Riverwood Middle School
Theatre Handbook
2015-2016 School Year
6th Grade Theatre Arts
Mrs. McMurrey
Mrs. Marku
Welcome to the RMS Theatre:
I am very excited about this year and what talented and creative students that are enrolled to be a part of this exciting journey and world of theatre. Theatre is a great outlet for your child’s creativity and imagination. Throughout this course we will spend a great deal of time learning and growing through the use of many theatrical elements. There are many traits your student will develop over the next semester/year such as organization, responsibility, observation, imagination, creativity, accountability, as well as, voice and diction, memorization, internal and external characterization, directing to name a few.
There are guidelines in place in order to help make this a successful run for you and your students. Each student has responsibilities and duties that are included in this handbook.
We encourage all students and parents to read through this handbook so they are familiar with the responsibilities of RMS Theatre. Together we can make this a rewarding experience, a building block in your child’s education and a source of pride and fond memories for many years to come.
Christine Marku
6th Grade Theatre Arts Teacher
Teacher Contact Information
Name: Christine Marku
Grade: 6th
Subject Areas:Choir & Theatre
Room Number: 903
Telephone Number: 281-641-4837
Email Address:
Mission Statement: This course offers a survey of the world of theater while focusing on the personal development of each student as an actor and a human being. Using improv games and various other exercises, students are guided through the creative process, where they are challenged to stretch their imaginations, focus their creative energies, and by working alone or in groups, bring their characters to life.
RMS Theatre Classroom Expectations
1. Be on time.
(In your seat when the bell rings, working on bell assignment)
2. Bring all necessary supplies everyday
3. Listen to the teacher for daily instructions.
4. Be respectful – no talking while peers or teacher is talking.
5. Follow the RMS expectations.
6. Do not touch anything unless you have permission.
7. Put all set pieces back where they belong.
8. No jumping off the stage.
9. No horseplay in the theatre or with any set pieces.
10. Sit in the house and wait for further directions from the director.
RMS Theatre Audience Expectations
1. Give the actors your full attention.
2. Clap when the scene is over.
3. Do not talk while there is a scene in progress. (This includes your neighbors and the actors)
4. Do not laugh unless appropriate to the scene.
5. Respect those on stage.
6. Do not get up for any reason during a performance. Whatever it is can wait till the performance is over.
(Failure to do all of the above will result in points off of your grade.
2pts.-practice and 5 pts. for test grade)
RMS Theatre Performance Expectations
1. Be prepared.
2. Bring all necessary props/costumes.
3. Do not break character.
4. If you get stuck keep going.
5. No gum chewing. (Will result in a 10 point loss to your grade)
BONUS: Everyone gets 1 redo per performance with no penalty.
RMS Theatre Consequences
1st Offense- Warning
2nd Offense- Teacher Conference
3rd Offense- Parent Phone Call
4th Offense- Office Referral
*I reserve the right to decide if the action is severe enough to skip to the office referral.
In the Classroom
Beginning of Class
- Enter the classroom quietly and in an orderly fashion.
- Sit in your assigned seat, the one given by the teacher.
- Take out the proper supplies (paper and pen for warm ups or paint and markers for a project, whatever the case may be)
- Begin warm ups, whether they be written, vocal or physical….you must be working when the bell rings.
Warm Ups
- You will need a spiral/ composition book or section in your binder/folder to keep your warm ups in.
- Check the board for written instructions or a prompt, then follow those instructions.
- Written warm ups will be checked weekly. These will be graded by volume not content. After all, how can your thoughts and opinions be wrong!? Unless otherwise specified, 10 lines equals full credit for the day, 5-9 lines is 50% and 0-4 lines is a zero.
- Physical or vocal warm ups will be participation grades. If you are not participating, your grade will reflect. Come on, they’re fun...you might as well get that 100!
- You should be respectful of those around you and stay quiet during written warm ups.
Make Up Work (absent)
- Students are responsible for requesting make up work.
- Work must be turned in a timely fashion. School rule- absent 1 day, you have 1 day to make it up. If you know an assignment is due during your absence, it is due as soon as you return.
- Please write “absent” on the top of your work so that it is not counted late.
Moving Around the Room
- Please remain in your seat when others are speaking. Others include myself (giving a lesson, or talking to the class), a speaker (giving a speech or presentation) or a group (presenting a scene or project).
- Sharpening Pencils/Retrieving Supplies: Please come to class prepared. If you need to sharpen your pencil or borrow supplies, take care of this before the bell rings. If you borrow supplies from a neighbor or the teacher, return them in good condition.
Going to the Restroom
- You have more than enough time in between classes to use the restroom and I can’t imagine wanting to miss a second of my class….however, I do understand that when you gotta go, you gotta go.
- Please do not ask during a lesson, performance, or task. Wait for a break then ask me.
- Ask permission first. Then, fill out the orange hall pass with the time and destination. Get back to class as soon as possible.
Gum and Candy
- NO GUM or candy is allowed in the amphitheater. Whether you are performing or rehearsing, it is dangerous to have such things in your mouth.
Dismissal from Class
- The teacher dismisses you, not the bell.
- You will NOT be dismissed until the room is CLEAN. This means ALL the trash is picked up and materials are all returned to their proper location.
Announcements and Visitors
- When announcements are made please get silent as soon as possible. These announcements are important, therefore teachers and/or students must be able to hear.
- Also, please be respectful when a visitor enters the room. Keep working in an orderly fashion and please do not interrupt the visitor’s conversation with myself or another student.
Getting the Class’ Attention
- When you see the quiet signal, get quiet as soon as possible. (“high 5”)
- Look around you for others that may be talking/ working and get their attention in a polite manner.
- Remain quiet and still and look at the teacher for further instructions. These instruction may include such things as directions for the assignment, school announcements, or even an emergency drill It is for your success and safety that you follow this procedure in a timely fashion.
Participation Policy
Theatre requires student participation, without this the class would not work. Each week students will be given a participation grade. This is based on how active they participate in class. The weekly grade is worth 100 points, divided into days the dailyparticipation grade is worth 20 points. Any time a student is off task, students start with a warning everyday, or does not follow the theatre expectations they will receive a 5-point deduction. For example if a student is completely on task 4 days of the week but has one day where they are off task two times, their weekly participation grade would be a 90.
60% Summative (Tests, Performances, Written, Memorization)
40%Formative (Homework, Participation, Daily Work, Classwork)
RMS Late Work Policy
Formative Late Work Policy:
1st day late – 20 pts lost
2nd day late – 40 pts lost
3rd day late – 60 pts lost
4th day late – 80 pts lost – Parent contact
5th day late –zero
*I will not ask for the assignment every day. It is your responsibility to remember to turn it in after the first day.
*Test performances are to be done on the day assigned. Students are given class time to prepare, therefore the late policy does not apply to students who are unprepared.
6th Grade Theatre Arts students will attend various performances for throughout the year. Performances are worth a summative grades. Your attendance, behavior and performance are graded. Failure to attend will result in a zero. It is vital for everyone to be present for performances. Imagine if you go onto the football field without your quarterback. The whole team would suffer. Everyone is important in the theatre. That is why attendance is so important. Performance dates will be given in advance for you to make arrangements. If your student is ill and will miss a performance, is imperative that you email me that morning so I can find a replacement. Missing due to illness will require a make-up assignment of a research paper. (Not contacting me will result in a lower make-up grade.)
Extra Credit Opportunity:
Theatre students gain knowledge not only by hands on experiences but also by being exposed to productions of all kinds. I encourage students to see as many plays as possible in order to gain skills in a variety of theatrical areas.
Therefore, students may go see a play or musical for 15 points extra credit at any time while enrolled in a theatre class. They may see up to 2 productions a 6 weeks for credit, any more than that is great but no additional points will be awarded. The production may be at the middle school, high school, community theatre or professional level. I will have information on upcoming productions as they are given to me by other directors on the call board in my room. In order to receive credit they must bring back either their ticket or a playbill (both will be returned) with one of the following:
- A ½ page summary of the production
- (Must include name of production, author, location, date, and time that you attended the production)
- 5 things the student liked and why and 5 things the student disliked and why.
The different areas that can be included in this play critic are, but not limited to:
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CostumesProps PublicityVoice/Diction
Internal/External CharacterizationBlocking/Staging
Students may turn in their play critic and proof of attendance no more than one week after they see the performance.
*If you see a performance where they do not have either a ticket stub or playbill
please contact me so we can make other arrangements.
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*Please sign and return this page ONLY with the check list and other forms. Remember this is a summative grade!
** Due Wednesday, January 13, 2016**
As a member of this organization I understand that I am required to follow the rules and expectations of the Riverwood Middle School Theatre program. I have read the Riverwood Theatre policies and will follow them appropriately.
Class Period ______
Student Name (printed) ______
Student Signature ______Date ______
Guardian Name (Printed) ______
Guardian Signature______Date______
*Students who are in a theatre class will be expected to follow all of the information listed in the handbook whether or not this page is turned in. However, failure to turn in this page will result in a zero!
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