Mission Alignment Impact Source
- Number of students completing an internship.
- Percentage of intellectual contribution outcomes that align with integration application and pedagogy scholarship.
- Retention rate of new faculty and staff hires (Strategic Plan measure 1.3)
Digital Measures
Dean’s Office
- How well student’s perception of internship prepares them for professional success.
- Time to graduation(Strategic Plan measure 1.2)
TU Survey
Dean’s Office, IR
Academic Source
- Publications in highly recognized, leading peer-review journals.
- Number of significant scholarship activities that connect to the professional community (ex., editorship, associate editorship, editorial board memberships, invitation to serve as journal reviewer, appointment to leadership position in professional association, conduct external reviews (ex. P&T) at other schools)
- Citation counts
- Download counts for articles in electronic journals
- Recognitions for research (e.g., Best Paper Award, fellow status in an academic society, and other recognition by professional and/or academic societies for intellectual contribution outcomes)
- Participation in academic/professional conferences, scholarly programs, and/or international, national, or regional research forums.
- Competitive grants awarded by external agencies or third-party funding for research projects
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Digital Measures
Teaching/Instructional Impact Source
- External grants for research that influences teaching/pedagogical practices, materials, etc.
- Textbooks, teaching manuals, etc., that are widely adopted (by number of editions, number of downloads, number of views, use in teaching, sales volume, etc.
- Publications that focus on teaching.
- Instructional software (by number of programs developed, number of users, etc.)
Education ImpactSource
- Direct input from organizations that hire CBE interns regardingstudents’ preparedness for jobs.(also Strategic Plan measure 3.2)
- Student retention rate; time to graduation. (Strategic Plan measure 1.2)
- Number of participants in high-impact practices – internships, capstone courses and projects, writing intensive courses, 1st year seminars and experiences, collaborative assignments and projects. (Strategic Plan measure 2.1)
- Number of students engaged in networking events, speaker series, career fairs, career partners, (Strategic Plan measure 2.2)
Community ImpactSource
- Number of media citations
- Books and publications in practitioner journals or in new media (by number of editions, number of downloads, number of views, use in teaching, sales volume, etc.)
- Presentations and workshops for the community.
- Memberships on boards of directors of corporate and non-profit organizations.
- Number of collaborative research and outreach activities (Strategic Plan measure 2.2)
- Number of service-learning and civic engagement activities (Strategic Plan measure 3.1)
- Membership
- Accreditation
- Events
- Knowledge
- Publications
- Advertise, Exhibit, Sponsor