Selection criteria for Western Dairy board members
For appointment 2011/2014 term
Nominations are called for one position on the board of Western Dairy Inc, that becomes vacant this September.
The appointment will in the first instance be for a three-year term.
Western Dairy was established in 1997 under the then Dairy Research and Development Corporation’s Regional Development Program and now operates under the auspices of Dairy Australia to identify, prioritise and facilitate dairy industry research, development and extension.
The Western Dairy region is responsible for approximately 3.5% of the national milk production, boasts the highest production herds in the country and is responsible for an annual funding budget in excess of $220,000.
Western Dairy is an incorporated body with a membership that comprises all members of the WAFarmers Dairy Section, all members of the WA Milk Manufacturers’ Association; all Dairy Australia levy payers and all other persons with a genuine interest in the WA dairy industry.
Membership is free.
To be considered for the positions of Western Dairy board member, it would be expected that applicants can demonstrate knowledge of, or experience in, one or more of the following fields:
· Dairy farming and milk production
· Dairy industry structures and organisations
· Food processing, including manufacturing of dairy products
· Business management, finance or law
· Research and extension
· Marketing and promotion
· Natural resource management
· Industry and/or community development
Candidates will be selected to ensure the Western Dairy board collectively possesses an appropriate balance of expertise in the above fields.
It is an expectation that the board of management should contain a diversity of gender, skills and age and that the majority of the directors will be farmers.
However, more specifically and in response to the application form, candidates must be able to address the following criteria:
· A special interest in working with groups to research and develop project areas that will assist drive the productivity of WA dairy farms;
· A strong understanding of the drivers behind dairy farm productivity;
· A demonstrated track record of communicating with a broad sector of the WA dairy industry, including farmers, processors, dairy scientists/extension staff and dairy service providers;
· Ability to reliably and regularly send and receive emails with attachments
Highly desirable
· Experience in business/strategic planning;
· A strong working understanding of; empathy for and interest in Western Dairy’s key project areas of environmental management on dairy farms; pasture utilisation and fertiliser management;
· Previous company director experience or experience in roles of corporate governance.
Applicants are requested to provide career and personal details, specifically addressing the above selection criteria and further noting any other areas from the above list in which they have particular skills and experience.
The Western Dairy board meets approximately five times per year, usually in Bunbury or Busselton. Most of the board’s communication and input in the interim is carried out by email and from time-to-time, by phone conference.
In addition, board members are called upon for their input and attendance at various industry meetings relating to the Western Dairy charter, which may include up to six additional days per year.
A modest sitting fee and travel expenses are paid to all self-employed board members.
From time to time, board members may be called upon to attend industry meetings in Melbourne.
Process of Appointment
Nominations have been called through a series of public advertisements. Nominations close on Friday August 19, 2011.
A four-person selection panel will interview candidates in Bunbury.
Applications should be marked confidential and sent by email to addressed as follows:
Attention: The Chair
Western Dairy Selection Panel
PO Box 341, Mundijong WA 6123
The new positions will be effective from the Western Dairy AGM on September 8, 2011.
Western Dairy Incorporated
C/- Esther Price Promotions Box 341 Mundijong WA 6123
Telephone: 08 9525 9222; Mobile 0418 931 938; Facsimile: 9525 5008;