Gas Transportation
2007 Customer Switch and Termination Schedules
Below are the 2007 schedules for submitting switches and terminations for firm service and interruptible service customers.
For all new firmtransportation servicecustomers,a Gas Operator Switch Form must be received by the 20th of the month prior to the effective date.
For enrollment of a firm service customer who is currently transporting with another supplier with less than 45 days notice, please submit 1) a Gas Operator Switch Form by the 20th of the month prior to the effective date and 2) a release from the current supplier.
Gas transportation
2007 Transportation Loss Factor
Effective January 1, 2007, the five-year average of gas unaccounted for = 1.380%. The transportation loss factor = .98620, which is calculated by taking one minus the percentage of gas unaccounted for (1 - .01380 = .98620). For billing purposes, the transportation loss percentage changes on a calendar year basis.
Gas transportation
Peaking Service - Reminder
Peaking Service is a new ancillary service that is available during the winter period, November 2006 through March 2007. Please note that the nomination process and deadlines for Peaking Service differ from what is in place for gas supplies that you arrange for delivery into our City Gates. Therefore, it is important to review how Peaking Service nominations are submitted on-line and in what timeframes that they need to be submitted to Yankee Gas.
Submitting Peaking Service Nominations
Please submit nominations for Peaking Service at the Ancillary Services Nomination site, which is located at the following link,
For step-by-step instructions on entering a nomination for this service, please refer to the attached file that accompanies this newsletter. Any questions, please contact Marie Heath at or 860.665.6228.
Nomination Deadlines
Here are the specific timeframes for submitting nominations for Peaking Service.
- Subsequent nominations (next day) are due by 8:30 a.m. EDT on the prior business day.
- For holidays and weekends, nominations are due by 8:30 a.m. EDT on the prior business day.
- Nominations for a multiple day period, weekends or holidays, must be the same volume for each day during this period.
- No intraday (same day) nominations are accepted.
Helpful Guidelines
- Daily nominations cannot exceed the designated Maximum Daily Peaking Quantity (MDPQ).
- On an individual pool basis (for firm service Pool 1 and Pool 2), a portion or all of the MDPQ nominated volume will count as a full day out of the 20 days that is available during the winter season.
- In the event that the Web site is down, please follow the alternative nomination procedure by faxing the completed nomination form to Gas Nominations at 860.665.6296.
Operator Report – Layout Changes
- The Peaking Service Reservation volume (in CCF units) appears in the header of the Operator Report by pool. This volume is representative of the reservation volume that will be billed monthly from November 2006 through March 2007.
- Both the daily Peaking Service Nomination volumes, which are submitted in MMBTU units, and the daily Peaking Service Delivery volumes (converted to CCF and adjusted for Transportation Losses) will appear on page one of the Operator Report.
- For purposes of daily balancing and daily cash out, daily Peaking Service Delivery volumes are added to the daily total delivered volumes.
Gas nominations
2007 Nomination and Holiday Schedule
Here is a look at next year’s First of Month Nomination Deadlines for firm and interruptible service customers. Information on Yankee Gas’ observed holidays are also provided. The schedule is also available at our Web site from the following link,
For the first day of: /Firm &
Due by 12:30 pm EDT on: / Observed holidaysNominations &Contracts
January 2007 / Fri. Dec. 29 / Mon. Jan. 1February / Wed. Jan. 31 / Mon. Feb. 19
March / Wed. Feb. 28 / None In March
April / Fri. Mar. 30 / Fri. Apr. 6
May / Mon. Apr. 30 / Mon. May 28
June / Thur. May 31 / None in June
July / Fri. Jun. 29 / Wed. Jul. 4
August / Tues. Jul. 31 / None in August
September / Fri. Aug. 31 / Mon. Sep. 3
October / Fri. Sep. 28 / Mon. Oct. 8
November / Wed. Oct. 31 / Mon. Nov. 12
Thur. Nov. 22
Fri. Nov. 23
December / Fri. Nov. 30 / Mon. Dec. 24
Tues. Dec. 25
January 2008 / Mon. Dec. 31 / Tues. Jan. 1, 2008
Gas nominations
Notification for Intra-Day Nomination
In order to ensure that your intra-day nomination is accepted and confirmed by Yankee Gas, in addition to placing your nomination on-line, please remember to contact Gas Nominations during business hours and Gas Control Center Operations after business hours.
During business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., EDT)
Lori Hinks 860.665.5937
Ginny Pia 860.665.5926
After business hours
Holiday closing
Yankee Gas will be closed on Friday, December 22, and Monday,
December 25, 2006. Have a safe and happy holiday.