Quick Quiz 2
On your answer sheet, write in the correct letter for each question.
3 Which of these people will need to eat the 8Aa most food in a day?
1 A food substance found in many foods is:
A a 3-year-old child
B a 35-year-old man, who works outside cutting down trees
A carbon dioxide. B chalk.
C energy. D carbohydrate.
C an 85-year-old woman
D a 25-year-old woman, who works in an office using a word processor
2 What is used to test a food for starch?
A potatoes
B iodine solution
C Fehling’s solution
D Benedict’s solution
4 Which of these is not a problem that can be caused by having too much sugar in the diet?
A obesity
B heart disease
C anorexia
3 Water is important to the body because:
A it can dissolve things.
B it can be a solid, a liquid or a gas.
C it is a source of energy.
D tooth decay
D it is a source of fibre.
4 Fibre in your diet helps to stop:
A scurvy.
1 Which organ is labelled X in the drawing?
B you lying.
C constipation.
D digestion.
A small intestine
B mouth
C liver
D stomach
1 You have a balanced diet when:
A the mass of all the food you eat in a day adds up to 100kg.
B you eat a wide range of different foods to give your body all the things it needs.
C the mass of all the food you eat one day is equal to the mass you eat the next day.
D you only eat fish on Fridays.
2 In the diagram above what does the organ labelled X do?
A It mixes up food with acid and breaks down proteins.
B It adds vitamins to the food.
C It takes the water out of the food.
D It stores waste food until it can be got rid of.
2 Meats are a good source of which food substance, needed for growth and repair?
A vitamins B oxygen
C protein D fibre
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Exploring Science edition © Pearson Education Limited 2008 Quick Quiz 2 (continued)
3 In digestion:
A soluble food substances are made into insoluble ones.
1 Which label shows the place where digested food is taken into the blood?
B food is stored inside the body until it is needed.
C insoluble food substances are broken up into soluble ones.
D waste food is removed from the body.
4 The main chemicals used to digest foods are:
A enzymes. B digestifs.
C bacteria. D vitamins.
1 Which of these is an example of a digestive
2 Digested food is carried around the whole juice? body in:
A urine B water
C saliva D blood
A the digestive system.
B blood vessels.
C cells.
2 The drawing shows a model gut. Which part
D air. represents the inside of the small intestine?
3 The liquid that cells obtain their food directly from is called:
A blood.
B water.
C cell sap.
D tissue fluid.
4 What is the digested food used for inside our bodies?
A to provide energy only
B to provide substances to make sure that the blood does not become too runny
C to provide energy and chemicals to make new substances
3 Starch can be completely digested into a sugar called:
A mucose. B carbohydrate.
C glucose. D table sugar.
D to help us go to the toilet more easily
4 The enzymes in humans work best at body temperature. Which temperature is this?
A 0°C B 37°C
C 100°C D 98°C
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Exploring Science edition © Pearson Education Limited 2008