National Honor Society
Anthony Nuzzo
Erika Brentar
Vice President
Jennifer Pensky
Natalie Sample
Kira Haag
Public Relations
Dr. Michelle Haag
Adviser / Congratulations from National Honor Society on your academic achievement at Mentor High School. Because of your consistently high performance in your classes, you have already met the first selection criterion for admission into NHS—maintaining 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher.
Honor Society is a long-standing nationwide group dedicated to the ideals of service, leadership, and character well as scholarship. We are inviting you to apply for membership in this prestigious organization.
We are looking for members who will serve to foster our mission at Mentor High School. Our society has a long, distinguished tradition of contributing our time and efforts toward “giving back” to MHS and to the area. National Honor Society offers the honor of high achievement and contribution to the community, and the privilege of becoming part of a society, both local and national. Our mission reflects the national commitment to education and service.
If selected for NHS, you will become part of this proud society and must uphold its expectations and beliefs. If you would like to contribute positively to NHS, please complete the application packet available on-line at (click on “Activities” then find the “Application” sidebar on the National Honor Society homepage). There you will find allnecessary forms to complete and return as well as more information on what it means to be an NHS member. Juniors applying for the second time must sumit all new materials.
You should attend a brief introductory meeting from 2:30-3:00 Tuesday the 19th of April in C-Lecture. You’ll meet the officers and be able to ask questions. If you can’t make it, see Dr. Haag in B-200. Failure to complete forms correctly automatically eliminates your application.
By the deadline of Thursday the 12th of May, have all these forms completed and returnedto Dr. Haag in room B-200 or to Dr. Haag’s mailbox in the main office:
______General Information (you and parents complete)
______Extracurricular Participation (you complete with signatures)
______Volunteer Service(you complete with signatures)
______Reference Endorsement (you will need 4 of these for 2 teachers 2 advisors)
Again, our congratulations on your academic achievement and hopes that you can be a contributing member of MentorHigh School’s National Honor Society.
“To be the cornerstone of Mentor High School's non-profit endeavor to serve the local community as well as partake in local and national charities in order to promote the pillars of character, scholarship, leadership, and service”
--NHS Mission Statement
6477 CENTER STREETMENTOR, OH44060 • (440) 974-5300 •