officers if the issue is either trivial or not enough time is allowed for a vote of the general membership. However, all actions must be overseen by all officers and reported at meetings. All officers will be elected in late spring semester at the last or next to last club meeting of the school year by a majority vote of the general membership choosing from nominated club members. If a candidate fails to receive a majority vote, a run off election will be held within the two top candidates that received the most votes. Terms will last one full year. Interim vacancies can be filled by a majority of the general membership choosing from nominated club members. Only ISU students may be club officers (excluding the adviser who must be an ISU faculty member). Additionally, ISU has requirements for club officers which all ISUMX officers must meet:
1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA as follows: undergraduate students 2.00. The minimum requirement must be met in the semester immediately prior to the election, the semester of election and semesters during the term of office. In each semester, at least six credits must be taken to meet the requirement.
2. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled at least half time (six credits for undergraduate and four credits for graduate students) while in office.
3. Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements in (1) and (2).
Some basic duties for each officer are as follows:
· President: preside over club meetings and events, ensure sound organization of activities, maintain communication with adviser, and direct club tasks.
· Vice President: preside over club activities in absence of president and assist with club tasks.
· Treasurer: maintain records of club finances and perform club financial transactions with Campus Accounting and others, also assist with club tasks.
· Adviser: oversee club and provide guidance and wisdom.
· Secretary: assist with club tasks
Officers may resign at any time with preference that a replacement be found beforehand. Impeachment can occur with a ¾ vote in the general membership and a ½ vote from the other officers.
Article V -- Finances
Club finances will be overseen by the president and adviser and directly handled by the treasurer. In the event of club extinction, remaining funds shall be apportioned equally to the remaining members of the club.
Dues will be collected yearly from each member. Dues are $30 for ISU students and $40 for all other persons. These amounts may be changed and such will be left to the discretion of the officers and club members.
All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organization Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. The adviser to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.
Article VI – Amendments & Ratification
Changes to this constitution can be enacted by a ½ majority vote of the general membership of the club and ¾ vote from the officers. Article VII shall be reserved for amendments. Once modified, a new draft of the constitution must be promptly submitted to the Student Activities Center for approval.
This constitution will be ratified by a ¾ vote of the general membership.
Approved by:
President – ISUMX Adviser – ISUMX Asst. Director Student Acts.