Pathway for parental requests for an EHC needs assessment
v All queries regarding a parental request for an EHC Plan or assessment are directed to SENDIASS.
v SENDIASS contacts parent/carers to discuss the case, provide information, advice and support, and assist with letter writing/provide letter templates. The EHC process is explained. Further clarification may be sought from school/LA by SENDIASS.
v Parent/carer makes formal request to LA by letter or email. SENDIASS supports parent/carers with this. SENDIASS will continue to liaise with parent/carers throughout the whole process.
v Statutory Assessment Team Manager contacts parent/carer and offers to meet to discuss the request. Parent/carers may choose to bring SENDIASS. The meeting gives parent/carers the opportunity to verbally discuss their child with the LA. The officer will gather information from the parent/carer and clarify who is involved with the child/yp. Parent/carers are given parental advice form to complete and return to LA. The EHC Panel and process is explained. Actions from the meeting are followed up by the Statutory Assessment Team.
v Statutory Assessment Team write to everyone involved with the child and request advice and information, with a deadline of 4 weeks to return information.
v School/setting is requested to send the LA the following:
· Individual Education Plan
· Chronology of actions/concerns
· CAF or Pre – CAF checklist showing CAF is not required
· Individual Pupil Records
· Evidence of use of Element 2 funding to meet the child/yp’s special educational needs (provision map)
· Summative Education Report
· Any support service support received
· Completed school questionnaire
v The Statutory Assessment Team collates the advice and makes a referral to the next Panel. If this does not fall within the 6 week timescale, then the referral is circulated to Panel members to consider outside the Panel. Chair of Panel makes final decision as to whether to proceed with statutory assessment.
v Parent/carers notified of the decision by letter. SENDIASS will be copied into the letter.
v If the decision is not to proceed with statutory assessment, the letter will detail the reasons for this and offer further discussion with the LA about this. Information is given to parent/carers about their right to appeal this decision, along with information about accessing mediation and disagreement resolution. Contact details for SENDIASS and Independent Supporters are also included and SENDIASS will follow up.
v If the decision is to proceed with statutory assessment then the letter will contain leaflets explaining the next stages in the EHC process.