“Renewingthe Mind and Keeping it Fit”

Dale Fletcher, M.S.

Faith and Health Connection

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” James Allen, As a Man Thinketh. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 KJV

One key to sustaining effectiveness during the “long war” is the continual renewing of the mind

Romans 12:1-2 Eph 4:22-24

Mind = Nous in Greek 1.the faculties of perceiving & understanding2.a mode of thinking, thoughts,desires

Renewing = Anakainōsis in Greek 1. a renewal, renovation, complete change for the better

Developing and refining any skill, especially a sports skill, requires three things/ingredients:

  • Proper and Effective Instruction
  • Regular Practice
  • Ongoing Encouragement


  1. Make a choice, deep in your will, to do so and remain committed.
  2. Be willing –1 Chronicles 28:9
  3. How Do We Exercise the Will? How do we maintain a ‘renewing of the mind’ attitude that is so essential to put off the old selfnot to conform to the ‘patterns of this world’?
  4. Daily surrender our flesh nature
  5. Pray to the Holy Spirit to give us this attitude.
  6. Tell the Holy Spiritthat we’re dependant upon Him
  7. Trust/Believe that He will give us this willing attitude
  8. Remove any obstacles.
  9. Heart Issues. If the mind is struggling, there’s likely an issue of the heart. Eph 4:17-18
  10. WoundedHeart - Combat Trauma

Threemindsets may facilitate healing (The Combat Trauma

Healing Manual, Military Ministry Press)

  • Courage
  • Pray- “Lord, give me courage.” Joshua 1:9
  • Intentionality
  • The heart does not heal on its own
  • “You will miss 100% of the shots you never take.” Wayne Gretsky
  • Optimism/Hope
  • Focus on your improvements, your accomplishments
  • Remember Romans 8:28

ii. Prideful or Rebellious Heart

  • Do we leave God out of the equation?
  • Do we fall back to our ‘old nature’ and try to do things in our own strength?
  • Deal with any known toxic thinking, lies and strongholds
  • We need to ask “Are there any lies that Satan is speaking to me?”
  • Remember your true identity in Christ
  • “Am I harboring any resentment or bitterness towards anyone?”
  • Forgive – another Spiritual Exercise
  • “Am I carrying any unwarranted guilt that I haven’t given over to God?”
  • Must be able to forgive yourself
  • Busyness of the mind. Prevents us from being quiet with God. Ps. 46:10
  • Discouragement.
  • Cynicism and pessimism often surrounds us at work and can take a toll.
  • Our personal affairs and relationships can become a challenge.
  • Don’t allow Satan to become a wedge.
  • The battle is not yours, but God's.2 Chronicles 20:15
  1. Monitor your thoughts and thinking patterns.
  2. Invite God to help us do this as we ‘examine’ our minds Psalm 26:2
  3. Do they meet God’s standards? Phil 4:8
  4. One key to changing any behavior is awareness. Catch it at the earliest possible stage.
  5. Minimize the unhealthy information that your mind is exposed to.
  6. What are we watching on TV?What books and magazines are we reading?What music are we listening to?What are we reading and viewing on the Internet?What conversations are we a part of?
  7. Read and study scripture -Romans 7:25 Our mind should be a slave to God’s law/Word, otherwise we will be a slave to our sinful nature and the world.
  8. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.Heb. 4:12
  9. “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds.” Deut 11:18
  10. Ask Jesus to open your mind as you read scripture so you will understand it. Luke 24:25
  11. Readand study for personal application. Eph 4:21-24
  12. Protect your personal devotional and Bible study time.
  13. Meditate on God’s truth.
  14. Speak personal affirmations, based on scripture and its truths and promises.
  15. Ex. Luke 12:31He will give me all I need because I make the Kingdom of God my primary concern.
  1. Choose what new thoughts and information youstore as memories.
  2. Are they biblical/true/good and lead to life? Deut 30:19
  3. Set your mind on things above not on earthly things.Col 3:2
  4. Set your mind on what the Holy Spirit desires.Rom 8:5
  5. Are they earthly/lies/negative/harmful/toxic that lead to death? Phil 3:19
  6. These toxic thoughts, if stored, will become strongholds
  7. Continue to glorify God and give Him thanks.Rom. 1:21
  8. Be of one mind 2 Cor 13:11
  9. Be in agreement, have one attitude, be in unity and of one accord.
  10. Don’t allow differences in doctrine to separate you. Don’t allow the Devil to divide you.
  11. With your spouses and family. These are your most important spiritual relationships


1.Facilitateshealth and healing.

2.Enables you to pray more effectively. 1 Peter 4:7

3.Enablesyou to better understand God’s will.

4. Detersyou from sin. Romans 1:21, 28

5.Helps you understand scripture. Luke 24:45

6.Helps you experience an abundant life. Isaiah 26:3 & Romans 8:6

7.Prepares you for action. 1 Peter 1:13

Instruct and encourage your subordinates. Model after Peter. 2 Pet 3:1 and 2 Pet 1:12-15

Recommended Books:

The Renewing of the Mind, Watchman Nee, Living Stream Ministry

Habits of the Mind, Ten Exercises to Renew Your Thinking, Archibald D. Hart

You are What You Think, David Stoop, PhD.

Renewing the Mind, The Foundation of Your Success, Casey Treat

Change Your Beliefs... Change Your Life, Paul W. Carlin

With All My Mind, God’s Design for Mental Wellness, James P. Porowski

Battlefield of the Mind Devotional, Joyce Meyer

The Combat Trauma Healing Manual, Chris Adsit,

A copy of this handout is available the Pastor’s tab of the web site. See the Army Chaplains section.