Sample Contract
for Site Inspector
About this Tool
This document is intended to provide guidance to organizations and localities that intend to use demolition as part of their Neighborhood Stabilization Program strategy. This sample contract is intended to be adapted and used with inspectors who will perform the on-site inspections of the property prior to executing the demolition contract.
How to Adapt this Document:
This document should be used as a guide for creating a customized contract that meets the needs of the individual municipality and land bank. It addresses the major NSP functions and represents one approach for collaboration. However, it should not be used as-is. This is a sample documentation and all final agreements should meet the necessary requirements set forth by each State and jurisdiction.
Source of Document:
Substantial portions of this document came from the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority.
This document is not an official HUD document and has not been reviewed by HUD counsel. It is provided for informational purposes only. Any binding agreement should be reviewed by attorneys for the parties to the agreement and must conform to state and local laws.
This resource is part of the NSP Toolkits. Additional toolkit resources may be found atU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentPage 1
Neighborhood Stabilization Program
Project Title:
Property Inspector / Period of Coverage:
Requesting Department: / Date:
Project Manager: / Phone:
Brief Description of Services to be provided:
Currently, the XXXXXX has over XXXX parcels of property in its inventory. In order to accomplish the goals of the Land Bank, it is essential to conduct detailed inspections and neighborhood assessments of the parcels in inventory to determine the best strategy for disposing of the property. Additionally, XXXXXX will be scheduling and conducting inspections of parcels for potential buyers. Therefore, the XXXXXX would like to hire property inspectors to (1) conduct detailed inspections of XXXXXX parcels, including exterior photographs and structural assessments, and (2) provide written assessments of neighborhoods surrounding parcels for marketing information, and (3) conduct site visits to occupied XXXXXX parcels to notify occupants of XXXXXX ownership and provide office contact information, and (4) coordinate entries of XXXXXX-owned parcels with state and/or local law enforcement departments, to assess structures, conduct interior inspections, and re-secure the structure, and (5) attend and conduct inspections for potential buyers forXXXXXX parcels as needed.
The objective of the project is to obtain photographs and detailed property information on all XXXXXX properties in XXXXX as well as to act as the authorized representative of the XXXXXX by performing the actions listed under the “Scope of Work” section of this document.
The following is a preliminary analysis of the major tasks involved for developing the end product of this project. The XXXXXX is not, however, constrained from supplementing this listing with additional steps, sub tasks or elements deemed necessary to permit the successful completion of this project.
- The Vendor must develop an overall plan as a basis for executing subsequent steps as the project progresses. Essential to the process of this task is the preparation of a sound approach to achieve the purpose of this project.
- The Vendor is to visit XXXXXX properties immediately after the XXXXXX provides the Vendor with a list of properties that the XXXXXXwishes to have investigated.
- The Vendor is to complete a XXXXXX Visual Insepction Form and/or a new XXXXXX Property DetailInformation Form for each property visited, unless not requested by XXXXXX. These documents will be provided to the Vendor by the XXXXXX before Vendor begins its work.
- The Vendor may be instructed by the XXXXXX to visit a specific parcel to complete any of the following tasks. The XXXXXX is not constrained from supplementing this list with additional tasks.
- Inspect and photographa property to determine structure viability, presence of occupants,and location for sale, and/or determine whether a development has been completed in accordance with theagreement and/or deed requirements;
- Provide access to a XXXXXX structure to a third party such as a potential purchaser, a utility company, a demolition company, maintenance crews, or local government and/or law enforecement officials;
- Visit an occupied structure to notify the occupant of the interest of XXXXXX and to provide office contact information;
- Conduct scheduled inspections for groups of potential buyers;
- Obtain and provide photographs and information on neighborhoods for marketing of XXXXXX properties for sale;
- Post a “For Sale” sign, Notice to Occupant, or other XXXXXX Notice on the property.
- Additional investigation at local and/or municipal offices, as requested by XXXXXX.
- This project covers a total of 8,200 parcels, but the XXXXXX reserves the right to submit less than 8,200 parcels over the contract period, and at the XXXXXX’s discretion, it may submit the parcels in incremental groups over the contract period.
- The Vendor is to keep a record and also provide the XXXXXX a copy of the record of who conducted the investigation of the above parcels and the date each parcel was visited.
- The Vendor is to notify the XXXXXX of any “problem properties” (properties that may need immediate maintenance or attention by XXXXXX).
- The Vendor shall transmit to the Executive Director of the XXXXXX the originals of any photographs or documents generated or produced by the Vendor in connection with this contract.
- The maximum contract amount is not to exceed $24,000. The Vendor must submit a proposed bid price for each aspect of the work outlined under the “Scope of Work” section above, in accordance with the following fee schedule, as well as a proposed plan of action.
- The fees shall be based on the following schedule, for the work outlined, and shall include the submission of written inspection forms and/or reports and updating/uploading of parcel data information and/or photographs by the Vendor to the XXXXXX database:
- Coordinate entry and inspection of structure by law enforcement, including interior assessment and written inventory, and re-securing of structure upon completion. (price per hour).
- Conduct scheduled group inspection/walk-through appointments for potential buyers. (price per parcel).
- Provide access to XXXXXX-owned structures to third parties such as potential buyers, utility companies, maintenance crews, demolition companies, and/or local government or law enforcement officials. (price per parcel)
- Site visit for inspection and detailed exterior assessment of entire parcel and/or structure, including verification and determination of structure viability, size and location, and/or determination of extent of buyer’s compliance with development requirements. (price per parcel).
- Site visits to occupied parcels for completion of personal notification to occupant of XXXXXX ownership and office contact information. (price per parcel).
- Provide neighborhood information and photographs, for marketing of parcels for sale. (price per parcel).
- Site visits to post XXXXXX notices such as For Sale signs, XXXXXX-ownership signs, or other notices provided by XXXXXX, and/or to assess maintenance and/or securing needs of structure. (price per parcel).
- Additional research and/or investigation, including contact with local law enforcement and/or municipal offices, as requested by XXXXXX. (price per hour).
- The Vendor must have prior experience as a process server, a police officer or licensed security personnel. Knowledge of the City of Detroit neighborhoods and experience photographing and inspecting vacant properties is a plus.
- The Vendor is to complete steps 1 – 5 in the “Scope of Work” section of this document within 30 days of the XXXXXX submitting a list of 500 properties to the Vendor. The XXXXXX will make all attempts to submit a list of properties that are located in the same vicinity of one another.
- Progress reports, photos, and Property Inspection Forms are due on a weekly basis.
The Vendor will carry out this project under the direction and control of the XXXXXX. Within five (5) working days of the award of the Contract, the Vendor will submit a work plan to the Project Manager for final approval. This final implementation plan must be in agreement with this document and accepted by the XXXXXX for contract, and must include the following:
- The Vendor’s project organizational structure.
- The Vendor’s staffing table with names and title of personnel assigned to the project.
- A timeline for the project completion.
- Work accomplished during the reporting period.
- Work to be accomplished during the subsequent reporting period.
- Problems, real or anticipated, which should be brought to the attention of the Project Manager.
- Notification of any significant deviation from previously agreed upon work plans.
The Vendor will submit bi-weekly invoices based on the number of parcels investigated/hours worked during the invoice month. The invoice must list the contract number and purchase order number as well as the addresses of the parcels that have been visited, and the hours worked, when applicable. The XXXXXX will pay the Vendor upon receipt of properly completed invoices, photographs, and Property Inspection Forms, which shall be submitted to the XXXXXX Executive Director, or his or her designee, according to the schedule above. All invoices must be approved by the Executive Director prior to payment. The invoices shall describe and document to the Executive Director’s satisfaction the work performed and progress of the project.
AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES/ASSUMPTIONS:Agency assumes that the Vendor will perform all work in good faith and alert Project Manager to problems as soon as they arise.
Work related to the contract tasks and objectives will be performed primarily at the Vendor’s own worksite or in the field or other office during normal business hours, as necessary to satisfactorily perform the scope of work as stated herein.
Executive Director