AVID 202 Syllabus

Spring 2010

Instructor: Ms. Martina McKoy

Phone Number: (843) 349-5370


I.Course Description and Instructional Goals

AVID stands for Advancement via Individual Determination; therefore, it is necessary that students understand they are the key to their success in this program. Because this program has quite specific guidelines to help students achieve, the AVID contract and essentials must be followed. AVID is not only a class but it combines rigor and support to ensure student success in a college preparatory curriculum. It includes instruction in study skills, organization skills, communication skills, reading comprehension, writing, collaboration, inquiry, test-taking strategies, and personal development.

II.Instructional Model

Writing as a Tool of Learning

Inquiry Method

Collaborative Learning Groups

Reading as a Tool of Learning

III.AVID Contract

Students and parents are required to sign the AVID contract each year. This contract outlines the program and requirements. In addition to the AVID essentials, students are required to exhibit good citizenship, refrain from excessive absences and tardies, maintain at least a “C” average in every class at all times, and avoid disciplinary referrals.


AVID Strategies

AVID College and Careers

AVID Writing Curriculum

Organizing the AVID Student Binder

Preparing for College

Numerous on-line resources


Students will be given an agenda/calendar. They must enter assignments every day for each class and also note if there is no homework. Agendas will be a component of the binder evaluation. Parent signatures may be required periodically.

VI.AVID Binder

Students are to purchase a 3-inch binder. A divider and labeled tab for each course and Advisory are required. All notes, handouts, tests, etc. are to be dated and filed in this binder. The binder will be checked regularly for organization, Cornell notes, and the other AVID essentials.The AVID Binder comprises 30% of the final grade.

VII.Cornell Notes/Learning Logs

Students must use Cornell note-taking for all classes. This strategy is an ECHS requirement. Learning logs are often used if class notes are not given and are helpful to note what was learned in class that day. These are especially important when activities and non-directed teacher-centered instruction occur.


The AVID program offers numerous advantages to the college bound student: academic coaching, materials, assistance with college information and careers, study skills, organizational skills, etc. Because of these special efforts for success, it is vital that students give 100% every day.

IX.Homework Policy

Although the primary purpose of the AVID class is to provide support for student academic success in all courses, students will occasionally have a separate homework assignment for AVID. Typically, this assignment will not be as time consuming as homework in a core academic course.

X. Grading Policy

Students are expected to meet all deadlines for classwork to avoid receiving unsatisfactory grades. Discuss with teacher any concerns within 24 hours of due dates if additional help is needed. A weighted points system will be used to determine student grades as detailed below.

Quarterly Grading System:Grading Scale

30% Binder Checks100-93 A

20% Student Led Conferences/Advisory 92-85 B

20% Assessments 84-77 C

15% Academic Coaching 76-70 D

15% Classwork/Homework 69  F

  • AVID strategies, handouts, journals, reader responses,
  • SSR, Quickwrites, vocabulary, oral presentations, etc

Note: A semester exam is given and will count 10% of the final course grade.

AVID Syllabus Acknowledgment

I have read and understand all information in this syllabus. I will do my personal best each day to model the behaviors and expectations of an AVID student.

Student Name______


Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______