- Personal Data:
Surname:Ibrahim Abdel Megid
First Name:Amro Abdallah
Bate of Birth: July 12, 1972
Place of Birth:Assiut, Egypt
Marital Status:Married+1
Address: Faculty of Scince, New Valley Branch, Assiut University,
Assiut, Egypt
Mobile Phone: (+2) 010-1200-320
Passport No.
- Education:
- PhD in Solid Physics, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, 2006
- M.Sc. in Solid Physics,Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, 2000
- B.Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, 1994
- Area of Specialization:
- General Specialization:
- SolidState
- Current Research Interest
- Alloys
- Electron Microscopy
- Crystallization
- Polymers
- Professional Experience:
- August 2008 –until now Lecturer of Solid Physics, the Science and Math Department, Faculty of Education, New Valley Branch, Assiut University
- February 2008 – January 2008 Researcher in the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab of the Department of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Michigan state University
- July 2006 – January 2008 Lecturer of Solid Physics, the Science and Math Department, Faculty of Education, New Valley Branch, Assiut University
- March 2000 – July 2006 Assistant Lecturer at the Science and Math Department, Faculty of Education, New Valley Branch, Assiut University
- October 1995 – March 2000 Demonstrator at the Science and Math Department, Faculty of Education, New Valley Branch, Assiut University
- Teaching Experience:
5 years of undergraduate courses teaching
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Materials Science
- Semiconductors
- Electron Optics
- Thermodynamics
- Radiation & atomic
- Heat
- Alternative current
- Laser
- Academic Writing:
- A Ph.D. Thesis entitled: “Effect of Tin Addition on the Precipitation and Phase Transitions in Supersaturated Al-Cu Alloys" in 2006.
- An M.Sc. Thesis entitled: “Effect of SiliconAddition on the Precipitation and Phase Transitions in Supersaturated Al-25 at. % Zn and Al-32 at. % Zn” in 2000.
- List of Publications:
- M.S. Rasheedy, A.S. Soltan, A.A.I. Abd-Elmageed. “Various Heating Rates (VHR) as a Method for Crystallization Kinetics Determination and its Application to Se75.5Te20Sb4.5 Chalcogenide Glass.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (2009), 581-586.
- M.S. Rasheedy and A.I. Abd-Elmageed. “The Validity of the Two Heating Rated Method to Obtain the Trapping Parameters from General-Order Thermo luminescence Glow Peaks.”Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 68, Issue 2, Februaury 2007, pp. 243-248.
- A. Gaber, N. Afify. M.S. Mostafa, A.A. Abdl-mageed. “Effect of Silicon Addition on the Precipitation Hardening of Al-25 at.% Zn and Al-32 at.% Zn.” Submitted to AluminumTransactions (2001).
- Publications under Progress:
- "Optical and Thermal Studies of CuGe Te glasses" By: M. Abdel Raheem, A. Abdelmageed, A. El-Korashy. To be Published
- "Optical Parameter Investigation of Conductive Polymers" By: K. Aly, A. Abdel Mageed, A. El-Korashy, M. Hussein. To be Published
- Training Courses:
- Dutch: February - April 2004
- University teacher preparation: October 13-24, 2001
- 2006 Effective Teaching Workshop
Teaching Using Technology Workshop
Legal Aspects in Universities Workshop
- 2007 Modern Tendencies in Teaching Workshop
- February 2008 Passing the Michigan State University ORCBS training in the following:
Chemical HygieneLaboratory Safety;
Analytical X-Ray;
Radiation Sealed Source (Initial);
Security Awareness;
Hand Tools
- Scientific Activities:
- Updating the physics laboratories for students
- Participating in the offers of purchasing the physics devicesand instruments.
- Participating in the committees of the inventory and inspection of the department.
- Participating in the CIQAP Projectin faculty of Education.
- Participating in the department seminars.
- Participating in seminars held at the Material Science and Chemical Engineering department, Michigan State University, the United States
- Attending two conferences under the auspices of Aluminum Factory, MichiganState in the United States
- Participating with Prof. Dr. Martin Crimp at MichiagnStateUniversity in a reviewing: “TEM Nanostructural Study of Al-6Si-3Cu-xMg Melt-Spun Ribbons” for Materials Science
- Attending a workshop entitled: “The Electronic Microscopy and its uses” at the Faculty of Engineering, Michigan State University
- Attending a conference ( entitled: “The uses of Aluminum in manufacturing the bodies of cars”) at the Faculty of Engineering, MichiganStateUniversity in cooperation with Chevrolet Company
- Attending a conference ( entitled: “Titanium and its uses in industry”) at the Faculty of Engineering, Michigan State University in cooperation with the Faculty of Science, Michigan State University
- Language Skills:
- Arabic (Mother Tongue(
- English (Very Good(
- German (Fair(
- Computer Skills:
- Typing and Word Processing
- Using the Internet
- Managing Files/Windows
- Ms- Office
- Personal Skills:Highly motivated; able to plan and carry out research; has the ability to express thoughts in writing;effective with people; self-reliant and independent; studious and hard-working; punctual and willing tolearn
- Workshops:
University teacher preparation / 1
Effective Communication skills / 2
Effective Presentation skills / 3
EffectiveTeaching / 4
Code of Ethics / 5
Use of Technology in Teaching / 6
Preparation and writing of scientific research / 7
Thinking Skills / 8
Recent trend in Teaching / 9
Training for the large and mini-teaching / 10
Credit Hours System / 11
Research Team Management / 12
How to Compete for a research Fund / 13
Strategic Planning / 14
E-Learning / 15
How to design an electronic course / 16
- References:
1-Prof. Dr. Abdalla Ibrahim Abdel Megid
Physics Dept, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
2-Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Gaber
Physics Dept, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
(Currently a Guest Professor in Japan)
3-Dr. Carl Boehlert
Department of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Michigan state University, USA