Note:The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from existing or prospective partners that wish to participate in a UNHCR operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives as agreed in a Project Partnership Agreement.

UNHCR Offices are required to provide a brief description and background of the Project and selection criteria for the Project. A sample template for a Call for Expression of interest is below.

Project title and Identification: / Project Location:
Legal Assistance to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Kazakhstan / Almaty and other regions of Kazakhstan
Brief Background of the Project:
UNHCR established its presence in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995. Operations in Kazakhstan are aimed at strengthening and preserving the asylum space, ensuring international protection of refugees, facilitating durable solutions for refugees such as voluntary repatriation to the country of origin, local integration in the country of asylum, and resettlement to a third country. UNHCR supports self-reliance programs for refugees, such as self-employment, vocational trainings, ensuring access for refugees to basic social services. UNHCR also provides financial assistance to the most vulnerable families.
Kazakhstan acceded to the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol in 1999 and adopted the Law on Refugees in 2009. The obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning refugees are derived not only from the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol, but also from other international legal instruments. For example, the Convention on the Rights of the Children, 1984 Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and the 1966 International Covenants.
Despite ratification of relevant international documents related to refugee protection and given that Kazakhstan has developed its own national refugee legislation, the institution of asylum in Kazakhstan is still a fragile concept and often does not meet international refugee protection standards.
The Refugee Law developed with UNHCR support was adopted on 4 December 2009 and came into force on 1 January 2010. On a number of major issues concerning the legal stay as well as the rights of the refugees and asylum-seekers, the Refugee Law refers to other legislative acts. Therefore, the actual implementation of the Refugee Law is dependent on the amendments to the relevant national legislation and to the relevant by-laws already in force.
Although the main responsibility to protect asylum-seekers and refugees in Kazakhstan remains with the Government, UNHCR may, in exercise of its international protection mandate, provide international protection to persons rejected in the national refugee status determination procedure if it comes to the conclusion that a rejected person deserves international protection.
Since November 2010 the responsibilities for asylum issues lie with the Migration Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under the current State’s RSD procedures, applicants lack legal advice or representation, the necessary legal information, and counseling. Therefore, legal assistance and representation will provided by UNHCR’s Implementing Partners through this UNHCR sub-project.
The new Refugee Law has reinforced the right to appeal. However, during appeal, the decisions of the first instance are usually confirmed even for unduly rejected cases. In 2015, UNHCR plans to continue the practice of judicial review of the appeals under State RSD procedure through newly selected legal implementing partner which will be tasked to represent the POCs in the courts, provide legal counseling to asylum-seekers and refugees, and intervene with the Government agencies on behalf of POCs when necessary.
Goal/Objective, Expected Outcome and Main Activities:
- Legal assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers in Kazakhstan, and should include, but not be limited to, legal counseling, and representation in the courts and various Governmental bodies.
- Monitoring of the problems of refugees, the timely provision of legal assistance to refugees in the field, development of instructional materials for public authorities and also for the refugees themselves will be a priority.
- Capacity building activities with various governmental bodies and courts at various level with the aim of providing explanations/dissemination of information on the current asylum procedures in Kazakhstan.
Intended Population of Concern:
Refugees and asylum-seekers in Kazakhstan (about 700 persons of concern in total)
Project Period [estimated start and end dates of project]:
1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015 and 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016 subject to successful implementation of the project during the first year
Submission Deadline: / Date Decision Results to be Communicated to Applicants:
17 November 2014 / 25 November 2014
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria / Assigned Weighting
Sector expertise and experience: the potential partner needsto have proven experience working on similar projects as well as experience working with the Government and community-based organizations to provide legal assistance to refugees and asylum seekers. Team members needto have legal background and experience of submitting and representing cases in courts. / 40
Project management: ability to deliver project objectives, accountability mechanisms and sound financial management (accounting system; qualified accountant), taking into account the audit results of the previous UNHCR-funded projects, past performance and the external audit of partners’ financial statements, where applicable. / 25
Local experience and presence: official registration in the Republic of Kazakhstan; ongoing implementation of programmes in the area of legal assistance; knowledge of the local legislation, practices, market dynamics and economic and political situation; experience in engaging refugees and other persons of concern in programming consultations, design, implementation and monitoring; partner policy on community relations; experience in establishing and implementing complaint mechanisms for persons of concern; and other factors that would facilitate access to and better understanding of the persons of concern and that would reduce administrative difficulties. / 15
Contribution of resources:evidenced and documented contribution of resources to the Project in cash or in-kind (e.g. human resources, supplies and/or equipment) by the partner that are presently available (or potentially mobilized by the partner) in order to supplement UNHCR resources. / 10
Experience working with UNHCR: global and/or local partnerships including knowledge of UNHCR policies, practices and programmes, including an understanding of and ability to work within UNHCR’s funding limitations and associated inherent risks. Partners that have three consecutive qualified audit opinions for UNHCR-funded projects may not be considered. / 10
Total: / 100
Other information:please contact Olga Khan, UNHCR Programme Associate for more details and/or clarifications. Email: or tel. 8 727 2581779 or 8 727 2588052, ext. 2303.
Issuing UNHCR Office / UNHCR Kazakhstan
Contact Address / 67, Tole bi Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Signature, Head of Office
Full name and title, Head of Office / Eduardo Yrezabal G de la Torre, Deputy Representative
Name of UNHCR Office / UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date / 31 October 2014