MAY 28, 2003

The regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron Shores was held on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 and called to order by Reeve Ted Linley at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Reeve Ted Linley, Councillors Gord Campbell, Norma Cochrane, John Fullerton, Dennis Kirby, Gil Reeves, Archie Roach, Kent Weber and Dale Wedgwood; and Clerk Deborah Tonelli.

ALSO PRESENT:Erwin Pascall; Public Works Foreman Tom Dumont; and Assistant Clerk Beverly Eagleson.


D. Wedgwood
G. Campbell / THAT we adopt the minutes of the Regular Meetings of Council held Wednesday, May 14, 2003 as amended. CARRIED.
D. Kirby
J. Fullerton / THAT By-law #03-23, being a By-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron Shores to Adopt the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on May 14, 2003 and authorizing the taking of any action authorized therein and thereby, was read a first, second and third time and passed in open Council this 28th day of May, 2003. CARRIED.


N. Cochrane
G. Reeves / THAT we approve payment of the General Accounts for the period from May 15, 2003 to May 28, 2003 in the amount of $32,878.68. CARRIED.
Dale Wedgwood – Items dealing with janitorial services.
Reeve Linley – Items dealing with Village General Store.



Councillor Reeves advised that the budget committee reviewed 2003 budget estimates this evening prior to the Council Meeting. Mr. Reeves commended Treasurer Leach for excellent work on the draft budget. The Committee is optimistic that the preliminary review indicates that we may be able to avoid any increase in the tax rates this year. The Committee also recommended that we should be able to set a budget meeting for consideration of passing estimates for the year and that the Clerk’s office could proceed with advertising the budget meeting as is now required by the Municipal Act.

Councillor Reeves asked if Council would provide direction on consideration of increasing the financial commitment to the operating budget for the Thessalon Arena and likewise what consideration if any was to be given the request of the Upper Deck Committee for financial contributions to that fundraising program. It was the general consensus of Council that while the Municipality of Huron Shores was agreeable to increase the financial support of the Thessalon Arena Operating Budget from $6,000 to $10,000 for this year, there would be no financial support allocated to the Upper Deck project.

N. Cochrane
G. Reeves / THAT we hold the 2003 Budget Meeting by Special Meeting of Council to be held June 18, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers;
AND THAT we advertise said meeting in the North Shore Sentinel.


Fire Department:

Clerk Tonelli advised that one tender had been received for the Fire Truck Tender for a Triple Combination Pumper for the Ward 1 Fire Station. The Fire Chief and Fire Commissioner Wedgwood are reviewing the tender. It is anticipated that a recommendation will be forthcoming at the next meeting of Council.

Public Works Report:

Public Works Foreman Dumont advised that he had received a complaint from a property owner that water was not draining away from the ditch on their property that spills into the Baxter-Lauszus Drain which is very grown up with trees and vegetation. Mr. Dumont advised that this drain is one of the drains that we have been attempting to have cleaned for the last 3 or 4 years under the drainage program. Upon contacting the Drainage Superintendent he was advised that cleanouts of the drains will be done in July. The property owner will be contacted to advise accordingly.

One tender had been received for the gravel crushing and hauling on various Township roads for spring gravel requirements.

D. Kirby
D. Wedgwood / THAT we accept the tender of Gilbertson Enterprises Ltd. in the amount of $65,520.00 including taxes to fulfill the requirements of Gravel Contract 2003 RG-1 for gravel crushing and placement. CARRIED.

One tender had been received for the gravel requirements for the Station Road construction.

D. Wedgwood
D. Kirby / THAT we accept the tender of Maple Ridge Aggregates Ltd. in the amount of $57,557.50 incl. taxes to fulfill the requirements of Gravel Contract 2003 RG-2 for gravel requirements for Station Road Construction. CARRIED.

Public Works Foreman Dumont reported to Council that the office had received a call regarding a dead raccoon in an individual’s yard in Iron Bridge. They reported that there had previously been a raccoon in that area acting strangely. Clerk had called Algoma Health Unit and MNR and was still awaiting return calls for information on how best to deal with the situation as concern was raised that perhaps the animal was sick. Mr. Dumont advised that while public works personnel had attended and picked up the animal, he felt this may be beyond their responsibilities, not having proper equipment to handle potentially diseased animals. The animal is presently in an outdoor shed, to be picked up by one of the other agencies contacted. He was asking that council provide direction and establish a policy for handling such a matter. Clerk will update Council on developments.

CBO Report

Correspondence had been received from Blind River advising that they are considering implementing a Geographic Information System with assistance of GeoSmart Program (a provincial program) and are inviting neighbouring municipalities to a meeting to discuss the possibility of a joint application. Clerk Tonelli will advise Blind River that she and/or CBO Swan will attend the meeting proposed in Blind River.

Goodmurphy/Pigeau consent questionnaire has been completed and faxed to MMAH.

K. Weber
N. Cochrane / THAT we approve the Application for Consent for Pigeau/Goodmurphy MMAH File #57-C-030003 to sever parcel of land from the Cecil and Patricia Goodmurphy property described as Lot 13 EPt, Plan H-785 to be added to the property of Edward and Judith Pigeau, described as Pt. Lot 13, Plan H-785. CARRIED.

Councillor Reports:

Councillor Roach provided information on polling businesses and the opinions received on imposing a no smoking by-law in the municipality. It was recommended that we still hold a public meeting in order to provide an opportunity for the general public and businesses to voice concerns, support of and/or objection to such a by-law. Mr. Pascall advised council that he is opposed at the present time and expressed his concerns that such a by-law could have a significant detrimental affect on his business. Discussion also centred around enforcement of such a by-law. Clerk to contact Algoma Health Unit to determine the soonest they could attend a public meeting on the issue.

Councillor Fullerton reported on attending the Physician Recruitment meeting in Blind River. Blind River presently faces further reduction to an already insufficient number of doctors servicing the area utilizing the Blind River Hospital, due to retirement and possible relocation. In the past, Huron Shores has contributed to the Thessalon cause in physician recruitments expenditures, which is not actual fees or remuneration paid to individual physicians. There was discussion on the physician program that operates in the Thessalon area, but Blind River is too large to access the same program. Councillor Reeves suggested that dollars allocated to Silver Birches last year was not actually paid and perhaps some consideration should be given to reallocating a portion of these funds to the package proposed for attracting physicians to the area. Reeve Linley reported he had met with Dr. Peer regarding the medical clinic in Iron Bridge. Dr. Peer is under the impression that there may be a grant available to assist with the operation of the facility. Clerk Tonelli will investigate.

Painting buildings and picnic tables at Beharriell Park as well as planting flowers at the Municipal Office were activities donated to this community by Cameco on their Cameco Cares Day. Clerk Tonelli will send a thank you letter to Cameco and their employees expressing appreciation for their generous donation.

In response to a query as to why the Paul Bunjun axe was not displayed, Clerk Tonelli will contact the Museum Board to ask if the axe could be set up there for display.

Clerk Tonelli advised that Steven Jensen has been hired by the Blind River Chamber of Commerce as this municipality’s Computer Applications Trainer and will work at the Cap Site at the library.

Council elected to abandon filling the Youth Intern position. The work for this position is probably somewhat duplicated in the Computer Applications Trainer work and it would in all likelihood be difficult to keep two people busy for the duration of both contracts.

Assistant Clerk Eagleson reported that Glenn Tunnock had attended at the office to gather further background information in preparation of new planning documents. She advised that she would make copies of the present planning documents available to Council members in order that they could familiarize themselves with some of the present criteria and could give consideration to any changes they think would be beneficial.

Clerk had received a phone call from a ratepayer expressing concern of the loose bags at the Ward 1 Waste Disposal Site. Public Works Foreman Dumont reported that it is extremely difficult to control the scattering of plastic bags and the unsightly mess it creates at the Ward 1 Waste Site. Mr. Dumont asked if it was possible that a crew could be hired for a spring cleanup in an attempt to improve the site. Clerk suggested that we check into inviting high school students to volunteer hours at this work that could be recorded as part of their volunteer community work that is now mandatory for a high school diploma. Clerk will investigate this.



8-1.Advertisement for 3 Students for Museum Curator positions.

J. Fullerton
D. Kirby / THAT we advertise in the North Shore Sentinel to fill three student positions for summer employment at the Iron Bridge Museum.

8-2.Purchasing Policy.

Council had reviewed the proposed changes to the purchasing policy. It was discussed that the biggest change was increasing the dollar amounts in each category and that as long as checks and balances were in place to ensure accountability Council had no objection to approve increasing the amounts.

J. Fullerton
D. Kirby / THAT the Purchasing Policy for the Municipality of Huron Shores be established as follows:
Open Purchasing / Department Head / 1 – 1,500
3 Telephone Quotes / Department Head
& Treasurer / 1,500 – 5,000
3 Written Quotes / Commissioner,
Department Head
& Treasurer / 5,000 – 10,000
Sealed Tender / Council / > 10,000


9-1.Ministry of Natural Resources / Recommendation of conservation reserve as memorial.

9-2. City of Pickering / objection to Zoning Orders.

9-3.Fred Dean / Retainer for Legal Services.

G. Reeves
N. Cochrane / THAT we accept the retainer package submitted by Fred Dean for a total fee, including GST, of $4,922.00, commencing June 1, 2003 and ending May 31, 2004. CARRIED.

9-4.Thessalon Public School / Community Calendar renewal.

K. Weber
N. Cochrane / THAT we the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron Shores purchase $55.00 worth of advertising space in support of the Thessalon Public School community birthday Calendar. CARRIED.

9-5.Karen Gionette / concern re dumping of garbage at River Road and Nestorville Road.

Public Works Foreman advised that he had not had an opportunity to investigate this complaint, but will do so and report back to Council.


10-1.Ministry of Citizenship / Senior of the Year Awards Nomination Form.

10-2.Ministry of Northern Development and Mines / Rural Economic Development Program.

10-3.Ministry of Tourism and Recreation / Tourism and Investment Recovery Plan.

10-4.AMO - Alert / Proposal for Mandatory Referendum on Municipal Taxation Means A Tense Road Ahead - AMO Not Consulted & AMO Urges Municipal Action on Referendum Proposal.

Councillor Fullerton asked that Council consider the impact such legislation could have on a municipality’s need to increase budgets for providing services, especially to support health care necessary to our communities.

10-5.MPAC / Ontario Parcel Web Site available by fourth quarter of 2003.

10-6.Algoma District Homes for the Aged / Financial Statements For the year ended Dec. 31/02.

10-7.Domtar / Annual Report for the year ended December 31/02.

10-8.Ministry of the Environment / Drinking-Water Systems Regulation.

10-9.Ministry of Citizenship / Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship.


Public Information Centre – Mississagi River Water Management Plan

June 4, 2003, Lions Hall in Iron Bridge, 4 – 8 p.m.


N. Cochrane
D. Wedgwood / THAT we proceed in Camera at 9:20 p.m. in order to address a matter pertaining to:
Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and
The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor/client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose
AND THAT Beverly Eagleson and Tom Dumont remain in attendance.
K. Weber
A. Roach / THAT we return to open session at 10:32 p.m.CARRIED.
J. Fullerton
D. Kirby / THAT we do adjourn at 10:38 p.m.CARRIED.



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